
Chapter 136

Amelia pov

My father still seemed puzzled, but I understood what I wanted, and even my inner wolf also understood what I meant, which I thought My inner wolf did until she asked again. Was I sure about what I wanted to unleash?

“Your power will take a lot of strength from you, and at the same time, many people will know that the priestess who was meant to have been dead is alive. Do you want that to happen? Do you want them to start searching for you again? You knew what your mother had to pass through. She had to risk even your real identity from your father just because she wanted to keep you safe with her power, and I have used all the strength in me to keep it sealed all these years. Even when you got to talk to me, I still didn't show it to you, even though I needed to give it to you badly,” my inner wolf said, but I did not care; I had already decided. Just when I was about to make my final decision, the door to the throne room was opened, and the last person I wanted to see walked in.

It was Luther. I could not believe that he was here. I thought he would be somewhere still trying to find a way to gain an alliance with my father, for seeing him suddenly made me weak to the knees as I did not know what to do next.

One weakness. I never wanted to see how I would go against his father if he was standing right in front of me. Just then, He looked up and looked closely at me, only to realize it was me and being shaken as he stepped back.

He couldn't believe he was seeing me in the Red Moon Park. He looked at my father, and my father looked at him because Alpha Damian had always hidden Luther. Even my father had no idea that alpha Damien, his best friend had a son who turned out to be Luther.

Just then, Luther walked up to me, hugged me tightly, and whispered into my ear.

“I am so happy to see you at this moment,” Luther whispered to me, and I couldn't help but feel sympathy. He was going through a lot just because of me.

I knew he came here just because he wanted to protect me, and I felt heartbroken that he might feel like I betrayed him just because I didn't wait for him as he had told me. He finally released me from the hug and stared deep into my eyes

“I thought I was going to lose you for good, but now, you are here with me, and I feel so happy, but can you tell me why? I am seeing you in a park this far away, and I haven't heard my father go in search of you.”

I did not know how else I would explain to Luther that I went in search of him and couldn't wait for him in the palace anymore. Now I bump into my half-sister and finally find out the truth about my lineage and know I have so much power.

Still, I decided to keep the power part to myself and only decided to tell him about my half-sister and Alpha Alken.

“I did not tell you earlier that I couldn't wait for you, just like I had promised; I also wanted to be free, and when Alpa Damien traveled, I decided to take the opportunity and run, but I ran and bumped into my half-sister,” I said to Luther, who was confused,

“Who is your half-sister?” he asked, and even though he did not know who Melody was, I just decided to describe her. I needed to tell him the truth so that he could also tell me the truth, and all this could finally be settled.

“My half-sister is outside this room waiting for me, and this man who you plan on getting an alliance with is my father,” I said to Luther, who was so shocked that he felt like he couldn't breathe well and healed his neck as he stared at Alpha Alken. Even my father didn't know who Luther was, so I decided to do the introduction. I stepped between the two of them ready to introduce them both to each other.

I began by introducing Luther to my father. since my father had no idea who Luther was right now, Luther was nothing but a stranger to him. I could not believe in the two weeks I had watched Luther leave the palace, he never got to confront the King, My father.

I wondered where exactly he was, that he was just getting to introduce himself now, and why he seemed scared that I was out of the palace without Alpha Damien knowing about it.

“He is the son of your best friend Alpha Damian, who you thought abandoned and rejected his mate. It turned out that he never actually rejected her and instead had a son with her, which she kept a secret so that he could continue to be the Alpha of his pack as long as possible.”

Luther didn't understand why I just called my father his father's best friend.

“It was all the minute you stepped in. I had feared that Alpha Damien had stepped in. He was a treacherous man who could do anything for power, and now I am scared you might behave just as bad as him.”My father asked Luther, who immediately looked away like he was scared of my father discovering his secrets, which confused me. I stepped forward and pushed my father's hands away from his cheek;

“he could not do something like that because we are actually mates”. He began to chuckle and then paced around the throne room, even though he was scared. He then turned to the both of us, and his full attention was on me.

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