
Chapter 140

Amelia pov

It was finally the final showdown,Amelia and Alpha Damien faced each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. Alpha was flanked by Amelia on one side, and he looked confident that they could take me down.

What they didn't know was that I had recently gained new powers, making me a formidable opponent. With a sudden burst of energy, I charged towards Alpha Damien, catching him off guard. Damian tried to intervene, but I was too quick for him. I used my powers to knock him back, then turned her attention towards Lucy. We both engaged in a fierce battle, each one of us determined to come out on top. Punches were thrown, kicks were aimed,

Just when I thought I was finally winning the battle, that was when Alpha Damian took a quick trick  on my father.

And immediately just then the flashback of my vision came back, and I knew I had to stop it. This was what I was trying to avoid.

Again, I wouldn't let it happen to my father; no matter what, he was the most important person. Even though right now, I can't point out where exactly Luther was.

Without wasting any time, I pounced toward Alpha Damien and released my father from his grip, holding Alpha Damien tightly in a way that he couldn't release himself. Just then, he said something, and I became weak. He whispered to me , “what made you so powerful so suddenly? Was it the powers you had kept hidden all this way, the powers that made you known as a weak person, or could you just borrow the power to defeat me? “He said to me, and that made me angry as he still saw me as nothing but a weak person just when I was about to attack him. I did not want to kill him at that moment, that was when Luther rushed him and yelled my name and that I shouldn't have done it.

I couldn't understand why at the die minute, he was suddenly stopping me, but I knew he had his reasons, and so I stopped thinking maybe he was going to give me some speeches, why he had come to stop me; but suddenly, he bounced on his father and began to beat alpha Damien. I couldn't understand how alpha Damian had become so weak that he couldn’t fight Luther back.

Just then, I asked my inner wolf, and she told me she had drained off all the last energy of academia. I had always imagined defeating Alpha Damien to be a difficult task but seeing it. Now, it seems so easy.

Just then, my father pleaded with Luther not to kill Alpha Damien and that Damian was just a greedy man, and now he got what he wanted.

Lucy, Susan, and Isabel fell to their knees, begging me to please let him go, but I was just too heartbroken to let him go.

While everyone tried to pull Luther away from his father, that was the time Luther began to pour all his rage on his father. How his father had always locked him up, how his father had always controlled him, how his father had made him do things he never wanted to do, and how his father had made him keep quiet about me being his mate, just so as to satisfy his father.

Now he got to realize that his father never actually loved his mother, and she was just used and enslaved till her death, just like my mother. I felt so much pain for him and pleaded for him to let Alpha Damian go since it seemed that my inner wolf was taking all his powers away, which meant he couldn't do anything to anyone.

Now that everyone knows that Luther exists, it was time he took over the throne instead of bothering himself with his father, who was of no use to us anymore.

Luther wasted no time listening to me, and I couldn't even believe that alpha Damien could be this weak. I never knew just a touch on him could make him this way. I was still angry with my inner wolf, for she never told me I could do this kind of thing to him. She just kept me in the dark, and I suffered all these years.

All these chapters of my life were filled with suffering when I could do this to him.

My father imprisoned Alpha Damian in the Red Moon Park, and I had to take Lucy Susan, and Isabelle back with me to the Silver Moon Park. I needed to take them a lesson and also make sure they were of no use now and were nothing more than maids in the palace. Since Luther had dethroned Alpha Damian, I never knew the few minutes Luther had left. Luther went to get people as evidence, and now everyone had seen what Alpha Damian's true colors were.

There were cameras everywhere when he poured his true character towards my father, and now, everyone saw his true color and wanted to make Luther the alpha as Luther had made himself known.

We returned to the palace, and everyone was happy to welcome us: Alpha Damien Beta, and Lady Rosa. They were all happy to welcome us as they told the real story of Alpha Damian, and the first person I made sure to bring out from the shadows was Aaron. I asked him why he had kept something like that from me.

then I found out Aaron never really cared about Alpha Damian's offer and was just naturally put to me since Aaron and my mother were family, So I decided to forgive him and let him stay since we shared the same power.

It turned out that my inner wolf had collected half of Aaron's powers when he touched me during the dance at the ball, and so I had to return it to him.

I had my twins even before Luther was Ade the alpha due to difficulties at the fact that Alpha damien was still alive.

Things I learned was, I would never be able to forget the love  Alpha damien showered on me and most especially how much I have to pass through because my family passed their mystery to me but I was now happy with my life and had a perfect family.

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