All Chapters of Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
3204 Chapters
Chapter 151 Bianca Sold Condoms Before Luke’s Eyes!
When she was back in the design department, she turned on her laptop and looked at the current appearance of the town that was to be developed.Luke wanted to develop the small town which she had never thought of.According to neighbors, the development of the town seemed to have been going for several years now.Most of the houses were marked for demolition.‘Are you alright? Will you be able to work well?’ Sue sent a message and asked Bianca.Bianca replied, ‘I’m fine.’Even though Bianca said that she was fine, the truth was she was still distracted and could not get herself to focus on work.After working for a few minutes, she would start thinking about those two cute little kids, Rainie and Lanie. Their faces would float into her mind.After drawing something for half an hour, Bianca got up to get some water to drink. She started thinking about Luke’s strange temperament again. Lately, she could not tell how he was feeling. When they were in the hospital yesterday, he had
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Chapter 152 Bea Sat In Luke's Lap...
She had been looking for this man all day.Unexpectedly, she ran into him here.It was just that the situation… Looked a bit bad.He was a wealthy and spendthrift customer, while she was the ordinary service staff in all aspects. She was even holding her suitcase and selling birth control products.Luke exhaled a mouthful of green smoke. When he spoke to her, everyone in the private room who could hear them also looked over.All the men present were his old acquaintances.Most of them went to a school with him and some had been classmates with Luke since elementary school.The other half were inseparable good family friends.Very few of those men were married, and the unmarried men had girlfriends as well as various friends with benefits.Luke alone was the only one without dirt among the people around him.Due to the puzzling fact, someone who did not fear death once sent a beautiful and obedient guy to Luke's bed.What he thought was that if Luke did not like women, he sho
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Chapter 153 Luke Admitted It Himself!
Right then, however, Bianca could not care less.Even if she knew it was a trap, she walked right into it without hesitation.She even knew what request she was going to ask him.Her request was none other than the fact that she wanted to know if Lanie and Rainie were her children and if he was the employer from five years ago..."The advantage of using this thing is..." Bianca embarrassedly regurgitated what she had learned during the half-hour training. "In addition to the contraceptive function, the most important function of condoms is to prevent the spread of various sexually transmitted diseases. It effectively reduces the infection rate of common diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS. Therefore, it’s also a form of protection..."Her head was filled with the two questions that she wanted to ask him. Bianca hurriedly answered the questions he asked before."Then what about this?" Luke put down the birth control product and picked up a sex toy.On the packaging box
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Chapter 154 The Two Children Became The Man’s Best Bargaining Chip
After Bianca got her nearly accurate answer, she calmed herself down and breathed. After a long, long time, she remembered that she had to get off from his hot and hard lap.When she tried to move, she found that her legs were jelly.She could not stand up.It felt as if her legs were not hers anymore.The man's thin, hot lips pressed against her earlobes. The shallow kisses as well as the heavy and hot breaths going into her eardrums made her numb all over. Her face flushed as her heartbeat quickened.She could not move anymore."Don't... Don't do this..." Bianca gasped, but she could not help but sink into his warm masculinity."Don't be afraid. No one’s going to come over.”Like a treasure in the palm of his hand, Luke picked her up and guided her to straddle him.Bianca could not sit that way at all because the man’s erection was… Too big and her skirt was too thin.The feeling of her unable to sit down made her blush.When he saw her predicament, Luke adjusted her to le
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Chapter 155 The Day Had Finally Come When Luke Touched A Woman
Luke kept stimulating Bianca as he watched the expressions on her face happily.From time to time, the man bit her lips.He seemed to be enjoying the process.The name ‘Charles Finn’ was displayed on his phone screen.Luke looked over and reminded her as he picked up the phone. "Hold my neck and don't move. If you do, you might fall.”She straddled his lap and did not grab onto anything. If she leaned back, she would really fall."Uncle Charles, is there anything wrong?" Luke was worried that something had happened to the two children, so he needed to answer Charles' call.Charles said something.Bianca gradually calmed down and tried her best to pull herself away from the strange feeling when he had dominated her. She did not care about whether it was awkward but slowly made sure that her legs were not sore as she reached toward the ground. She stood up without hesitation.After her skirt left the man's big hand, her skirt naturally fell down.She did not dare to look at his
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Chapter 156 Luke Enjoyed Playing The Role Of The Husband
Luke gave Bianca a call as he stood outside the club. “I’m at the entrance. You’ll see me when you come out.""Okay, I'm going out right now.”After Bianca hung up, she changed into her clothes and hurried out.The black Range Rover was parked domineeringly at the most conspicuous position in front of the entertainment club."Get in.”Luke secretly held her waist, opened the door with his other hand, and even quietly protected her head with his hand when she got in the car in case she knocked her head on the car door frame.Bianca sat down in the passenger seat and lowered her head as she fastened her seat belt.Luke closed the car door and finished smoking a cigarette. He narrowed his dark eyes and walked toward the trash can in front of the club to put out his cigarette before getting into the car.Bianca wanted to hurry him and wished he did not smoke, but she was scared that it might anger him.When she saw that he was not in a hurry at all, she could not help but wonder w
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Chapter 157 A Harmonious Family of Four!
