
Chapter 19 & 20

Amelia’s pov

Luther looked even more angry with the words I had just said.

“Why would you reject your real mate for an old man!” Luther yelled, confusing me even further.

“I haven’t even met him yet and I don’t know if I would get a chance to ever meet him and if I won’t be married to your father by then so yes I reject him….” I said but Luther cut me halfway.

“Don’t reject me!!” He yelled before letting go of me, I stood in surprise at what he just said.

“What do you mean by I should not reject you?” I asked as he paced away clearly looking frustrated than he sounded, he pulled his hair in frustration as he groaned loudly before rushing to me and slamming my back against the wall.

“Why are you so dumb, or are you intentionally frustrating me?” He said to me while shaking me back and forth.

“Luther stop!” I exclaimed pushing him away,

"I don't know what else you want from me, but I am not ready to joke around," I said firmly, my voice laced with determination.

Luther's frustration seemed to intensify, and he took a step closer to me, his eyes burning with intensity.

"Amelia, please listen to me," he pleaded, his voice now softer. "I know it's hard to believe, but we are mates. Our bond might not be as strong as others, but it's there. I can feel it, even if you can't."

I shook my head, refusing to believe his words. My heart ached at the thought of rejecting my true mate, but my instincts told me that Luther was not the one. Something deep within me whispered that there was another, someone I was meant to be with.

"Luther, I appreciate your feelings, but I can't force myself to believe something my wolf doesn't confirm," I said, my voice filled with sadness. "I trust my instincts, and they tell me that you are not my true mate."

Luther looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of hurt and frustration. He reached out to touch my face, but I stepped back, creating a distance between us.

"I understand that you may not believe me right now," he said, his voice filled with resignation.

“Not I may not but I don’t believe you at all, I would have felt it are just trying to come between me and your father so I won’t marry him.”I said before walking out of his presence but he pulled me back immediately.

“You belong to me!!” He yelled md to my surprise tried to force his self on me but I pushed my face side ways so he won’t get to kiss me.

After trying for a while and I kept rejecting he stopped, staring at me bitterly. “I can’t believe you are actually rejecting me and accepting my father because you think he is the right one for you.” Luther said before jumping from the window to god knows where.

I sat on my bed totally exhausted from all that had just happened between the both of us…I stared at the sky and it was almost daytime, I layed on the bed to have a quick nap before breakfast the next morning as I was sure that breakfast would be another hellbound for me, I guess deciding to become the Luna came with a lot of complications.

I was abruptly awakened by a gentle touch on my shoulder. Opening my eyes, I found myself surrounded by maids, all lined up to attend to me. They greeted me with warm smiles, treating me like a queen. It was overwhelming to see how much respect they had for me.

"Good morning, Luna-to-be," one of the maids said, her voice filled with excitement.

"Good morning," I replied, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation for what the day would bring.

The maids helped me out of bed and led me to the luxurious bathroom, where a grand bath had been prepared for me. The scent of rose petals filled the air as warm water cascaded down from the ceiling. It was a truly indulgent experience, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the treatment I was receiving.

After the bath, the maids dressed me in a stunning gown, carefully arranging my hair and adorning me with jewelry fit for a queen. I looked at myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the person staring back at me. It was a surreal feeling to see myself transformed into someone of such importance.

Escorted by guards, I made my way to the dining hall for breakfast. As I entered the room, I couldn't help but notice the presence of all the brides, including Lucy. They were seated at a long table, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

At the head of the table stood Alpha Damian, his gaze fixed on me. Luther was also present, his expression unreadable. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking after our encounter earlier.

As I took my seat next to Alpha Damian, the room fell silent. It was as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the announcement that would change everything.

Alpha Damian cleared his throat and began to speak. "To everyone seated here,I have gathered you all here today to make an important announcement." His voice carried a sense of authority and power.

"I have found my Luna," he declared, his eyes never leaving mine. "Amelia, you have proven yourself to be strong, compassionate, and worthy of standing by my side. It is with great honor that I ask you to become my Luna."

I couldn’t hold in the excitement and joy I felt in me as I smiled widely.

“Yes…yes I would be your Luna.” I said happily but Luther stood up immediately.

“I won’t let you become Luna….ever.” He said to me,

“Luther, what’s the meaning of that?” Alpha Damian asked.

“She is not going to be your Luna.”

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