All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 4881 - Chapter 4890
5215 Chapters
Chapter 4882
Philip made it very clear, and everyone frowned. If the Pill Guild had not interrupted, the others would have forgotten their extreme move of buying five pills. “Hehe, the Pill Guild is quite over the top!” “They kept saying that we should oppose this, but they bought five pills under our noses!” Everyone’s taunts sounded very harsh in the ears of an elder of the Pill Guild. He threw up blood and fell to the ground. Philip went too far. The members of the Pill Guild turned their heads away at the harsh criticisms. Although it was not to the extent that they would throw up blood in anger, they were members of the Pill Guild, after all. They would be uneasy if the Pill Guild came under scrutiny. However, that was indeed the case. They had taken half of the pills, leaving no options for the other families. Nonetheless, the families did not dare to criticize the Pill Guild either. They knew that such pills were far and few between. They still had to rely on the Pill
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Chapter 4883
Maurice’s anger was quickly replaced by a bright smile. He knew that Philip could not escape his clutches. Philip noticed his rapid change of expression and felt exasperated. This guy had to be out of his mind. Philip knew exactly what Maurice was thinking. Since he had the guts for it, Philip had nothing to fear either. “I know you’re making preparations to enter the secular world. In that case, let us meet there.” Philip waved to everyone and turned around to leave. Then, he noticed a woman staring at him. This woman's eyes were full of anger as if she wanted to rip him into pieces. Philip frowned in confusion. He did not recognize this woman with average looks. As Philip turned to leave, everyone pondered over his words. They were practitioners of high status. They left the Harrod family's compound in a flash without any hesitation. Now that Philip had promised to start selling his pills, they had to raise money quickly. Everyone wanted to buy his pills.
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Chapter 4884
Lilian’s eyes were full of killing intent. She hated Philip to the core. As the abandoned daughter of the family, Lilian could only depend on Terence to make ends meet. Now that Terence was dead and Denzel was of no help, Lilian had no idea who she should rely on. Philip finally realized that this woman was Terence's mother. “That loser’s death is nothing worth mentioning,” Fennel said in disdain. Fennel had never had a good impression of Terence. Philip could tell that Lilian was not really seeking revenge for her son but more so expressing her helpless anger. Philip noticed something was wrong with Terence when he killed him. His bloodline was impure. He was not a pure human. If Philip was not mistaken, Terence was the offspring of a monster beast and a human. Philip did not know which monster beast the other half of the bloodline was, but he knew that the outcome was not optimum. If Terence could have perfectly blended the best qualities of both human and monst
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Chapter 4885
Elmer glanced at Lilian in horror and saw the broken dagger next to her. He had an impression of this dagger. It was Lilian’s favorite toy. Honing her speed to perfection was an alternate method of practice. Unexpectedly, her dagger was now broken and Lilian was dying. Without any delay, Elmer walked up to Philip and apologized in fear, “I'm very sorry for not taking her in hand.” Since Elmer received the pills from Philip, he understood the benefits of riding on his coattails. Although the Harrod family was not that clean, no family or guild could claim that they were innocent. “Both he and she must die.” Philip pointed at Lilian and Denzel with disdain. He had not forgotten what Denzel did. At this time, Lilian woke up in disbelief. She never thought that Philip would actually ask the head of the family to kill her. Of course, Denzel was most surprised. Denzel was shocked to hear Philip make that request. He could understand why Philip wanted to kill Lilia
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Chapter 4886
Paco watched in silence and lamented Elmer’s ruthlessness. If Elmer had accepted Paco back then, Terence would not have ended up that way. Although Terence’s bloodline was not good, he would have gotten better after Paco’s careful grooming. However, Elmer forced them to separate and even went as far as to massacre the eagle monster beast clan. Paco was not very strong back then and could watch as his people suffered. Now that he was fully grown, he kept the grudge in his heart. In his opinion, it was better not to mess with humans unless absolutely necessary. Now that energy had been revived, humans had become more powerful. One wrong step and humans would retaliate. Paco had always been a cautious guy. Denzel questioned Philip unhappily as if he was seeking justice. “I’m not killing you because of your bad performance or because you offended me but because you killed everyone in that diner,” Philip said calmly, but his eyes were full of murderous intent. He had t