Bianca carried Rainie out.Blanche went to the door and picked up his sisters’ shoes before running out."Say goodbye to Grandpa Charles and Grandma Faye." After Luke finished speaking, he walked to the black Range Rover, unlocked the door, and opened it before chucking the backpacks in."Goodbye Grandma Faye, goodbye Grandpa Charles. Take care of yourselves.”Blanche rushed over, put his arms around the necks of the two old people, and gave each a kiss.Bianca turned around and said politely, "Goodbye."Faye and Charles both smiled contentedly and nodded.Luke stretched out his big hand to embrace her waist and walked back to the back seat of the car. He let her into the car and seated her in the backseat with the children.Since there were children, there was no other way. The backseat was the safer choice.For caution’s sake, he could never afford to let anything happen to his two kids and Bianca."Aunt Bea, why’d you come with Daddy?" Blanche got in the car and asked Aunt
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Chapter 158 If The Children Were Happy, The Father Was Happy
After changing into her slippers, Bianca took Rainie back from the man's arms."Have you eaten dinner? Are you hungry?" Bianca was like a new mother doting on her child, afraid that her child might have a grumbling stomach."I've eaten dinner. I'm not hungry," Rainie said like a good girl.The child sounded like a baby still and Bianca could not help but smile.Luke went to the balcony, lit a cigarette, and turned his head. Through the glass doors, he saw the interaction between the mother and daughter in the living room.Rainie had one of her eyes bandaged while the other eye was opened. As she looked at Aunt Bea, the child's eyes seemed to be twinkling.It was obvious that the child was really happy.Luke watched them for a long while as his gaze grew deeper.In the living room."Shall I... Give you a bath?" Bianca's lips lingered on Rainie's face as she took in the child’s baby smell, letting herself into the reality that Rainie was her own daughter.Rainie nodded. "Okay,
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Chapter 159 Sharing The Same Bed with Luke!
After a long time, Marie felt as if she was going to die from the pain.It was just a casual hookup, but Xavier was as aggressive as someone who had taken Viagra."No... It hurts... It hurts..."Marie regretted it and thought she was going to die there and then."What’s wrong? Isn’t this what you want?” Xavier did not stop venting out on her. He thought the woman never meant what she said and deserved to be punished!Marie struggled weakly and shook her head. "I don't want it, I don't want it anymore..."No one was in the alley because the bar staff saw the boss going into the alley with a woman.They decided it was better not to bother him.In case the two of them were…Marie felt a hot pain on her body as if she was being torn apart. She collapsed onto the granite pavement in the alley and curled up in a ball.The banknotes on the ground were very eye-catching.The tears on her eyelashes dried up and her cheap makeup was smeared on her wet face. She pulled her broken nails
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Chapter 160 Luke, You’ll Wake Up The Kids If You Continue This Way…
Rainie fell asleep in a daze and was almost unconscious.Her little meaty hand happily wrapped around Aunt Bea's neck. She buried herself more in Aunt Bea's chest with content. She pouted her little mouth and said, "Aunt Bea, you smell so nice…”Luke, who was lying on the other side of the big bed, "..."In the spacious and luxuriously decorated bedroom, only two dimly lit wall lamps were turned on above the bed. That was why the rest of the bedroom was covered in darkness except for around the big bed.Bianca gently patted Rainie's hair with her hand, trying to let the child fall asleep faster.Rainie's strength surpassed her imagination as a mother. She did not cry or make trouble and fell asleep like a good girl."Aunt Bea, I want to touch your boobies."Rainie closed her eyes, and her little fleshy hands fumbled down.Bianca knew that it was normal for a five-year-old child to want to hold their mother’s breasts to sleep…However, there was still a man in the big bed.She
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