
Chapter 33

Isabelle's pov.

As soon as I saw Amelia standing there on stage I was so shocked,I mean I came all the way to see her and how poorly her wretched life is going.

I never knew the entire party was held in her honor.Noone in the pack will believe this news if I told them.

I ran out of the ballroom because our eyes met and she was walking towards my direction but that isn't the best thing to do at this moment.

Now that I know she's more or less the head around here I need to use this to my own advantage.

Her dress was so beautiful,I could barely recognize her.

She has so much jewelry on her,she is adorned and being treated like a princess.

I bent down to look at the bronze necklace on my arm,it was completely washed up.

This is the richest pack in the whole community,I need to make them my friends.

My pack is slowly dying, nothing good is coming out of being there.

Noone seems to be willing to help us with our crisis at the moment.

"I need Amelia."I said in a whisper.

I never thought or imagined I'll get to use those words,she has never been useful all her life,at least now I can boast that I have a sister in her.

I quickly made my way back into the ballroom in search of Amelia.

"Are you looking for someone?" A voice whispered from behind.

I turned and it was Amelia staring at me and smiling, taking in my full costume with her eyes.

" not at all" I said.

"I saw you running outside when you met my gaze,are you scared of me Isabelle?" She asked, her eyes still running through my dress.

"Why would I be?I just went to talk to an old friend, nothing more" I said.

"What are you doing at this party?" I asked her.

"This is my party", Amelia replied.

"Oh wow" I said, acting surprised.

I could feel the contentment within her as she answered me.

But I didn't want to get upset just yet and end up jeopardizing my plans.

I was still soaking up the moment before alpha Damien walked up to us and held Amelia by the waist.

"Alpha Damien it's a pleasure to finally meet you" I stretched out my hand for a shake which he obliged.

"You don't look familiar,are you Amelia's guest?" He asked.

Before Amelia could speak I answered "yes" quickly.

I could see her eyes widen but she didn't say anything.

" I am her sister Alpha Damien from her old pack", I said.

We both exchanged greetings,he was so pleased to meet me.

He introduced me to the other brides just then Amelia pulled me to the side.

"What are you doing?,I never invited you!" She said her eyes glaring at me.

"Listen Amelia I don't want any fights between us,what did you want me to say when he asked who I was?" I asked.

She then smiled as she saw some attention were being shifted to us in the hall.

"Let's take this outside" she said and dragged me outside the ballroom with her.

Her grip was so strong and of course my cheap bronze bracelet pricked my skin.

" gentle Amelia" I said and dragged my hand from her grip.

I was still trying to stop the little bleeding when she turned to me.

" I am not the old goodie Amelia anymore, and I certainly do not enjoy games.So whatever it is you're trying to do you better watch it because it will not end well for you this time." She said in a fit of rage.

"But I am not here to cause any kind of trouble" I said.

"Then why are you going around telling everyone that you are my sister huh?" She said and grabbed my hand.

I was lost for words at the mere sight of her angry face.

"I didn't go around telling everyone,I only told Alpha Damien or doesn't he have the right to know?" I queried.

"You know your place in my life Isabelle and it is nothing close to being sisters!" She said.

"You need to forget the past and move on sister,you have this whole palace to yourself,you have everyone at your beck and call and most importantly you have Alpha Damien by your side so why still hold a grudge against your own sister?" I asked and bowed my head as though I was hurt to my chest.

"You hurt me Isabelle,right here" she said pointing to her heart.

I didn't really care about all the long talk all I needed was to get back into that luxurious party.

"Old wounds take time to heal,you better not open a new one with your stay in this palace because the wound will get sour and when it does it'll start to smell and trust me everyone will smell it!" She said.

This is the first time in my entire life that I'm seeing Amelia in this state and it is the first time I am getting scolded by her.

She never ever got this angry at least in no way that I'm aware of.

I knew what I was here for and I won't let my ego get the best of me even if my wolf just wants to peel her skin inch by inch.

I quickly apologized to her and told her that I'll just be here for a few days before returning home due to the distance.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the hardship we are facing in the pack.

I watched as her expression softened.

"Alright it's fine then,let's go back to the party,I just wanted to make things clear to you", she said and we walked back to the party hand in hand.

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