
Chapter 8

Amelia’s POV—-

What does he even mean by I belonged to him? I didn’t say I was going anywhere.

Luther scoffed out loudly before stomping out and I stood there with my whole attention on Alpha Damian who continued to stare at Luther as he walked out.

“I don’t want to ever see you around Luther.” Alpha Damian warned with an angry stare and just when I was about to reply to him he pulled me aggressively closer to him.

“The only time I want to see you together is when I called for you two or else you won’t like the consequences.” He added with his grip on my hand getting tighter and hurting me as it almost like he had torn my skin and I was bleeding already.

“You are hurting me.” I winced while still trying to pull away from his grip, he groaned loudly before letting go of me making me lose balance as I landed on the floor.

“You made me do this to you.” He said, I couldn't look up to him as I sat on the floor helplessly till he walked out.

Lady Rosa rushed in like been eavesdropping from the start and the first thing she did was lift me up and then slap me very harshly making me almost lose balance again but this time I held myself from falling to the ground.

“What was that for?” I asked, slowly getting pissed off by how aggressive they were with me.

“Didn’t I warn you?” She questioned silently.

“Warn me about what? You didn’t tell me alpha Damian had a son, I haven’t even heard of him having any offspring.” I said to Lady Rosa who also became quiet.

“You can’t just slap me like that because his son wanted to have a conversation with me!” I warned her.

“Your days of happiness have been short lived because of his son and your stubbornness, now he would just treat you the way he treats the others.” She said before also walking away leaving me very much puzzled.

I left the room also and just headed directly to my quarters, the second I stepped in…I yelled in fright thinking I had seen a ghost but it was just Lucy.

“Lucy?” I called to be sure she was the one because I had no business with her and wondered why she was here.

“Hi.” She simply said before standing up from my bed, she had a wide smile on her face but something about her aura just wasn’t right for me.

“You are now the king's right hand bride, that’s….that’s something to be proud of.” She said to me with a wide smile.

“Ugh….thank you so much.” I replied a bit confused.

“You shouldn’t be thanking me.” She walked closer to me with each word that came out of her mouth making me a bit frightened.

“Ohhh….okay.” I simply said Eddie walking past her and the next I felt was a hand pulling my hair aggressively.

I tried to push her away but she wouldn’t let go and her grip was so tight it felt like my brain was being pulled out.

“Let go…let go of me!” I exclaimed in fright to what she could do to my hair and then she harshly let go of me, I fell to bed with a loud bang as I tried to catch my breath.

I stood up to Lucy who still had a wide smile on her face like she was a saint who had not just tried to make me bald for life.

“Why would you do that? Can’t you talk and stop laughing like a maniac!!!” I yelled in frustration but yet again she chuckled.

“You bitch, whore…you think because you are beautiful you could just steal what I worked years of my life for!!!” She finally responded.

“Do you know how much suffering I had to endure just to get to where I am now and you walked into our life with only a smile and everything became yours!!!” She yelled rushing up to me as I covered myself in fright but to my greatest surprise her hit never got to me all I could hear was her struggle.

I opened my eyes and she was being pulled back by Luther, he threw her to the floor aggressively and she stood up almost immediately with a frown.

“Why are you intervening in ladies' matters?” She asked but Luther didn’t seem to care.

“Guards!!” He called as two guards rushed in.

“Get madam Lucy out of here.” He demanded and although they were a bit hesitant they still escorted her out and now it was just me and Luther.

I wanted to welcome him to have a seat but then I remembered what Lady Rosa said about Luther and his father.

“You should also leave too.” I advised, he glared at me in shock.

“Are you that scared of my father?” He questioned me while still moving close to me.

“Stop and leave.” I said to him in a pleading voice but he still continued to walk up to me.

“Luther, don’t do this!” I begged after being fully aware that he wanted to kiss me.

“You don’t belong with my father, you know that so why do you still try to avoid me?” He questioned his gaze not leaving my lips for a second.

“I am your father's bride not yours and you know that.” I said to Luther even though saying those words and rejecting Luther hurts even more.

“You are not a property my father can claim and I don’t think he would be keeping you for that long.” Luther added now just an inch away from me, I could hear his heartbeat so loudly and I could perceive his Mint breath, he slammed my back to the walk gently and moved his face closer to mine as our lips was just an inch away when a door knock came through,


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