Lahat ng Kabanata ng The First Heir: Kabanata 4871 - Kabanata 4880
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Chapter 4872
The Pill Guild knew all about Philip’s pills, so they would never miss such a good opportunity. Hence, they shared the same idea. They wanted to sign up at the last minute so that there would be fewer competitors. Very soon, it was the final hour to purchase tickets. Only a few small families bought tickets. Although some large families had a good relationship with the Harrod family, no one took action. These families sent scouts to the Harrod family to understand the situation, and the answers they received were surprisingly consistent. They were told to attend the auction. Who would accept this response? The Harrod family had never held an auction before. How would they know what to do? Due to everyone's distrust, the Harrod family sold very few tickets so far. At the last moment, the Pill Guild signed up. They arranged for some members to purchase the tickets secretly, but the news still leaked. Of course, it was all thanks to the Harrod family. The Harro
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Chapter 4873
Philip had no idea about the Pill Guild’s wild thoughts. After all, he had never come into contact with a pill from the Pill Guild before. Of course, he would be shocked if he did. How could such rubbish exist in this world, and why would anyone rush to buy them? Although ironic, it was true. As a victim who had bought some pills from the Pill Guild before, Fennel felt aggrieved. If he had known that Philip could make such powerful pills, he would have come back earlier. He was also very jealous of the weapons Philip owned. All of the weapons Philip owned were of the highest quality. Although they looked very ordinary like those wielded by commoners, one would realize the power of these weapons during a fight. It would be great if he had such an inconspicuous but substantial weapon. Fennel glanced at his storage ring, suddenly displeased by the sight of his elegant halberd. Who made this halberd so bright and colorful? This weapon looked very domineering at first
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Chapter 4874
In desperation, they could only buy time. When they were about to lose control, Philip appeared. Elmer breathed a sigh of relief and felt as if he had seen hope in Philip. He would be doomed if Philip played him out. Not only would he offend these families, but he would also generate many enemies. Even if he was the head of the Harrod family, he could not afford to mess with these people. Philip noticed Elmer’s anxiety but remained unfazed as if everything was under his control. He smiled brightly and waved at Elmer. “Don’t worry, I’ve made all the arrangements.” Philip took out ten pills from his pocket. There were two pills each of five different varieties. “These are the items for auction. The instructions for the use and effects of the pills are stated on them. You can have a look at them. After the auction, I’ll reward you with some pills too.” Philip grabbed two chairs from the side and leisurely sat down with Fennel. Elmer was very happy. He knew how wonder
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Chapter 4875
Lilian was full of anticipation and could already picture the sight of Philip’s death in her mind. Denzel was embarrassed while Paco said nothing, ignoring Lilian. Lilian scowled at them and asked warily, “What do you mean by this?” Denzel glanced at Paco but found Paco looking away. Denzel cursed him inwardly for his treachery. Seeing his sister's curiosity, Denzel sighed and decided to tell her the whole story. “We didn’t kill Philip. We have great use for him.” He did not think he could kill Philip. He had to rely on Paco for that. If Paco was unwilling to take action, Denzel could not kill Philip even if he wanted to. Although he had always been very confident in himself, he had to be cautious in this situation. If Philip used his pills to entice others, Denzel believed that even Paco would kill Denzel for Philip's pills! How could he take the chance? Lilian almost went mad with anger at Denzel’s words. How could this guy be such an idiot? “You’re such a l
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Chapter 4876
Paco had no feelings for Lilian, who was arrogant and domineering. She even asked him to bring his monster beasts to join the Harrod family. Paco had given up his last shred of compassion for Lilian. He would not have kept in touch with Lilian if not for his useless son. Now that his son was dead, he wanted to cut off all ties. If Philip’s resources had not caught his attention, he would have left already. He had no intention of taking revenge for his useless son at all. Terence did not inherit any monster beast genes and looked more human, which displeased Paco. Terence could not even transform into a monster beast, which showed how useless he was. If Terence had the bloodline of a monster beast, his practice speed would have been astonishingly fast. He would have been able to level up to such an extent that no one could touch him. However, he was no good and simply an embarrassment to Paco. Paco could not hold his head high with this son. Now that Terence was dead
