All Chapters of Marriage Of The Vampire King: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
455 Chapters
"Then, where do you think that girl named An is now?" asked the old man.Akira was silent, he tried to think and answer exactly where An is now. He paid attention to this place and old grandpa.The old man looked not like an ordinary grandf
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Yes, Akira was again surprised by being called the god of death. Akira feels that he is not the god of death, but in this place he is called the god of death and even in hell by two people who are called the right hand and the left hand of the god of death."Sorry, grandfather. I'm not a god of death. I never even saw how it looks, I am just the king of the vampire kingdom, "replied Akira.
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"Grandpa, I think the girl I'm looking for is near you," replied Akira."Where?" Asked the old grandfather stopped laughing and even smiled, his face began to look serious."In that bottle, get her out of there!"replied Akira while pointing
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I spontaneously shouted right in front of the old grandfather, "Aaaaa ....! I, I can't be here. I have to go back. I have an unfinished problem. I have to go back! " I said who then ran here and there which in the end remained here."Huh, miss. Stop, until when do you keep running? " said the old man.
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The debate got heated and heated until it made the old man forced to mediate between these two people."Hi, stop! Stop it! " said the old man with his breath running out.The writer and An stared at the old man, then both of them said in un
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"Is it true? The goddess of life, that goddess of life has not been here for a long time. You are already in heaven and dare to lie, don't you? ""No, no. I am not lying. That beautiful girl with the dragon, she said I shouldn't be here. This is not my world, if I die here then everything in this world will also disappear! "
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Chapter 327
The Grandfather meditating heard what I was saying, then he replied, "I don't believe it, who is the man who will save you, O human? Calm yourself there, it is your punishment for dying by suicide! ”I heard the answer from the old man, I was very angry. I did not die from suicide but because I was killed. “Old man, if only I could get out of here. I'm gonna mess up this heaven. I didn't die by suicide, Grandpa. I was killed. Why did I kill myself? I have it all. All I want is to
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Chapter 328
Old grandpa locked me in a bottle, I was made like a genie and this is so annoying. The old man even said that I committed suicide, I rejected his words. I clearly saw the sword piercing my stomach, and I was knocked unconscious after that. Before I came here, I met a beautiful girl with a white dragon. I explained everything to this old man but he insisted on his unproven stand.
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Chapter 329
But still the attitude of the old man was annoying, he remained in his position. All I can do in this bottle is silence and silence. I can't blame anyone and what happened until I got killed was also because of myself who was not alert. I'm stupid, and weak. I should be able to dodge that weapon, can't I do martial arts?A few moments later, unexpectedly the old man opened the cap and I came out of the bottle. I feel so happy to be able to breathe the air of freedom again. I was surprised to see Akira in this place, but he's wearing
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Chapter 330
I walked with him out of this place, and arrived at a terrible place where magma and lava filled this place. Then we met two men, one of them was holding a book. They both warmly welcomed us.“Sir, you are back. Who is a beautiful woman with you? " asked the man who had no book in his hand.
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