
Chapter 134

Amelia pov

“I know you will never be able to believe me, but I am telling you the truth. I searched everywhere for you. I couldn't find you, and no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't find you. When I asked your mother what your name was, she only told me that you were called Leah, but I searched everywhere, and I could not find any child born the same day as you with the name Leah.”My father said, and I could almost cry as I realized why he never found me.

It was because my mum had always hidden me with my inner wolf name. She called me my inner Wolf, not the name I was known as; why would she do something like that? What was she trying to hide? I decided it was time for me to ask my father. I needed to know what exactly her reason was.

I'm still holding the emotions I felt, but I did not want him to know. I felt bad that he could never find me and that it was all the fault of my inner will for giving everyone a new name when I was initially named Leah. I could not understand why my inner war fought me so much and why she always made me do indirectly what was right for me. She couldn't even tell my inner of the right thing, and now I am all these.

Around the room, my father stood there nervously while Melody was in a corner watching. I knew she was going through so much to find out that I was her half-sister. I went back to my father's presence, and I was ready to ask him the question.

I began by asking him why exactly my mother and him separated because, from what he had just said, it meant they could communicate.

It wasn't like she died even before he knew her I existed. How else was he not able to find me? If she was right there, why couldn't he join us with her and find me, and most especially, why would my mum try to hide me so badly that even he couldn't find out about my whereabouts? But all he did was shake his head negatively, as it felt like he didn't want to remember all those memories he had tried to flush away, but I wasn't going to let him. I had been avoided all my life by my inner wolf, and I would not let that happen now.

I pleaded with it to please tell me the whole truth, and after saying that, he turned to his wife and Melody as a sign for them to leave immediately, which they did.

As Melody and the strange woman exited, he motioned for me to sit down. With a heavy sigh, he began to recount the story from the beginning. Apparently, my mother Asina had been caught up in a battle between two rival parks due to her unique ability to see into the future, bestowed upon her by the moon goddess. Knowing how rare this gift was, he had rescued her despite not knowing about her powers, simply because she needed help.

Although they had used up all of her powers and she had become very weak, many still fought over who would take her with them. He had taken her into hiding and although he tried to return her to her former life, she refused and insisted on staying. Thus, he changed her identity from Kara to Ashina and kept her hidden away.

He initially felt overwhelmed with emotions, but he managed to regain control and proceeded with his actions. He then shared with me how she started living a new life under the name Ashina in the Palace. At first, she was willing to work as a maid just to support herself, and many people came to the palace looking for someone with her name, but my father always denied knowing anyone with that name.

My father's best friend, who turned out to be Alpha Damien was engaged to his first mate from Redmoon Park. He came to celebrate his mate bond with his friend who happened to be my from my father’s pack .

During the celebration, my mother served them drinks, and that was when Alpha Damian met her for the first time.

He instantly changed his attitude towards my father, which baffled him. Alpha Damian refused to leave Redmond Park and wanted to stay longer, which gave my father the opportunity to become closer to him. However, little did my father know that our father, Man, had his own plan and was keeping it secret from him.

But my father also had things he kept to himself. As he said while continuing the story, he talked about how much he cared for Ashina and took care of her, and from there, he slowly began to care for her even more as his feelings also began to develop, but he never told her because he was scared that one of those days, he was also going to find his mates and wouldn't have a chance with Ashina, which would ruin a lot of things for him, so he decided to keep everything bottled up.

But just as Alpha Damian was always to make moves, he had already made advance of his love to my mother, who found her father's man interesting, for he was a compelling and fierce person who she thought would protect her against those parks who were finding her for her powers.

But things turned out for the worst when Alpha Damian secretly told my father, who he saw as his best friend, that he did not love his mate but instead loved Ashina, which was what my father never wanted.

Still, my father had to pretend and want her not to love Ashina because Ashina was not who he saw her to be.

While he tried to push Alpha Damian away, it seemed like Alpha Damian even loved my mother well, which made him think about what to do. he decided he could not stop his friend anymore and let him get into a secret relationship with Ashina, and just when things were getting interesting.

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