All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 4851 - Chapter 4860
5225 Chapters
Chapter 4852
“He can’t be fighting like that for ten days in a row. Does he want to die?” Denzel looked at Fennel in a panic, hoping that he would say something. Denzel would do anything as long as Fennel persuaded Philip to give up fighting and just make pills obediently. Paco looked at Philip, surprised that his energy was so abundant. Every big move Philip used consumed a lot of energy. However, he proficiently controlled the range each time and never injured his opponent seriously. Almost no one could control the energy so meticulously. Even Paco might not achieve that every time. By now, Paco had totally forgotten about his son’s murder. He was full of curiosity about Philip. Very soon, Philip fought for three days and nights. He felt a significant improvement in his strength. Seeing that he was about to enter a half-step to the other shore, Philip fought harder. What started as a one-to-one battle turned into a one-to-many battle at Philip's request. Faced with the o
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Chapter 4853
On the last day, Philip finally felt that he could not recover his energy so easily anymore. He had consumed too much energy during this time, but he felt very good. Philip stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth. His energy churned, and his empty energy reserve was filled to the brim again. Awesome! Philip smiled in satisfaction and continued to fight. Denzel and the spectators saw his actions clearly. As practitioners, everyone could tell that Philip had reached the point of exhaustion. However, he simply bounced back after taking several pills. It was as if he had taken a stimulant. He was ready to fight once more. It proved that Philip’s pills were extraordinary, and they piqued everyone’s interest. They wanted to find out more about it. Was it a miracle pill that could quickly restore energy? “Did you see the pills he just took? Do you know what they are?” “I didn’t catch a good look at them, but if they're pills, they must have something to do with it!
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Chapter 4854
Everyone was shocked by Philip’s words. As reclusive practitioners, they thought they were quite knowledgeable, but no one had heard of such pills before. “C-Can you sell these pills?” Denzel smiled brightly, ready to fawn over Philip. Philip glanced at the eagle in the distance. The moment he saw the eagle, he knew that something was wrong with it. “Of course. As the person in charge of the arena, I’m willing to present one to you. It’s extremely difficult to make this pill, so it’s very precious. It’ll probably take a long time before I can make the next one,” Philip said ruefully and handed a pill to Denzel. His acting was quite good, which displayed his reluctance to part with it. Only Philip knew that he had added various poisons to this pill. This pill could indeed restore one’s energy, but taking it was equivalent to taking hundreds of poisons. One after another, it would all start to take effect within a month. The victim would be tortured to death. Philip had
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Chapter 4855
Denzel looked at Philip resentfully and said, “You can stay here while I make a move. I’ll make other arrangements for you when I have time.” Since Philip had agreed to join him, Denzel was not in a hurry. His priority now was to take care of the pill. As Denzel left quickly, other spectators followed suit. They knew that they had to act fast. Paco followed Denzel and watched the surroundings carefully. “Many people are on the way. You need to watch out,” Paco reminded him softly. Philip and Fennel took a camouflage pill and chased after them. They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big commotion. Sure enough, when they caught up, Denzel was already surrounded by many people. The eagle that was perched on his shoulder was staring at everyone fixedly. “Hehe, Denzel, why don’t you hand over the pill quickly? You’re not worthy of having it!” an old man said. He had gray hair and acted with an air of superiority, putting pressure on Denzel with hos
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Chapter 4856
Thinking of this, Denzel's attitude grew more arrogant. “If you dare to force me, I’ll eat this pill and no one will get it in the end!” Denzel played tough, making it difficult for the others. Stealing was not a problem, but they were afraid that Denzel would destroy the pill in his anger. “If you really want this pill, why don’t you look for the person who made it? That young man has agreed to join us and will serve the Harrod family from now on! If we produce this pill again in the future, we can consider selling it at a high price, and you can just buy it when the time comes.” Denzel chuckled. He wanted to use his wit to convince everyone. “Harmony is the best policy!” Everyone fell silent upon hearing this. They knew that the best option was to find the young man who made the pill, but who knew if he was the one who made it? If he was just bragging, what should they do? Since there was an existing pill here, everyone wanted to get their hands on it first. “Wh
