All Chapters of Marriage Of The Vampire King: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
455 Chapters
* AnBefore death ...I saw Akira end this fight, I saw the four princes returned to earth and they were with Yasashi. I saw everyone returning to their bodies and the vampire army who had stopped attacking and defending. I thought it was o
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As in a dream inlife An's, those who defeat the dragon will find the next dragon crystal. In the darkness, light slowly penetrated the dark sky. From the bright light appeared the figure of a beautiful woman wearing white clothes along with a white dragon. The arrival of a beautiful woman with her dragon made everyone pay attention to her. From above the beautiful woman said, "I am the protector of the goddess of life. I come by order of the goddess of life. Prince Kim, the blue crystal dragon chose you. I congratulate you! " he said, who then gave the blue dragon crystal to Prince Kim. The beautiful girl clenched her fists and opened her hands again, then a blue dragon crystal appeared. The blue dragon crystal flew towards Prince Kim.
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Meanwhile, Akira's existence, he was taken to a different world. People call this the realm of the dead the place where the souls are before going to heaven. They both stopped at the gates of hell."Your Majesty King Akira, I am truly sorry. I can only bring you up here. I leave the rest to you, get in and pick An to go home. But before that I will tell you the obstacles you must pass. If you enter the gates of this hell, you will pass many people and flames that can burn my body. You have to
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“Very well, I will remember that path. I will do whatever it takes to bring An back to his life! ” replied Akira who then began to enter hell.The gate to hell is opened, magma and hot lava are seen. But there were no humans in sight here, and there was a stone path that was almost perfectly round. Only that path is the only way that will lead to heaven where An is. The temperature here feels hot and there is no wind blowing. Akira also entered without hesitation, he transformed h
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In front of heaven's gate, Akira met two men wearing black clothes. One with books and the other with empty hands. Unexpectedly, these two men saluted him."Welcome, god of death!" they both said in unison which made Akira surprised and amazed.
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Akira was shocked and could not believe that he was the god of death, "Huh, me? I'm not a god of death. I am just the king of the vampire kingdom. I think you guys saw the wrong person! ""No, my lord. It is indeed my lord, we are both honored to see my lord returning to this place. My lord is the reincarnation of the god of death. "
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Akira was silent, he tried to remember something but it seemed very difficult to remember until the man who brought the book back said, "My lord, if my lord still has business in the world above. We don't mind, we'll take care of this place. My lord, the god of death is allowed to live in the upper world. So my lord need not worry. "Akira who didn't remember anything was just amazed, then he said, “If so, I'll think about it later. Can I come in? I have to pick someone up! "
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While the two men who were in hell, as soon as Akira left they started talking about Akira himself."Oh, finally. Finally our master has a wife. I'm very pleased!"“Yes, I can't wait to see the face of the wife of the god of death. I'
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The old man meditated, and he started to open his eyes as soon as he felt the presence of someone who shouldn't be here. He saw Akira approaching him."Hi, young man. What are you looking for here? This is not where you are! " he said."I'm
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"Sorry grandpa, I'm looking for a girl named An and they are not what I'm looking for even though they look similar" Akira replied.“Alright, looks like you have a soul settling on you. Don't change your goals. Listen to me, young man! I have a question for you, why do you want to meet this girl named An? "
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