All Chapters of Marriage Of The Vampire King: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
455 Chapters
Chapter 291
Meanwhile, the existence of Akira and Yasashi and the vampire army. Akira did not decide to return to the palace feeling empty. He must make a good plan for the next. They also build camp on the border of vampire and human territory.Slowly the sky began to change, the white color began to become a beautiful citizen. The sun began to be shrouded behind the clouds giving a beautiful glow. Now the sun is in the west. The melodious chirping birds headed west, while the dark creatures began to pr
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Chapter 292
A group of bats approached the vampire king, then the vampire king began to give orders to the bats. Then the bat went to carry out the order of the vampire king. Yasashi who saw that smiled."Father, did you just give orders to the bat?" asked Yasashi.
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Chapter 293
An existence,Myself in the room alone, while outside there are several guards who are on guard. I can't get out of this place without a reason, they threatened me to kill Akira if I made a mistake. After what I decided, I felt a very heavy feeling of disappointment. But now the situation is very different. I have to give myself up for the man to ever save me. Yes that's all I can do.
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Chapter 294
"Hem ... then what is Yorin with flowers?" Asked Francista."Flowers, yes. Yes, Yorin is a beautiful woman. He has a chosen descendant. Every flower he picks can become a weapon, "answered Noumi."Hem ... but isn't Yorin not having unlimited age stock, he could have gone right?" Francista said.
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Chapter 295
"Forgive me my future wife, alright ... if I come here, I will enter through the door""Yes, and also knock on the door. You can enter after getting permission from me, ”I said, immediately releasing his hand and standing up. I approached this man, then returned to say "What do you want? Is there something important? "
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Chapter 296
"One kiss!" I said.The handsome man started kissing my lips, kissing me so deliciously that he and I made out in bed. Hugging affectionately and playing on my body. But during this relationship, I prevented him from having sex. He can squeeze my body and kiss me many times but not for intercourse because we are not married.
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Chapter 297
The royal palace of the vampire,Aresha with the four princes in the living room while waiting for the arrival of King Akira and Yasashi. While in the middle of talking, Aresha saw bats coming towards him. The bat landed on his shoulder and said something shocking.
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Chapter 298
The long journey back begins as the night slowly gets darker and the moon goes on its axis. Approaching midnight, the four of them arrived at the vampire king's camp, which made the guard quickly aimed at the four princes.The four princes got off the horses, they raised both hands. Prince Yasashi and King Akira came out of the camp. They saw the arrival of the four princes who were making quite a ruckus.
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Chapter 299
“We met Aresha and conveyed our intentions. Brother Kazexian hasn't seen An in these days, so he's worried about An. We went to house An, we didn't find him there. So the prince Kazexian thought he was with you. But on the way we met Aresha. Aresha told us that An was kidnapped by handsome. And the king of Akira intends to free An. We're Friends An's, we care for him. I don't want to see the brother Kazexian sad, ”explained Kim.King Akira listened to the explanation, he remembere
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Chapter 300
Suddenly Prince Yasashi was shocked, but he could not argue with what King Akira had said. Yasashi believes this decision was taken into account even in the short span of time.Under the moonlight shining with the stars, a cool wind blew through the skin. Yasashi starts to say the second plan as requested by Akira. Akira also listens to what this crown prince has to say, occasionally he helps explain and get rid of selfish feelings only for the girl he loves.
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