
Chapter 138

Amelia pov

“Are you trying to tell me that this was all the niceness you did? Everything was just an act.” I yelled at him.

“What else do you want to tell me that will shock me that you knew he was my father, too?” I said to Luther, who began to step back,

“Look, Amelia, when my father locked me up. he said a lot of things to me, and part of it, since he said to me, was that you had gone missing, and he knew you were going to escape, and I was to bring you back or else I would never become the king of the throne, and you know that he means everything.”Luther Said

I could not believe everything he was saying to me. Was this true? Could I even trust Luther, the only man I thought I could trust all my life? It seemed like I had just been duped again by a man.

If what my father said was right, he did not just look like alpha Damien but also carried the exact copy of his father. I couldn't even imagine in my head that he would want to betray me and take me back to my father.

Just when I was about to break down and yell at him for being a betrayal, just like alpha Damien, he spoke up.

“Of course, I have perfect sense. I know I should not take you to him; I would protect you. Instead, we need to come up with another plan. I also want my father to be dethroned so badly that he could not even imagine what he did to me and how much threat he had given to me.” With those words from him I knew his father had offended him badly, and I just wanted the best for him. After much thought, I decided to accept it. I moved closer to him and then turned to my father.

“With what you just heard Father, you will never believe Luther again. But I am pleading with you to believe him because He is the one who protected me, and I know he would not rush here if he were not sure he could save me”.I said to my father in hopes that he might change his mind.

My father just stood there and stared at the both of us for a long time before finally clearing his throat, and I knew he was about to give his final judgment.

Even though I suddenly felt so at ease with him, I was still scared as to what his final words might be. He first looked at Luther and shaved his head, making me scared, and then looked back at me

“with everything I have told you about your mother.” he began.

“You are supposed to know that any little chance I get to destroy our father, Man, I will take it and grab it with a tight grip. You do know that, so you should be well aware that I would not let Alpha Damien escape this chance; I have to kill him. If I get to stab him myself, I will gladly do it.” my father said, and with that, I smiled. That was his way of telling me he would support everything I wanted.

I needed to see into the future and know how our fight was going to be run by you. I tried to connect with my inner wolf, and surprisingly, she accepted my connection immediately, asking me what I wanted. I told her it was time to unlock my inner powers, and she wasted no time telling me a particular place.

I had to unlock it as I needed to connect to my mother if I wanted it back, which was something I had no idea to do, but my inner wolf was ready to assist me in it. She told me that I was going to go back to the place.

While my father took me to where he had first met my mother. He began to reminisce on all the stories between him and my mother. He told me about how much he had lost her back then, only for him to find out she chose Alpha Damian over him because our father, Damien, at that time, had more power and was on the verge of overturning the most powerful parks around due to his powerful father.

I felt so much pity for my father. I thought he had already had multiple children and a different wife. Still, instead, he stayed like Alpha Damien, which may have been the cause for both of their misery; he and Alpha Damian ended up being in the same situation. They could not have the guts to put another woman in the park compared to Alpha Damian, who had multiple wives, which, to me, felt like he betrayed my mother, who fell in love with him.

First, my father had a young and long life but yet; he sticks to my mother despite her not being there, and that makes me feel so much pity. My father didn't even have me around to be with him, which was something I would always blame Alpha Rozan, for there was one thing alpha rozan never told me;

he never told me where exactly he had picked me from and how he had gotten his hands on me when I was so little because I couldn't believe my mother gave me to him. Still, yet again, if she weren't the one who gave me to him, he wouldn't have known my actual name.

I thought to myself that the ritual to open my power would soon be done, and for the first time, I felt so much power in me that I couldn't even get away.

I couldn't explain how much power I felt, but it suddenly felt like I had the whole world in my grasp, and I could do anything just staring at my father. I could see into the future, and I saw what I never wanted to see.

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