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Chapter 4887
Practitioners could not figure out the purpose of the existence of mortal beings. To them, there was no difference between mortals and monster beasts. Perhaps mortals were even less than monster beasts. Paco changed his mind after hearing Philip’s words. He thought Philip was a cunning guy at first but later found out that Philip was quite a capable cunning guy. Now, it seemed that it was a misunderstanding. Philip was an ambitious and conscientious practitioner, totally different from these people. “Whether they're normal humans or monster beasts, you have no right to attack them when they did nothing to you!” Philip said angrily. Energy gathered in his right hand, and he grabbed Denzel’s head. Denzel’s consciousness and energy core were shattered into pieces in an instant. Denzel was turned into an ordinary person. “Since you look down on mortals so much, I’ll turn you into one and let you experience the despair of being tortured.” Philip wanted to kill him, but o
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Chapter 4888
Elmer remained indifferent. Denzel was still hopeful. “I hereby announce that Denzel Harrod has been exiled and is no longer a member of the Harrod family!” His voice contained a lot of energy and people within a hundred miles heard this statement. Members of the Harrod family looked up in shock. Although they were not there, they could imagine the severity of this matter. Even though Lilian gave birth to a son with a monster beast, Elmer did not drive her away. What exactly did Denzel do for Elmer to make that decision? Although everyone was puzzled, no one asked. They knew that joining the fun would only land them in trouble. Hence, they decided to stay silent and wait until the incident was over to find out what happened. After issuing the statement to drive Denzel away, Elmer relaxed. The problem that had troubled the family for so long had been resolved, and he thanked Philip from the bottom of his heart. If Philip had not proposed to kill them, Elmer would
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Chapter 4889
Martha had always been up to no good and never stayed at home, so Aslan followed her per his duty. Even a powerful practitioner would find it difficult to detect Aslan’s presence, not to mention a normal human. Thus, Martha never noticed Aslan despite all her activities outside. Aslan sighed as Martha chatted animatedly with the young man. “What’s wrong with humans nowadays?” Aslan could not figure it out. Wynn and Philip were living a happy life, but this woman had to interfere for some reason. Who else in this world could have a better future than Philip? Impossible! Aslan knew that people from the reclusive practitioner world would soon take over the secular world. By then, secular people would simply serve as cannon fodder. Only Philip’s people would stand a chance to survive this storm. Thus, Aslan did not look highly upon these ordinary practitioners. “Since you've agreed, I’ll make arrangements and contact you again!” Martha said happily, feeling as if sh
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Chapter 4890
Everyone thought Martha was in trouble again, but the truth was that she had arranged a blind date for Wynn! This was simply unbelievable. Wynn was happily married with kids. How could she go on a blind date? “What are you talking about? What about Philip?” Noelle was furious and wished she could kill Martha. Montel frowned and made a prediction. He scowled and said, “According to my prediction, this woman will force Wynn to go on the blind date!” Montel's eyes were filled with murderous intent. They knew that Wynn would never cheat on Philip. She valued kinship very much. Maybe she would choose to compromise and go on the blind date under Martha's pressure, but they did not want to place Wynn in a difficult spot. “We have to do something about this,” Aslan said flatly. He did not like Martha at all. Philip was obviously a man with the best potential, but Martha was still dissatisfied with him. Who else would treat Philip in this manner? If not for the sake of f
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Chapter 4891
Everyone was surprised by Philip’s sudden appearance and shuddered in fright. They fell into an awkward silence, at a loss for what to say. Philip should not be listening to their topic of discussion. Everyone had not discussed how to break the news to Philip when he returned. Seeing their awkward expressions, Philip became even more confused. He caught hold of Aslan as he was about to sneak away. “What’s going on? Spit it out,” Philip urged. He knew that something big had to be happening. Aslan turned to the others for help but no one knew what to say. Seeing the fearless Aslan looking so hesitant, Philip smiled brightly. “What are you afraid of?” Philip teased. After much deliberation, Aslan finally told Philip the truth. This matter could not be hidden for long. Philip was not angry as if everything was within his expectations. Everyone panicked at his stoic face. They thought he was heartbroken with despair. Everyone gathered around anxiously to console
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