
Winning Walker
Winning Walker
Author: JadedThessy.


I stood in front of the long dressing mirror admiring my look that morning.

it was going to be my first day in a new school and I was not prepared. That feeling of being a newbie again, found somewhere to sit in the pit of my stomach and did a good job of upsetting me.

I rolled my eyes when my best friend giggled over the receiver after hearing my complain yet again.

"Who the fuck builds a school, and after careful years of thinking, names it, The school for the rich?" I asked my only friend Kylie. "I just wished mum left me In Russia. Cause what's all this?" I complained bitterly.

"OMG, Steyn!!" She screamed over the receiver, "You just used the F word and it's so unbelievable." She laughed. "Where's that place at again?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of everything I've said, you only picked up the F word, right. Well it's in a small town called Gryffindor in New Jersey. I believe everyone knows each other and that's the hardest part."

"How's that the hardest part?" She asked curiously. "Plus, you know how you never used that word over here. Girl, it's going down in history book."

"People change, kylie." I rolled my eyes. "Friends, kylie, how do I make friends? I think I've been cursed with the no friends syndrome from the wicked witch of the west. It's really bad. I'm scared that the moment I get to talk to someone, mum would just decide on a sunny day and ask me to pack bags, cause we're leaving." I lamented, recalling how hard it has been, making friends, that's why I only had kylie.

"But Steyn, you said-"

"I know what I said, kylie. But what if she changes her mind? You know my mum. I know she promised this was going to be our last bus stop, what if."

"Babes. You should enjoy this. Make the most out of it. I know it's hard, but think about it this way, you're gonna feed, you're going to need to change clothes, where do you think all that money would come from? If I were you, I'll create a youtube channel, turn this entire trip into a vlogging session." She sighed. "Haven't I taught you to make the most out of everything? About making friends, it should be natural. They'll come on their own. Steyn, don't force friendship."

I sighed heavily, applying the last touch of mascara to my lashes. "Thank you kylie, what I'll ever do without you? But school for the rich really?"

She laughed hard over the receiver, the weight of it tingling my ears. "It's not bad. I mean, you've not been to the school yet, and you complaining this much? What happens when you come to know it's perks? Plus guess, I've just had an idea." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"Guess girl!" She squealed.

"I'm late for school, kylie, no time for guessing." I replied.

"You're such a kill joy!" She said and I'm sure, pouted, "I've thought up an idea. If it affects you that much-"

"If what affects me that much?" I asked.

"Going to the school for the rich. You can open yours and name it, School for the poor. That way, it's balanced, right?" She laughed.

"Hahaha." I mocked, "Very funny, right? What are you up to?" I asked taking a final look at myself in the mirror before walking out the door as my mother never stopped honking.

"Walking to school." she replied.

"Wait, why? What happened to the bus?" I asked.

"Do you even own a wrist watch girl?! I'm late for the bus, duh!"

"Oh," I smiled and yelled , "Coming!!" As my mother shouted my name in the distance.

"Catch you later, girlfriend." I said in a rush, "mum's gonna zoom off and leave me behind, if I don't run down."

"Sure hunny." She replied, "Tell me all about what happened in school when you return, okay?"

"Okay." I replied, blowing her a kiss and turning off my phone.

*. *. *.

"Hope you're with your map and timetable?" Mum asked the moment I set my butt in the car.

"Yeah, everything is right in here." I pointed at my bag for emphasis.

"Nice. I hope you have a swell day in school today."

I smiled, looking at her. "Thanks mum. That's if I don't end up running home even before first period starts."

She smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead. It was a ritual. One I didn't think she planned on stopping no matter how bad I wrinkled my face. "Do I look like you can fool me? I've known you forever. You won't steyn. I'm certain you'll charm everybody."

I grinned. " You definitely know how to sail my boat."

"You're her mother's daughter. If I don't, who will?"

No one, I thought. "Where's your next stop after my school?" I asked.

"My employers. I'm getting to know the family today. It's some sort of meet and greet." She wrinkled her face. "I'm anxious, Steyn."

"Why would you say that mother?" I asked. "You're one of the best and strongest woman I know. You're good at what you do." I smiled, thinking how we were always there for each other.

"I hear they're too picky but that's not it. What if they don't like me? I want this to be our last. I feel like this should be and would be our last bus stop.' she sighed.

"Right mum. I'm definitely tired of moving."

"I know, baby. I feel so guilty that I stole and still stealing your childhood from you. I want you to experience a normal life for once." She complained, maneuvering the steering over a bad bump.

"I understand mum, but you definitely didn't have to put it that way. I'm only seventeen." I smiled.

"Seventeen is a lot to not have friends." She squeezed my shoulders.

"I have kylie momma." I reminded her.

"I know." She said.

The rest of the drive, was spent in comfortable silence till we got to school.

"This is so weird." I commented.

"What is darling?" She asked, eyes twinkling.

"That." I said, pointing to the big billboard that flagged the gate on both sides with an inscription that read, SCHOOL FOR THE RICH.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." She said smiling.

The last thing I heard was the rich sound of her voice as she spoke on the phone with someone and the laughter that followed afterwards.

"Right." I muttered. Walking face down into my new school.

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