All Chapters of Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
3207 Chapters
Chapter 181 Mr. Crawford Who Was Abandoned by His Wife and Children
Bianca grabbed the only blanket in her house, spread it open, and placed it on the man.After she placed it on him and was about to smooth down the edges for him, her thin arm was grabbed by a huge force when she was about to retract her arm.Bianca lifted her head, and her eyes were met with the man’s deep eyes. His eyes were able to capture her soul.He grabbed her all of a sudden.Bianca did not have time to react before she fell onto the floor in front of him.She held her breath as she faced him. Bianca swallowed her saliva awkwardly. Her entire body went limp and became warmer while he looked at her with heated eyes.Luke had a standard pair of double-lidded eyes. His brows were delicate and firm, which defined his elegant features even more. Plus, it also made him more reliable and mature.She stared at the man’s tall nose and his thin yet seductive lips. They were in such close proximity with their breaths intertwining. It was such a beautiful morning too. No women would
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Chapter 182 Why Didn't He Take in Other Women's Grandfathers?
Jason told his boss everything that he should tell him in obscurity. As his personal assistant, he believed that his boss was a smart man. He should be able to guess what Yvonne did.However, the boss was still a boss at the end of the day. He was experienced in life and with his identity, he would not go about his business like a tyrannical and unreasonable scoundrel.His boss would not show any of his thoughts on his face. He was so unpredictable that no one could guess what he was thinking about.As such, Jason could not guess how the boss would take care of this. He could only wait and see!He would go and take care of his work first!…In the design department downstairs.Ever since Yvonne started working here, the topic of everyone’s conversation completely changed.One second, they would talk about the well-known socialites in the city, then they would talk about the celebrities in showbiz in the next second. Occasionally, they would talk about the bigwigs and capitalists
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Chapter 183 Luke Crawford Who Rarely Showed His Face Showed Up Because of Her
While Bianca was talking to her grandfather, her phone rang.“Grandpa, I’m going to take this call.” Bianca withdrew her arm that was starting to hurt from his grip and took out her phone from her pocket.It was Sue.Bianca picked up the call and asked, “What’s wrong, Sue?”Sue told her briefly, “Bea, the development of the town would need at least half a year if things get along with no breaks, so after the consideration of the company’s upper management, the outdoor training this year will go on earlier than scheduled. Come to the entrance of the office tomorrow at eight. Don’t forget to bring the necessities for going outdoors. I think that’s it. If you have any questions, you can text me. I’ll tell the other two who're not in the office.”“Alright,” replied Bianca before hanging up.When she studied overseas, Bianca would take part in expansion activities when she had the time.She could treat each time as training and a way to relax.After having dinner with her grandpa, B
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Chapter 184 Ah! The Boss Is Such An Amazing Boyfriend
The other colleagues from the design department looked over at Yvonne after they heard that.If it was really all thanks to Yvonne’s pillow talk! Yvonne was so powerful!There was one couple in the crowd. The guy whispered to the girl, “The boss is such a solemn and cold man. Plus, he always distances himself from the crowd. It’s so amazing that he’d show up in an outdoor activity after some pillow talk with Yvonne.”The girl rolled her eyes. “What does this mean?”“What?” The guy chuckled. He really had no idea.The girl scoffed sarcastically. “Don’t you men have any idea what this means? It means that even a guy in such a high position won’t be able to resist the seduction from a little minx. If they serve you right in bed last night, then you’d be able to do every f*cking thing for them!”“Damn, I…” The man looked sullen. “We’re talking about serious business. Why are you attacking me?”“Why do you think I’m attacking you? Our boss is a serious tyrant and he’s already like th
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Chapter 185 They Could Not Believe How Much the Boss Spoiled His Woman!