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Chapter 4877
Due to her lowly status, many other guilds did not treat Lilian well either. Lilian felt inferior enough because of that. Unexpectedly, Philip treated her the same way. Was she such a pushover that everyone could take advantage of? Lilian’s expression changed rapidly. She was too angry for words. Philip saw her face so clearly that he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. “Wow, this woman’s face can change color!” Philip joked. It was his first time seeing such animated expressions on a woman’s face. Lilian’s face had flushed so red that it almost turned purple. “You killed my son. I have to settle the score with you,” Lilian said through gritted teeth, wishing she could kill Philip. Philip looked unfamiliar, so he was probably not from a big guild. Lilian believed that he should not know about her status in the Harrod family. As a member of the Harrod family, she could use this fact to threaten Philip. Philip knew she was here for revenge but had no idea
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Chapter 4878
The pills given by Philip were so amazing that Elmer could not afford to get angry even if he wanted to. “Patriarch, have you gone mad?” Lilian was so angry that she had forgotten her position. If Elmer did not seek justice on her behalf, she had to forget about this vengeance. Before Elmer could criticize Lilian, the host announced that the auction had begun. This auction was very different from others. They did not even have a list of items. No one knew what would happen next. It was a mysterious auction, indeed. Everyone sat in confusion, staring at the host on the stage eagerly. It was quite bizarre for the Harrod family to organize an auction like this. “Say, you don’t even have an auction list for us. What are we supposed to expect?” someone in the crowd finally complained. They felt the Harrod family was too hasty in holding this auction, and the fees incurred were not low. Everyone felt very unhappy after spending a huge sum of money to attend such a useless
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Chapter 4879
The onlookers were not stupid and knew that the changes happened after they smelled the herbal fragrance. After everyone realized the pill's effect, Elmer kept the pill in a bottle. He looked at everyone smugly as if he could not wait to brag about it. Everyone scowled, feeling that he was up to no good. When Elmer put away the pill, they immediately felt everything returning to normal. The ability to automatically absorb the surrounding energy was gone. The energy recovery also stopped. They had returned to a state of energy deprivation. Feeling the changes in their bodies, everyone seemed troubled. “Patriarch Harrod, can you show us the pill again?” someone suggested. Everyone looked at Elmer expectantly. They wanted to smell the pill again as they were amazed by its effects. Just a whiff could produce such changes in their bodies. What would happen if they ate it? “Did you show us this pill because it’s for sale? If that’s the case, I'm willing to pay a pre
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Chapter 4880
Everyone stared at Elmer eagerly. They could not wait to get their hands on the pill. “Stop talking and get on with the auction!” “That’s right. Hurry up and state the price. I’ll buy it no matter how much it costs!” Everyone knew this thing could save their lives and would buy it no matter how expensive it was. However, it was not that easy to get it with so many forces around. “We've prepared five different types of pills with two pills each,” the host announced calmly, but he was panicking inwardly. He had no idea that the patriarch would be auctioning such a precious pill. As a member of the Harrod family, he did not know that the patriarch had such a treasure. He wondered why the pill was put up for auction instead of using it within the family, but someone in his position had no right to ask questions. He could only do the job assigned to him. Hearing that there were two pills of each kind up for auction, everyone became excited. Everyone smiled brightly and
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Chapter 4881
The two energy replenishment pills were quickly sold at very high prices. Philip looked at the list and saw that one of the buyers was the Pill Guild. The Pill Guild was indeed very wealthy to spend so many emerald stones to buy an ordinary pill. Other pills with different effects were also auctioned off one after another, seemingly very popular with the crowd. Philip only accepted emerald stones for this auction, and some hoarders clearly gained the upper hand. Those who did not prepare enough emerald stones were very regretful. Surprisingly, the Pill Guild managed to get five pills, accounting for half of the total. They were very wealthy, indeed. Other guilds had to think twice about spending so much money, but not the Pill Guild. They bought one of each type and left the remaining for the others to fight over. After the auction, Philip got his wish and received a lot of money. The auction ended, but no one left. They wanted to get to know Philip. Everyone kn
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