
You belong to me, Wilder Reagan.

Author's POV;

Perhaps it was the tone in which she had said it, or the fire in her eyes when she said it. Wilder couldn't tell what it was that had suddenly set his insides ablaze, but he knew that the only person capable of quenching the fire inside of him was the petite gorgeous woman, standing before him.

Without a word, his hands encircled her waist.. And he drew her even closer, her naked breast slapping against his chest.

In silence, with only the rhythm of their beating heart evading the room, he carried her up in his arms and, without breaking eye contact, walked over to the bed, and laid her on the bed.

Kneeling down on the bed, he stared down at her naked body. His eyes roamed around her body hungrily, his lips begging for a taste of her.

He lowered his lips down to her pointed perky nipples, and once his cold spittle touched her nipple, Blue shivered. He twirled his tongue around her nipple, making it to shoot out even more and causing Blue to tremble even more.

His finger trailed down her naked stomach with nervousness... unsure of what to do next. Just as it was her first time, it was also his first time being this intimate with anyone.

Blue bit down on her lower lips in anticipation, as Wilder's finger trailed down the path to the opening of her vagina. Her stomach churned in nervous anticipation, wondering what it would feel like to have his finger buried deep inside her womanhood.

He stared at her face, watching her with interest as he dipped his middle finger into her already wet vagina. It was warm.

The insides of her cunt made not only his middle finger warm but also his chest.

He thrusted his finger deep into her cunt, as he adventured through the soft walls of her pussy, loving the way her vagina clamped around his middle finger.

"Ahhhh." Blue let out a moan, as Wilder added another finger in her cunt without warning.

"Tight, hot, and wet. I love it and I want to taste it." He whispered to her, taking his fingers out of her pussy, then he dipped it in his mouth and sucked on it sensually.

The fire in Blue's stomach went ablaze, as she watched him suck on his finger hungrily, she knew right then, that she would do anything to have him do that to her cunt.

Luckily for her, she didn't have to do a thing. Wilder raised her up from the bed, his hands holding onto her waist as he placed her legs on both his shoulders, supporting her back with his left hand so she wouldn't fall.

Her shaved vagina was right in front of his nose, and so he buried his nose in-between her thighs, taking a whiff of her vagina's scent. Her scent was like a drug to him, one that would be hard to get out of his system.

Like a crazed person, he sniffed her even more... her intoxicating scent enchanted him even further. He stuck out his tongue, and tapped on the entrance of her cunt and Blue shuddered.

Wilder licked her ferociously, his tongue lapping wildly and thrusting deeper into her. His teeth grazed at the outer walls of her pussy, as the taste of her drove him madder.

Blue arched her back, as the pleasure took over her. This was a madness she welcomed, and accepted. And as her finger dug into his hair, so did her scream increase. Her body trembled from the pleasure, her mind was unable to think...

Wilder struggled to keep her in place, his hands held onto her strongly, his tongue twirling and twisting inside of her as he did whatever came to mind.

Blue felt it, a deeper sensation rising from the insides of her, till it took over her entire being... the next few seconds wasn't something she could describe with words. It was wild, it had her shaking and bucking like some crazed woman, exploding the little world that she had with sexual awakening, a pleasurable world she never knew existed.

Wilder lapped up every bit of her pussy juice flowing out of her in waves, his mouth sucking every drop of it... refusing to let it go to waste.

Then— she laid still on his shoulder, her orgasms coming to an end and an aftermath of incredibility dwelled on her. Her chest heaving in a soft rhythm, her eyes shut tightly.

Wilder placed her down on the bed gently, then hovered around her... enjoying the look of amazement on her face. But he wasn't ready to call it a night yet, so he took off his wedding attire, and was now hovering above her, naked.

Blue felt herself being slowly dragged into slumber, and just as she was about to be pushed into the world of sweet dreams and nightmares, she felt it... an intruder poking at the entrance of her pussy.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her eyes flung open, and was met with the dark hole in Wilder's chest.

She had no time to be mesmerized by the hole in his chest, as she felt the little monster poke at her vagina once more.

"Don't tell me you were planning to leave your king unsatisfied, Blue." He smirked down at her, rubbing his dick at the entrance of her cunt, earning a reaction from Blue.

"Of... of... course not." Blue managed to say, as she felt a tingling sensation down at her pussy.

He lowered his lips on hers, his tongue delving into her mouth, as he pushed an inch of his dick into her cunt.

"Ah." She moaned in his mouth, wondering what it would feel like to have every inch of his dick buried deep inside of her, but soon she regretted her thoughts... as he added another inch of his dick into her pussy, stretching its walls.

"Ahhh." She let out, but this time her moan wasn't just from the pleasure. She felt pain too.

Wilder felt the need to hasten the process of entering her completely, his dick was throbbing from the pain of not being buried inside of her, yet. And so he did what was required, while ferociously exchanging spittle, his fingers played with her nipples, and he plunged his dick into her cunt, every inch of it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Blue shrieked, as the immense pain of her thorn pussy washed over her.

Her screams didn't stop him, instead he moved in and out of her slowly. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as he fucked her slowly... groaning lightly in her ear.

The pleasurable pain she received plundered deep into her consciousness, she wished he would stop... stop thrusting deeper into her, but she also wished for him not to stop.

Going with the latter, she wrapped her arms around his sweaty back securely, and whispered to him, "please... more... I need... ahh ahh.. I need more... ahh Wilder... yes... ahh." She implored him, hugging him even tighter.

As their sweaty smell and moans mixed together... and filled the air, so did their orgasm got closer.

To Blue, it wasn't like the first one she had. This was different.

Her breath quickened, her eyesight was blurry and the muscles in her body went rigid. Her back arched as she gasped for breath, her eyes rolled back... the cosmic feeling of pleasure rose from within her and then pushed her into an outer-world of glee and fulfillment.

She laid on the bed immobile, in a trance-like state, and not even Wilder Reagan's one last thrust of his manhood into her heavily dripping cunt, as he spluttered every bit of his semen into her, could end her trance-like state.

"That was..." Wilder muttered, as he laid beside her on the bed. "Out of this world." Blue finished off, still staring at the ceiling.

She turned to face him, but was met with closed eyes. She smiled, as she watched him sleep peacefully, his handsomeness radiating. She reached out her palm, and caressed his cheeks softly, "You belong to me, Wilder Regan."

With a happy sigh, she laid her head on his chest and slept off. Wilder opened his eyes, and stared at her. With a half smile on his lips, he whispered, "Yes, I do."

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