All Chapters of Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
3204 Chapters
Chapter 161 Bianca Doing The Duties Of Luke's Wife
As Luke walked back to his bedroom, he happened to see Bianca coming out of the bedroom with a blanket and pillow in her hand.When their eyes met, Bianca immediately dodged his gaze and lowered her head, grasping the blanket in her arms with her fingers.Luke frowned and looked at her without speaking.After a while, Bianca said, "I'll sleep on the sofa."She was about to pass by the man to walk toward the living room, but the blanket and pillow that she was holding in her hands were taken away by the man.Bianca looked at him.However, she saw the back of the man leaving. Under the dark-colored night robe, the man’s back was straight and his arms were broad. No matter how she looked, he had a perfect body.She saw Luke spreading out the blanket impatiently before throwing the pillow from his hand. He lay his body on it before it was laid out nicely. Bianca took a small step forward. As a woman, she was a little OCD and could not help but want to straighten the blanket out for
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Chapter 162
She slept well the entire night.Early the next morning, Bianca was the first to wake up.Even though the apartment was located in the most bustling part of the city center, the windows of the apartment were able to provide excellent soundproofing when they were closed–Regardless of how busy or noisy it was outside.In the morning, the apartment was quiet.Bianca went to see the two children first. Rainie was sucking on her finger and sleeping soundly.Lanie had kicked the blanket off the bed but was also sleeping soundly. Bianca covered him with the blanket again.As for a certain man sleeping on the sofa in the living room, the blanket had fallen onto the ground for a long time.Bianca could not help but think that since she occupied the man of the house’s big bed and caused him to sleep on the sofa, it was okay to help him with his blanket.She walked over, picked up the blanket on the ground, and covered the man gently.Luke lay on the sofa with his brows furrowed as he sl
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Chapter 163
"Who is it?" Bianca's subconscious reaction was to be flustered as if she was fantasizing about some unspeakable images and was caught. She blushed as her heartbeat quickened.When she opened the bathroom door, it was Luke who was standing outside.Bianca stepped away and said, "I'll go out to let you wash up."Luke walked into the bathroom and said to her without looking back when she went out, "Steam a shirt and find another pair of pants for me. Thank you.""Okay." She nodded and agreed, then closed the bathroom door.She was not used to his sudden politeness.A stark white men's shirt was hung on the hanger in the living room. Bianca found the steamer, looked at the operating function, and skillfully steamed his shirt.After steaming the shirt, Bianca went to find a pair of men's trousers.Luke's dressing room was large and almost as big as the two-bedroom and one-living room place she rented. All of his pants were steamed and in two neat rows with hundreds of them in vario
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Chapter 164 His Words... Make Her Ears Hot
"I, I don’t know how to..."Bianca fumbled around the belt and tried to pinch the metal buckle on the belt.She wanted to carefully study how the metal buckle worked, but...When she faced such a male body, Bianca could not help but think of the ferocious big rat under the man's night robe last night. The heat from her cheeks was about to boil her face off.Her dry lips said she did not know how to before she gave up.She went into the kitchen to hide.As she stood in the kitchen, her back pressed against the cool wall of the kitchen as if this would relieve the warmth on her face.Bianca was angry with herself for not being strong enough. Even if a man was handsome, she should be immune to his looks by now, so how come every time she saw Luke's body, her face still blushed and her heartbeat still quickened? She thought perhaps that she was bewitched....Luke buckled his belt himself. Instead of being angry, he was quite happy.Did that mean that Bianca had never helped a ma
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Chapter 165 The Adult And The Two Kids, Were His Family
"What are parent-child matching shoes?" Rainie asked the salesgirl sweetly."Wait a minute, I'll show them to the little cutie."The beautiful young salesgirl disappeared. When she came back, she had four boxes of shoes in her hands.In order to sell the shoes, the salesgirl worked hard to promote them.They were four pairs of identical white sneakers. They were simple, clean, wide, and had a red brand logo behind the shoes.The young salesgirl placed them on the floor for the kids and the adults. "This pair is for your daddy, this pair is for your mommy, and this is yours, while this pair is for your brother. The whole family will be wearing matching shoes. Look how nice it is.”Rainie understood what the young salesgirl meant. She turned around to look at Aunt Bea and her brother. She muttered quietly, "A pair for Daddy, a pair for me, a pair for Aunt Bea, and a pair for Lanie.”"If we walk on the street this way, others will know that we’re a family, right?" Blanche asked bla
