
Chapter 139

Amelia pov

I couldn’t understand why I was seeing my father in a vision I didn’t ask for…I looked at my father and felt so heartbroken.

I couldn’t understand why he would be showing up in my dreams, I decided to consult from my inner wolf and she immediately explained to me why I had seen him and tells me it was my future, I immediately asked if I wcould change it for I didn’t want to watch my own father and the only person who was of great help to me, I had lost everyone who I believed in and he was all I have left, I wasn’t going to let him slip off so easily….it was my only chance to Show my father I really cared about.

“I want to save him no matter what.” I said to my inner wolf and she immediately understood.

I wanted to see if there was a way I could stop what was going to happen from happening, and without wasting any time, she took me there. I was now happy that me and my inner wolf were now one.

My inner wolf wasted no time in taking me back to the future. Just when I was about to find out why I saw my father in that situation and with me holding him tightly, I heard Luther calling out my name, and I knew I had to answer. Something was wrong.

My inner wolf began to warn me that I needed to see into the future for more than how badly I wanted to see the future. I also wanted to know why Luther was calling my name so urgently, so I decided to abandon the vision and jump back to reality.

When I came to reality, I saw my father, who immediately dragged me to a corner and whispered that Alpha Damian had arrived. It puzzled me because I did not understand why Alpha Damian was there.

Even before I could say anything to my father or make him explain to me why he was in such a hurry, he immediately pushed me into a hidden room and locked it up.

I could not understand why he was doing that, but I decided to keep quiet and stay in there.

If I heard anything go sideways, I would rush out and save everyone. After all, I had the power to defeat Alpha Damien now.

I had already decided that I would only wait for a few minutes before I rushed out if I had nothing from my father. After a few minutes of not hearing anything from my father or daughter, I immediately rushed out. I wasted no time in entering the throne room, only to see alpha Damien was trying to struggle with my father, and I wasted no time in pushing him away.

He stared at me in shock. Yes, now, I look like a Princess more than Amelia. He knew I was no longer the woman he always looked up to. He stood up and dusted all the dust from his body.

Just then, I noticed Lucy, Susan, and Isabelle were also there. It seemed they all joined hands to come and find me, thinking they could overpower me.

But I was stronger than them, and even they could see it.

While Alpha Damien was trying to get himself together, I searched around for Luther, but he was nowhere to be found.

I couldn't understand where he could have gone again and left my father alone, despite the two being together at first, or had he betrayed my father again? Just then, Alpha Damien slowly walked up to me as he chuckled.

“I cannot believe this. Not only did you run away, but you finally found your father. And to top it all, you finally got pregnant with a child for Luther, your actual mate.”

“I hope you're happy about that alpha Damein “, lucy said, and that disgusted me more.

I can’t believe they all thought tagging along with alpha Damein would give them the front seat to seeing me fail and beg him for forgiveness.

Something I couldn’t understand was why and how they were able to find me so quickly, I knew the packs weren’t really far from each other but I didn’t have my happy ever after hen they came and took control.

I stepped forward and with each step I took, I made sure to keep reminding my inner wolf that it was time for us to claim what belonged to us.

“You have been so cruel and wicked all your life and now I think it is high time you stop!!” I yelled at him as I was trying to hold in the anger and the power my inner wolf was fueling into me, for I didn’t want anyone to find yet about my power or find out about the fact that I was now stronger.

Alpha damien wasted no time in mocking me just like he had always did.

“I wasted no time in leaving you because of this same reason, because you were none other than the same wicked treacherous man you were.” I said to him as I couldn’t stop remembering Ashina, I can’t believe he did this to my mother.

He walked up to me slowly and was surprised that I wasn’t even trying to step back, he didn't understand that I was a bit scared of him at all, there was nothing he could do now that could stop me.

He held my hands tightly but instead of feeling the pain he felt it, I could sense my inner wolf was doing something to him and immediately asked her what she was doing.

“I am walking through his brain, it can make him mad at this stage.” She said to me and I immediately didn’t waste time to stop him.

“Don’t kill him or make him mental in ways he won’t be able to control himself.” I pleaded.

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