
Chapter 15

Amelia’s POV

I swallowed my saliva in thirst for his lips as I kept getting more thirsty for him to kiss me but he was still hesitant with a smile on his face…he wanted this but yet he preferred to taunt me with it.

I began fully impatient and had no choice but to slam my lips on his, making him widen his eye in shock…I wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him deeply while savoring the taste of his lips.

He tried to push me away but I won’t let go. It felt like this was my first kiss even though he was my first kiss a few nights ago. He soon gathered enough strength and pushed me away, he breathed heavily while glaring at me like I did something no one had ever done, that was also when it dawned on me that I had just kiss Alpha Damian…the man I swore not to kiss, the saw man I found too old for me.

“Did you just forcefully kiss me?” Alpha Damian asked after getting his breath back.

“Yes.” I replied with a shy look.

“Wow.” He muttered loudly with a chuckle following it as he stared at me while he paced around.

“You wanted something yet you were delaying so much.” I said even though I was just as surprised at what I did as he was.

“I wasn’t going to kiss you yet.” He said before relaxing on his desk staring at me as I knew I dare not say a word to him.

“So that aside, why are you here? What request did you want from me.” He asked as I thought of a perfect way to put the words as I was also grateful that he seemed happy due to what I had just done to him.

“I wanted to beg for your forgiveness and promise to do just as you want and if you could also please release the other brides they are all counting on me.” I bravely said, I waited nervously for him to yell at me or say harsh words to me but after a few seconds of not hearing a word from him I looked up to see him smiling.

“When they told me about you they didn’t tell me you were this brave and strong they only labeled you as weak and not able to stand up for yourself..what changed you?” He asked, making me smile, as my life this few weeks flashes in my head.

“I was tired of being the weak one.” I simply said.

He stared at me with an impressed look on his face, “I have seen any of the brides stand up for each other and yet you are willing to stand up for them.” He said to me,

“It was my fault they ended up in the cell so I had to at least help them back out.” I whispered but got a weird look from him.

“And who said it was your fault they ended up in the cell?” He asked, I tried to recall who had blamed me for everything.

“Lady Rosa and Lucy.” I stuttered wondering what was going on.

“You didn’t do anything wrong to place them there, that was their daily room whenever I didn't want to be disturbed and you had to join them there, you know what..just go back and I would think about letting you all out.” Alpha Damian said before returning to his seat, despite all he had just said I couldn’t understand why the brides had to lie to me and why lunacy blamed me so much or was there something I wasn’t understanding yet?

I happily returned to the cell, eager to share the news with the other brides. I wanted to give them hope, even if I wasn't entirely sure if Alpha Damian would fulfill my request.

As I entered the cell, the brides looked at me with anticipation. I couldn't contain my excitement as I told them that Alpha Damian had listened to me and that there was a possibility of them being released soon. Their faces lit up with joy and relief, and for a moment, all the worries and hardships were forgotten.

But the smile on my face soon faded when I turned to Lucy and she had a frown on her face, the words from Alpha Damian suddenly came back to me..I was still puzzled and also more than sure the brides were puzzled.

“Who said I was the cause of Alpha Damian throwing us in here?''I asked everyone as they stopped waving happily and to face Lucy, Lucy stood up with a smirk on her face.

“I told them.” She said to me boldly.

“Why would lie of something that grand, you made me the bad person you and madam Rosa.” I said to her but instead of feeling guilty all she did was laugh evilly while the other brides juts stared at each other in confusion.

“You think you can act so smart? First you hate me and now you want to make me the bad guy!!” She yelled, walking up to me but I still stood firm in my position.

“You are a liar and all you have done is deceive this women while making them serve you like you are doing them a favor.” I said to her,

“How dare you! You have one hell of a guts don’t you!!” She exclaimed, raising her hand to hit and though I saw her hand coming I didn’t move an inch but glared at her. Just as her hand was about to meet my face she stopped with a nervous look.

“Amelia, the Alpha calls for you now.” The guard said, making me smile, I could feel it in me that Alpha Damian had already accepted to free the brides. I smiled at her evilly just as she did to me before stomping out of the cell not saying a word to any of them.

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