
Chapter 9

Amelia’s POV

“Amelia,can I come in, it's Alpha Damian.” I opened my mouth in shock to the word I just heard as I glared at Luther who was also confused and speechless as we still stood in the same position.

“It’s your father.” I whispered.

“I know.” He whispered back and immediately I pushed him off from me.

I stared around the room in frustration as I couldn’t seem to find the perfect place to hide Luther. Luther also paced around in confusion and then the next thing he did was run towards my huge closet and I hid in it.

“Close it.” He ordered which I did immediately, although I was scared that Alpha Damian would find him I was still grateful he agreed to hide instead of face his father.

I opened the door to see Alpha Damian also about to open the door.

“What took you so long?” He asked before walking in while his beta stood outside the room.

“I was in the bathroom and I had to even rush out to answer you.” I replied to him nervously….he stared around the room like he was searching for something while I sat on the bed trying not to show how nervous and scared I was.

“So what do you want?” I summoned up the courage and asked.

“What sort of question is that? I am here to spend the night with my new bride just the way it’s supposed to be.” He said, he soon took a seat on the opposite side of the bed as he took off his shoes.

“No one told me in advance.” I stuttered my gaze not leaving the closet out of fright that Luther might get frustrated and come out.

“Haaahaa, why would you think someone would tell you anything about it? I pick wherever I want to go and go there whenever I can because I am the Alpha and you all belong to me.” He said before relaxing on the bed,he signaled for me to join him as I hesitantly took off my coat and joined him on the bed.

He pulled me closer to him while he gently caressed my skin.

“I am sorry for how I acted earlier.” He whispered to me, making me confused yet again. Was he just bent on making me frustrated or what because one minute he is nice and another minute he is being extremely cruel to me.

“You don’t have to accept my apology, you just have to find a place in your heart to forgive me and forget about it…as long as you always avoid Luther and have nothing to do with him the bit he of us would have a smooth relationship and won’t have to worry about anything.” He added while I signed quietly in a way to let him know I was listening.

“It would be a shame if you start stirring trouble between father and son on your second day here. That's why I had to warn you that way.” He added while all I did was bid positively.

“I don’t want to see him make an attempt in sharing things that belong to me Amelia, that’s why I want him to find his real mate soon so he would be able to concentrate on his duties quickly.”

“I still can’t believe he is your son.” I finally spoke as I felt awkward letting him continue the conversation while all I did was just nod continuously.

“He is my son but sometimes I only remember him as the mistake I made during my teenage years.” Alpha Damian said and now I regretted saying those words as it won’t be good for Luther to listen to his father say regretful words about his own son.

“You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.” I said to him hoping he would decide not to continue but I guess I was wrong.

“No…I think this is the right time to talk about it, I have always kept it in but for a weird reason I can’t explain I think telling you is a decision I want to take because I need you to see it you shouldn’t be friends with Luther.” He said suddenly made me so interested in what I was saying.


“I was eighteen then and a young prince and my father was very old, I was being trained to be the next Alpha to my father but I still hadn’t met my mate as it seemed that was the only thing keeping the council of elders from making me their Alpha and my father was getting impatient about everything.” Alpha Damian said.

“That explains why you don’t have a wife.” I murmured hoping he would prove me wrong.

“My father was so cruel back then he didn’t want his brother to take over the throne since I couldn’t find my mate so he made me travel the territories and territories after that searching for my mate and although I found her but she hated me.” He continued making me suddenly feel emotional towards him.

“ I told my father about her and how she wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me or packs but all my father did was assure me that she would be mine.” Alpha Damian continued but something about his hoarse began to soften.

“At the young age of eighteen my father set me up with my mate making us both drunk and hypnotized and I violently took advantage of her.” He said but now changed his position and sits on the bed with a frustrated look.

“I lost her love even thought she had Luther, she still never loved me till the day she died…she was just the Luna for a few years and was more like a statue in my life, till the day she died I didn’t touch her because her touch always brought that night back to me as nothing but a nightmare.”

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