
Chapter 25

Luther's pov.

I want her. I knew it within me,this uneasy feeling within me is one like no other.

I can't stand it when she strails away from my touch,when she denies my advances.

I said as I rubbed my palms on my face roughly and walked towards my room."What does she want from me?" I thought to myself.

I need her to see how I feel. I know for a fact that each time I touch her she doesn't feel too poisoned.if she wants me why is she pulling away from my touch.

"I am your father's bride" were her words to me,oh what a shame.

As far as I am concerned she is not one of Alpha Damien's brides.

She is mine! And I need to act fast.

Everyone needs to know that she's my mate.I can't take this any longer.

The way Alpha Damien looks at her purges my intestines right out of my stomach.

No man has the right to stare at her with so much lust written in their eyes.

I have that right, Alpha Damien needs to stay far away from my mate.

I must protect her at all costs,she is too pure and obviously can't read through the lines of what is happening.

She is just one of his toys which he'll use and eventually get tired of but NO Amelia never thinks in that narrative.

She's just like a baby,give her some candy and watch her follow you with her heart in your hands.

Even if she wants to act like a baby she should act like mine for I will not let anyone treat my woman in that despicable manner.

I paced around my room in thoughts of how to get my Amelia back to her senses.

Alpha Damien just wants her on his bed. I need to let him know that she is my mate but how do I go about this as he is very mean and callous.

He was never an understanding Alpha let alone an understanding Dad.

He could never be an understanding husband either. I quickly went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey on the top shelf and poured it into a glass.

A good whiskey always helped me think properly,I took a sip from the glass and nodded at the brilliant taste it had.

I took the glass in my hands and went back to my room.

"I just couldn't control myself,I was inexplicably drawn to her wolf but why she constantly rejects my touch is what my wolf couldn't fathom".

I couldn't wrap my head around the whole matter.i couldn't explain the way I feel when she's around me.

I didn't like how she made me feel but at the same time I didn't want it to stop.

I've never felt this way for anyone before.

I hated the way she makes my wolf weak.She makes my entire masculinity weak each time I stand in front of her.

"Why does she speak to me with no fear?"

"Why does she back up each time my steps draw closer?" I was deep in thought as I walked to my chair close by my glass window and took a sit.

I knew something had to be done and fast so I quickly gulped down the remaining whiskey and dropped the cup and left my room.

While walking through the hallway my mind raced back to last night,her eyes,her face then back to her reaction and a frown found its way to my face.

I squared up my shoulders and took a deep breath as I prepared to confront my father. "Father, I must speak with you about Amelia," i began.

"I cannot allow you to make her your Luna just yet".She is a kind and gentle soul who and she doesn't know how the system works,with this pressure on her she'll lose her good nature and may turn callous" I stated staring at him as I awaited his reply eagerly.

Alpha Damien looked at me, his eyes filled with surprise, his eyes narrowing. "I have already decided, Luther. Amelia is the perfect choice for my Luna, and she will be a great asset to our pack."

I shook my head, determined to stand my ground. "Father, I beg you to reconsider. There are other worthy women in our pack who would make a fine Luna.

Amelia should be given the choice to decide her own future, free from any obligations to you or the pack. She deserves that much, at least."

Alpha Damien stared at me in silence for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he spoke. "I understand your concern, Luther. But my decision is final. I must do what is best for the pack, even if it means making a difficult choice for Amelia."

I felt a surge of frustration and anger, but i held my tongue.

Luther, I must ask," said Alpha Damien, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What is it about this particular matter that has caused you such concern? Is it because you have a personal interest in Amelia?" he asked, staring at me with a knowing fury in his eyes growing.

I was taken aback by the question, but I knew i had to be honest. "It is true that I have developed feelings for Amelia. But even if I did not, I would still feel the same way. No one should be forced into a bond against their will, regardless of the circumstances."

Alpha Damien considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Your concern for Amelia's well-being is admirable, Luther,But I must do what is best for the pack as a whole. I believe that Amelia will be a valuable asset to our pack, and that her bond with me will be beneficial for all. I understand that this may not be easy for you to accept, but I hope you can respect my decision."

I clenched my jaw, my visible frustration still simmering beneath the surface. "I will always respect your decisions, Alpha Damien I said and took my leave.

Alpha Damien didn't retaliate as I had expected I was expecting a fight at most when I told him my feelings towards Amelia but for some reason he appeared calm, Something is definitely wrong somewhere.

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