All Chapters of Marriage Of The Vampire King: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
455 Chapters
Chapter 301
Before the sun really shows itself, the bat is ordered to watch the handsome one return to meet Akira. Akira listened to what the bat said. Yes, this vampire king really understands what the bats say because they are one and the same darkness. After saying everything, the bat left before the sun dazzled and blurred its vision.Akira immediately conveyed what the weakness of the handsome army was.
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Then they began to get ready, prepare their weapons and start to go to the village which was overrun by black shadows. There were horse footsteps advancing in unison, and as soon as they approached the targeted village, they began to scatter. 
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Suddenly I was shocked, and shouted "Aaaaaaa!" I said terrified and I could only clench my two fists.The handsome one stood up and saw the binding of this relationship, he also checked it himself. This tie-up has breathed his last before formalizing this marriage so this marriage is void.
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"Aaaaaa .... let me go! Let me go, "I said.“No, you have to stay here! You are my wife, ”said the handsome man in an angry voice."We are not married, and I am not your wife"
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He took his hand out of my hair, then the handsome guy awakened the bond that became part of the black shadow. When that happened, I immediately ran away. But again I got stuck, the evil servants got in my way. They turned their hands into weapons so that I couldn't take another step.I also raised my hands, as a sign that I gave up.
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While Akira fought the handsome one, Akira had to be careful when fighting the handsome one. One on one, sword fights against sword."I will not forgive you, I will make you go to hell!" Said the handsome man continued to attack Akira, while Akira continued to avoid and prevent himself from getting hurt. Gradually the fight got fiercer. The handsome one used his strength to kill Akira, while Akira fought the handsome one with only physical strength. He couldn't possibly fight the handsome guy
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The existence of An, when I didn't do anything. I instead received an unexpected attack from the evil servant. An evil servant came and attacked me blindly, fortunately I quickly dodged but I was too late. The evil servant managed to injure my arm. Fresh blood came out of my arm, and it made the vampires who saw the blood make them almost unable to control themselves. Half conscious Yasashi attacked the evil servant who attacked me. The evil servant was angry when Yasashi had managed to kill one evil servant.
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I hid behind a tree that I thought was safe, but suddenly a light came and cut this tree open. The top of the tree trunk began to shift and fell right towards me. Akira realized that I was in danger, he quickly saved me. He carried me in front of me, ran fast and led me to safety. Then Akira let go of me, he smiled at me and returned to fight against the handsome one.When Akira smiled, I saw the vampire's fangs. It looked scary, but I smiled instead, I don't know how I felt. I should have be
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The dragon of darkness shattered into pieces, exploded in the sky and the spirits that had been sucked by the darkness dragon scattered to attack their bodies. The spirits returned to their bodies exactly.The sparkling white light entered the human body and luckily it was a vampire army, and Yasashi returned to being a human. I witnessed the miracle, it was incredible that the white light sparkling like a shooting star returned to their bodies. I even saw the four princes in the sky, the fou
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Suddenly in our conversation, Luna came with her lover. Luna sat next to Ace with her lover. With open clothes, Luna continued to hug her lover and talk to me. “An Jinshi, are you here? Yes you finally came. I wanted to invite you here but you are busy. Ace, you were so nice to invite him here. You guys are going to party right? " "Yes, of course. I won't leave her alone in the dorm. The young girl is fresher, right? " said Ace. I started to get scared as soon as Ace said something like that, I thought these two guys would do weird things to me. "Oh yeah right, alright. Please party again! ” said Luna who then left with her lover. Luna's lover seemed very impatient, he kept wanting to get in touch with Luna. Even this lover lover chose a quiet place to do romance.   Aaron saw me daydreaming, he said "An Jinshi, what are y
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