
Chapter 12

Amelia’s POV

I stared at him a bit surprised as he moved closer to me, I still could not understand what he meant by I am the kind of woman he has been searching for.

“You are so daring, how can you speak so vaguely.” He whispered to me, his voice becoming more seductive than harsh.

“Alpha.” I said I was a bit nervous as I wasn’t ready to get devoured by him, it was something I feared so much and I could feel his breath on my neck. That was how close he was to me.

“You are the kind I should make my Luna but at the same time you would end up dethroning me.” He said before chuckling out loudly.

“You…you, you!!” He exclaimed pulling me closer with my shoulder as I could feel his nails piercing into my skin with great force.

“Damian, you are hurting me.” I shunned in pain, he stared at me like it was also hurting him to touch me that way.

“You called me Damian?” He questioned, I then realized I had just called him by his name.

“Alpha, I am sorry.” I pleaded this time really meaning all the words that came out of my mouth.

“You dared to act disrespectful, weren’t you warned? I don’t agree with disrespect.” He said before letting go of my hand as I fell to the floor, I checked my hand and I was already bleeding.

I tried to hold in the pain but it hurted like hell mostly when I knew he did it intentionally, he bent to my height as he lifted my chin up so we would be facing each other.

“You always act like you are so though but you are as naive and dumb as you were said to be so I would advise you to stay out and cause no more havoc and mostly stop sneaking around with Luther of else I would make life in this palace your worst nightmare.” He said to me with a wicked grin, the kind I had never seen before before letting go of my chin.

I could feel my whole body shivering in fright as the words he said repeated in my head continuously.

I thought I would be strong enough not to sob but I couldn’t hold it in and the tears poured down my cheeks, I shivered in fright as I held my bleeding arm tightly while I sat at that corner, tears pouring non stop.

Alpha Damian caught me, he knew all about Luther hiding in the closet last night, he wasn’t trying to be nice to me yesterday but just trying to tell Luther a story and at the same time warn me…he was trying to tell me how ruthless he was that he even had nightmares of how bad he treated someone.

“He would make life hell for me.” I murmured to myself in shivers I have never been this frightened of anyone but Alpha Damian had just placed so much fear in me.

Lady Rosa soon walked in with a frown, she stared at me for a minute before scoffing loudly.

“You have made the palace a volcano by making alpha Damian angry and now it’s time to return to your special place.” Lady Rosa said to me but I wasn’t in the right state of mind to reply to her so she pulled me up harshly and forced me out of my room to a different location in the palace. Was I going to be locked up? I thought in my mind.

She continued to pull me forcefully and even though I really wanted to know we were heading too I couldn’t dare say a word to her as I was still frightened of what Alpha Damian could do to me.

“Welcome to your new home.” She said to me as the guards opened the cage which had no breathing space as I couldn’t even see inside the room but I could hear voices from inside the room.

The guard soon opened the door and without saying a word to me she pushed me into the room but I was even more stunned to see the other bride including Lucy and it was a cell room, Alpha Damian locked us up in a cell far from the main palace.

“I was wondering why you weren’t here yet and Susan almost thought Alpha Damian pitied you.” Lucy said and I got to realize she was the leader whenever they were in here.

“I just want to leave this place earlier than usual because I don't think I can stay here for a week without good food.” The girl called Susan said to Lucy who groaned.

“If we stay here a week we should at least make sure she regrets everything and make her look like hell.” Lucy said as the other brides nodded now I got to count them and they were seven including Lucy that means Alpha Damian has eight wife’s.

“What are you all still thinking?beat her up!!” Lucy requested as they all rushed up to me about to beat me up but I wasn’t going to let them get their way with me.

I made sure to push them as far as possible and they were all weak, Lucy stared at me in shock…yeah I was stronger than she thought.

“If you don't end up beaten and bruised before the week runs out I think you should stay out of my way”. I warned as Lucy continued to glare at me angrily but the ther bride’s shivered. I didn’t know where my strength to do that suddenly came but I know they won’t dare me after what I had just done to them.

“So who still wants to step on my toes and see my wrath?” I said with a grin, they all stared at each other like they were subconsciously talking to each other trying to make a discussion, I was just about to have Allie’s.

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