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Chapter 166 A Good Husband
Xavier did not reject his mother.He really did need a chance to resolve the conflict with his dad.Compared with his father, Xavier thought that he needed to be the bigger person and step down.The truth was that his father had never gotten angry with him as an unfilial son for long. Every time it happened, he was only angry on the surface, but in less than ten minutes, he would soften up.His promise to accompany his parents to watch a play or movie happened more than five years ago when he was in prison.At that time, when his parents visited him at the prison, he was always brought out by the prison guards while dressed in his prison clothes and in handcuffs.After sitting down, Xavier saw that his parents looked as if they had aged a decade. He stammered and opened his mouth, but no words came out.He never spoke much with his parents.At that time, he heard his mother cry across the thick glass. She said, “Son, don't be sad while you’re inside… In the future, be a better
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Chapter 167 Every Breath Had An Implicit Meaning
Bianca awkwardly led the way.Not every shop sold good burritos. To be on the safe side, Bianca asked Luke to drive them to her old rented place.After returning to the country, Bianca had stayed there. She was very familiar with the shops nearby and knew which shops had delicious food.The black Range Rover parked domineeringly on the side of the road, causing the surrounding residents to look at the people in the car.They saw the father with the straight back and the fair-skinned, lovely pair of twin babies who looked adorable from all angles.It was lunch hour, so the burrito shop was full.The owner yelled, "Number 23’s burrito is done!”A high school student in school uniform came to the cashier, handed the owner a round card that wrote ‘No. 23’, and took his burrito away.The lady owner saw the family of four entering the door and her eyes lit up.It was not because she had more customers, but because the four of them were too attractive and looked like celebrities.‘P
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Chapter 168 Bea’s Pregnant
Xavier turned his head and said to the lady next to him, "Mom, the play is about to begin. Let's not talk anymore because it might affect other people’s watching experience.”Xavier's voice was cold and without many undulations.No matter who he was talking to or what he was doing, the man spoke in that cold tone and his voice was easy to identify.The main reason why Bianca could remember Xavier's voice was because he was a horrible person who took advantage of others and had done despicable things.That was why she remembered his voice.She remembered every word that Xavier had threatened her with.Suddenly hearing Xavier's voice in the theater and seeing his expressionless profile caused Bianca’s good mood to turn sour quickly."Isn't this just the start? Who would I affect?" Mrs. Tanner's voice was deliberately lowered, but she still could not help her surging mood as she nagged, "Don't think I don’t know that you’ll send someone to send your dad and me back without giving u
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Chapter 169 Catching Luke and Bianca In Action!
Daniel had already walked out and was waiting outside.Xavier walked out of the third row and went to the aisle. He stood in the aisle that had a clear view of the fourth row. He looked at them again.At that moment, almost everyone in the audience had left.On the stage where the play showed, the props crew started moving the props backstage.In the fourth row, there were two people kissing each other and making out heavily. The man’s big hand went under the woman’s shirt in public. They wondered how lewd they were when they were in their own privacy.Mrs. Tanner did not see what the two people looked like. She walked out and urged, saying, "Let’s go. Your dad is waiting for us outside."Xavier frowned and continued looking at the two kissing in the distance in the fourth row.However, when Xavier saw that the two of them were wearing couple shoes, Xavier stopped frowning and left the theater with his mother.Daniel stood outside and saw his wife and son coming out. He did not
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Chapter 170 You Cannot Just Burn A Six-thousand-bucks Pair Of Shoes
Bianca saw that the man standing outside was Xavier Tanner.This indirectly shows that Xavier went back and forth in the theater and went back to the VIP Hall to look for her, to no avail.In a fit of rage, the man came to intercept her.He had watched his lawfully wedded wife cuckooed him with another man right under his nose. Yet, he missed out on the golden opportunity to catch them red-handed.At this moment, as the husband, the entire ordeal must be unspeakably unbearable, even though it might be a loveless marriage between the two—there was not even one-tenth of love in their marriage.In truth, Bianca did not think it was considered cheating to visit the father of her child. However, in Xavier’s eyes, seeing Luke kissing her was directly tantamount to cheating."Bea, is he your friend?" Nina stood at the door awkwardly. Based on the look Xavier gave Bianca, Nina assumed that there was a high probability that Bianca knew this man.Bianca answered Nina with silence.Nina c
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