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Chapter 4857
The news quickly spread among everyone present. Even Philip and Fennel overheard the whole story, which was quite exciting. Denzel and Paco scowled darkly. “I won’t allow you to speak of my sister like that!” Denzel threw fireballs at everyone, but the fireballs were not very powerful and could only serve as a deterrent. The old man laughed even more loudly at Denzel’s words. “Oh, is that disgraceful woman your sister? The Harrod family is very kind for not kicking her out of the family yet!” The old man almost fell to the ground from laughing so much. Paco was furious at this scene. He did not care if someone laughed at the Harrod family, but these people were insulting him. So what if he was a monster beast? “Are you saying that you look down on monster beasts?” Paco said with a cold killing intent. Feeling the overwhelming murderous intent, everyone stopped laughing. The old man felt his strength and became serious. He could feel that the other party was re
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Chapter 4858
As Denzel and Paco were lost in anxiety, Rick smiled as he escaped. Although Rick did not take action, he had a powerful technique that allowed him to make a swap. He could steal anything even under Paco’s nose. Rick carefully put the pill into a box he had already prepared. Members of the Pill Guild had their unique way of storing pills. He had to hurry back to the guild. He had to inform the elders of the guild about this magical pill. To prevent Paco from chasing after him, Rick ran as fast as he could back to the guild with his Earth Traversing Technique. When he arrived, the elders were having tea with the guild leader. They noticed his miserable state and frowned. “I've told you many times to pay attention to your image when you’re outside. As a senior member of the Pill Guild, you represent us wherever you go!” The First Elder, Oscar, said angrily. Rick was none other than his student. Seeing the wretched look on his usually elegant and obedient student,
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Chapter 4859
First Elder Oscar wanted to speak up on Rick’s behalf at first, but he felt embarrassed after seeing the jelly bean presented. He wished he could stuff his head into the ground if there was a hole right now. Rick saw everyone's reactions and read their thoughts. “Don't get me wrong. This pill is perfectly made!” At first, Rick also thought it was a jelly bean with nothing special about it. However, he witnessed how Philip had quickly recovered from his injuries and restored his energy after taking the pill. It was enough to prove that this pill was genuine. With only one pill in hand, he could not prove it to them. The only choice was for the leader to study it. Seeing Rick’s excitement, Oscar hesitated. He felt that he could trust Rick. “Leader, why don’t we study the pill?” Oscar suggested nervously. Although he also thought it was a jelly bean, he chose to believe his student in the end. Rick looked at Oscar gratefully and smiled brightly. “Thank you, tea
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Chapter 4860
Rick nodded with certainty, and the leader scowled. He did not expect to hear Denzel Harrod's name. Denzel was nothing special, but the Harrod family was difficult to mess with. It was not that easy to steal someone from the Harrod family. “Also, the monster beast son-in-law of the Harrod family is back. I almost got killed by him just now!” Rick felt a lingering fear. He did his fair share in mocking Paco. If he had been more conspicuous, he would have met the same fate as the old man. The leader's expression became more serious. After much deliberation, he decided to talk to the Harrod family in person. “I’ll arrange a time to meet with the Harrod family. I hope there’s nothing wrong with your information.” The leader sighed and decided to talk to them in person. Now that the Harrod family had taken the lead in acquiring the pill maker, the Pill Guild had lost the head start. In that case, the leader could only take a step back and find a way to talk to them.
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Chapter 4861
Paco did not have a good impression of the Harrod family. They only saw him as a burden and a disgrace. They never said anything good about him. As the supreme king of the eagle monster beasts, how could he tolerate stupid humans humiliating him like this? If his son were not in the Harrod family, he would have already regarded them as his enemies. “You stay here for now. I'll meet them.” Denzel opened the door solemnly and hurried to the living room. The leader of the Pill Guild had the same status as their family head, so he was sure that the head of the Harrod family would not dare to neglect him. Sure enough, when the leader arrived at the living room, he found that many people were already there. The leader of the Pill Guild and the head of the Harrod family sat drinking tea without speaking. Denzel felt nervous at this scene. Denzel was considered an ordinary family member, so his appearance did not cause any commotion. The leader and family head smiled afte
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