
Chapter 22

Lucy's pov.

I headed straight for my room from the dining table my emotions scattered around,I didn't know what to feel.

I stormed into my room. I could literally feel my heart burn.I lost count of my steps as I walked into my room and slammed the door shut.I was trying so hard to stand on my two feets as they felt so weak and helpless.

I walked helplessly to my bed grabbing anything in sight,I finally reached my bed,I fell down at the edge of the bed and let out a loud scream.

"What just happened?" I asked myself deep in thought.

"Did that little piece of trash just embarrass me in front of everyone!?",I said to myself.

I felt tears streaming down my face,",this can't happen, definitely not under my watch",I said as I got up holding the edge of my bed.

I shook my head in utter shock gently wiping down the uncontrollable tears that made their way down my face.

"I need to do something","I can't just sit here locked up all day crying over that snake Amelia" I said to myself pacing back and forth lost in thoughts.

"She thinks she's so special,huh!?" I said, making my way to my desk.

"Having both father and son at her beck and call?".

Then at that moment it dawned on me, striking me out of the blue I let out a sigh of relief and sat on the chair facing my desk glaring at the mirror right in front of me.

"Ohhh ..yes father and son",I definitely know what to do I said with a broad smile plastered on my face.

All that is left to do is to let alpha Damien see Amelia and Luther in a concealed environment and just like that I snapped my finger VOILA!!.

That is more than enough to change the dull atmosphere and get me what's rightfully mine "the alpha of course" I got closer to the mirror on the wall.

"You are a genius Lucy!" I said to myself.

Feeling fulfilled as ever I had my bath and majestically walked to my bed and pounced on it with thoughts on what was going to unravel the next day just as I was about to doze off my curious wolf sprung up and my senses heightened.

"Who is with Alpha Damien by this time?" I thought.I better go keep what's mine before anyone else does.

I stood up and walked straight to Alpha Damien's room and of course I was dressed in my red boldacious lingerie, the very one he bought especially for me.

My heart pounded as I stood in front of the door. It was as if I haven't been in contact with this very room for ages.I slowly pushed open the door, my hands trembling slightly as I reached for the door knob. He was seemingly focused on something as he was staring at the window.

I hugged him swiftly from behind letting my nose sniff his shirt in complete passion.

In less than a second he turned and pushed me to the floor.I was so scared at the same time so angry.

I raised my head head up to meet a lady's feet .I raised my head further and saw Amelia staring at me as she tried to help me up I immediately threw her hands off my body.i managed to pull myself off the floor and let out a little groan,at that moment I felt a mixture of emotions but most especially I felt embarrassed.

I turned to see Alpha Damien's stern looks which immediately brought me back to reality. Without hesitation he asked "What are you doing here!?",he asked, his eyes as red as ever.

I bowed my head staring blankly on the floor"I..I will leave you two" I stammered and walked out.

I could feel my heartbeat uncontrollably,just as I took a few steps out he locked the door and I could see Amelia smirk at my embarrassed face.

I felt like ripping her hair out but not now as alpha Damien is out of control.

I kicked the stool close to the door in anger and bent down tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably I could not fathom what just transpired,I just watched my whole world slam the door on me and all for what? Amelia!?.

I can't be seen this way. I muttered dusting myself up just then I raised up my face and saw lady Rosa staring at me arms akimbo. I didn't say a word. I made way to leave when she stopped me.

"Why are you pushing it,can't you see he belongs to one now?" She said in a low tone.

I walked up to her,my wolf awakened and my fangs out "last time I checked the only one who makes the rules around here is up there" I said pointing to the moon.

"Even the moon goddess didn't declare you his mate Lucy, possessiveness can turn to brutality" she said.

I tilted my head repeating what she said in mockery and my eyes caught Susan,one of Alpha Damien's brides hiding away and eavesdropping.

I saw her face turn into a frown each time lady Rosa went on with her lecture,our eyes immediately caught up with each other.She immediately ran out of the scene.

"Enough!" I said "do not lecture me!" I am a fully grown woman and I know what I want and I most certainly know how to get what I want and how to keep it.

"Understood!" I fired at her.

She left immediately with a frown.

I stood there thinking about all that just happened.

I stared at Alpha Damien's door once more and scoffed,"I will get you back and Susan will help me with that!"I said.

I twirled in excitement then paused "it is my world against yours Amelia",I thought as I made way through the hallway.

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