When Bianca did not hear any sounds coming from the front, she raised her head despite her horrible mood and cramps. It was then that she saw the man walking over to her.He was tall and his legs were long. He looked very serious. When he was wearing a suit, he looked like a god.The boss was still a boss at the end of the day. No matter where he was, be it a forum on the financial street in New York or the meeting room in the office, or even the countryside where they would sometimes hold events, he was still able to maintain a serious face.It was as if nothing or no one in this world was able to make him change his expression. His face and eyes were always filled with heartlessness.Even if he had driven all the way to the countryside, he was still wearing his usual and tastefully chosen suit. He was always giving everyone a feeling of sophistication and extreme fussiness.Bianca would never expect Luke to walk over to her.Why was he here?He had his back against the setting
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Chapter 186 The Man's Hot Breath on Her Face
“What did you see? Tell us.”The few female colleagues from the finance department who were watching from one side asked their colleague who was holding the binoculars.The girl with the binoculars was a newbie in the finance department, so she was more naive. She told everyone what she saw.However, when everyone heard that, they all shared looks of confusion at the same time.“I’m telling the truth,” the female colleague holding the binoculars said innocently.Her colleague turned around and looked at her. “Child, you have such a mouth for making up stories. You can even submit your manuscript to romance magazines. If you say you saw that woman sitting on the boss’ lap, kissing him furiously while seducing him and maybe grabbing his belt to force herself onto him, then I might believe you.”The boss was drying that woman’s hair and wrapping the towel on her? Plus, he even massaged her calf? What a colossal joke!Another colleague carried her items. “That woman is pretty good-l
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Chapter 187 In the Middle of the Night, Bianca Felt Her Bed Sinking!
When her skin was surrounded by the man’s hot breath, she almost collapsed because her knees were turning weak. Her face was also extremely red.Bianca thought Luke was about to kiss her again.It always happened back then.After all, this man was always thinking about doing that sort of thing.However, the man did not do it this time. His thin lips landed on her smooth cheek as he closed his eyes. He kissed her cheek for a very long time.He kissed her for so long that he only backed away after she had to hold her breath. He said, “Don’t make me worry for you. Don’t hide everything in your heart no matter what happens.”Bianca lowered her head. She did not know what he was talking about.“Go get some rest. We’ll go to the town together tomorrow.” Luke’s long and slender fingers were initially holding her chin, but he had retracted them now. His movements were slow and unwilling.Bianca was exhausted after an entire day of outdoor activities. Her entire body ached and she wante
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Chapter 188 Seduced By Her Charm With No Way Out!
"A secluded little town… A single man and a single woman… burning with passion and desire…" Each phrase that Yvonne mentioned led Allison toward far-fetched thoughts! When Allison thought of that, she realized that she had to stop something from happening! It was a well-known fact that even the greatest hero would eventually stumble when faced with the allure of a beautiful woman. History had proven that fact time and time again. It did not matter whether Bianca was objectively beautiful. She was a beautiful woman in the eyes of her son Luke, and that had clouded his judgment! Allison was once young. She knew that the passion between a man and a woman could flare with a single stray thought. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She lifted her fist and continued to pound on the door. The sounds of the knocking reflected the increasing anger in Allison's heart, from "knock knock knock" to "bang bang bang"… "Bianca, if you're at home, stop hiding from m
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Chapter 189 The Adulterer Is Her Own Son!
Outside the door, Allison's gaze moved from the phone screen back to the door. Her feminine instincts told her that something was not quite right since the morning. 'Bianca called me but did not say a word… 'What is she trying to do? 'Also, I thought I heard… soft moans? 'Were they from Bianca?' A chill went down Allison's spine when she thought of that! "Open the door now, Bianca! Open the door!" Allison could not wait to see who the other adulterer was. Before she got there, she had given a call to her brother to confirm that Xavier, their son, was still sleeping upstairs. Allison also knew that it was impossible for her son to be in the house. Jason had said that his boss had worked overtime for the past two days. After work, he would sleep in the office. According to Jason, Luke worked overtime so that he did not have to bring any work to the small town and could give all his attention to Bianca. Allison was resentful. Since when had she, Lanie, or Rainie, e
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Chapter 190 Luke Crawford Is Furious!
Luke was caught by surprise. Any lucid person capable of reason could understand what was going on from the conversation. "Don't think that I don't know what you're doing inside, Bianca! Let me tell you, I'll be waiting for you in front of the door today! I won't leave unless you open the door! If you want to sneak away, you'd better grow a pair of wings and fly out of the window!" His mother yelled those words while he was making out with Bianca. At that volume, it was impossible for him to ignore it. He did not stop his actions because he thought his mother wanted to stop her son from making out with his cousin's wife. After all, that was against all social norms. However, after his mother stepped into the house, she had said, "Not bad. Did you manage to lure in a bigshot?" Luke knew that something was amiss from those words. He could not exactly tell what was wrong, but he knew that his mother came to Bianca's house for a totally different reason than what he expecte
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