All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 4861 - Chapter 4870
5225 Chapters
Chapter 4862
If they had a conflict, Maurice still stood a chance. If he offered some reasonable terms, he could definitely win over this person. Anyone could be bought over. He just needed to offer the right terms. Maurice smiled brightly at this thought. Elmer was a smart person and immediately knew Maurice was up to no good. If Denzel really found a talent, he would not give up so easily. Elmer smiled awkwardly and said, “Who knows if that’s the truth? Maybe they're making up stories. If there's such a person, why would he join the Harrod family?” Elmer had a point. Although the Harrod family was quite powerful, alchemists would generally not choose to join them. They could develop better in a guild while joining a family would only mean servitude. Hence, alchemists would usually choose to join the Pill Guild. “Nothing is set in stone,” Maurice said with a smile, not backing down. If the Harrod family still wanted to do business with the Pill Guild, they had to compromise.
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Chapter 4863
As the saying went, the grass was always greener on the other side. It was normal for the reclusive world to go to the secular world to seek better development. “We have no control over this, and no one can stop the practitioner world from making a choice,” Fennel said helplessly. He knew that this was a difficult matter to deal with. Once the reclusive world merged with the secular world, all the commoners would suffer. Even the officials would not be able to do anything. There were too many powerful people in the reclusive world with no one to govern them at all. Without the existence of a leader, they would do whatever they wanted. As the two discussed this serious topic, Denzel and Paco found them. Philip did not deliberately hide his tracks, so it was easy to find him. Denzel stood in front of Philip, panting. He was so worried that Philip had escaped and he would be doomed. Philip and Fennel looked at Denzel’s miserable state in puzzlement. Why did this guy
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Chapter 4864
“Since you've mentioned it, I should grant your wish.” Philip chuckled as if this was Fennel’s idea. Fennel was unfazed. This should be the way between them. Philip and Fennel were quickly brought into the hall, where everyone looked at the door expectantly. They were very interested in the alchemist Maurice mentioned. When did such a talented alchemist appear in the reclusive practice world? Everyone was puzzled. By right, the appearance of such a powerful alchemist would definitely cause a big commotion, so this silence was a bit strange. Philip appeared amidst everyone’s anticipation. They were confused at the sight of Philip and Fennel. Did Denzel not go out to fetch the other party? Why did he bring two young men back? Could they be the alchemist’s assistants here to make the welcome arrangements? “Denzel, what's wrong with you? Why did you bring the alchemist’s assistants back with you instead? I told you to invite the alchemist!” Elmer said unhappily. H
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Chapter 4865
As soon as his pills were released, everyone would flock to them. Philip was confident enough to tell everyone his name. As long as he could control the lifeline of the entire practitioner world, he would have the final say. By then, he could also intervene in their actions. This was Philip’s sudden inspiration, which he had not discussed with Fennel yet. Philip winked at Fennel and greeted the head of the Harrod family. “Hello, Patriarch Harrod. I do know how to make pills, and I gave one to Denzel earlier.” Philip was very calm and did not brag about himself. Elmer did not react much, but Maurice was very excited. Maurice ran up to Philip excitedly and held his hands tightly. “Young man, would you be interested in joining the Pill Guild? I’m the leader of the Pill Guild. You can call me Maurice. If you join us, we’ll give you the best and most suitable resources!” Maurice started recruiting Philip. He could tell that Philip was not a liar, Philip had to be the a
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Chapter 4866
Everyone was confused by Elmer’s reasoning. Who cared about Philip’s ambitions and aspirations? They just wanted to know if Philip was really that good. Whether or not Philip was a powerful alchemist, he would not belong to them in the end. He would only end up locked in a cage provided by the Harrod family, where he would enjoy the rest of his life. Maurice was very confident that Philip would choose to join the Pill Guild. “Sorry, I won't join anyone,” Philip said with a smile. Hearing this, the Harrod family and the Pill Guild were shocked. No one expected Philip to say that. Denzel scowled, angry that Philip went back on his words. Paco saw this scene in the tree he was hiding and felt very happy. It was good to see the Harrod family taking a fall! Elmer glanced at Denzel unhappily, disappointed that he did not handle this well. “Denzel, what’s going on?” Elmer asked fiercely, wishing he could kill Denzel. Denzel was frightened by Elmer’s anger and quickly
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Chapter 4867
Maurice merely glanced at Elmer indifferently without a word. Elmer obviously did not know the effects of this pill as well but laughed at him all the same. Maurice would see who was the fool in the end. Elmer scowled at the other party’s disregard. Maurice carefully cut the pill in half, and the scent hit them. Everyone felt a pleasant sensation wash over them. It was as if their old injuries had healed. “What pill is that?” “It’s simply a miracle for a pill to display such effects!” “Can you show us the pill?” Everyone was interested and wanted to take a good look at this pill. The effects might be better if they could get a closer whiff. Maurice smugly waved the pill in the air before putting it into his pocket. He would not share such a precious pill so easily. The pill looked ordinary before it was cut open, but he could analyze the pill's efficacy through its medicinal aroma after he did. As Philip mentioned, the pill could heal someone’s injuries. J
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Chapter 4868
Maurice’s objective was to sow discord between Elmer and Philip so that Philip would join him instead. With that in mind, he took action without further ado. Sure enough, his remark did have some effect. As the head of the Harrod family, Elmer was an arrogant person by birth. He always felt that talents like Philip should belong to the Harrod family. Besides, Denzel was the one who found Philip first, so Philip should rightfully belong to the Harrod family. “Hehe, you’re smart enough not to compete with the Harrod family, and our status can't be underestimated either. Although the Pill Guild is not bad, we’re not afraid of you!” Elmer said triumphantly, completely unaware that he had fallen for Maurice’s trick. The other members of the Harrod family watched helplessly. As rational bystanders, they knew that they should not act tough. Philip was a talented and prideful man at first glance. He would be annoyed if the Harrod family behaved so arrogantly. Even a dumb pers
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Chapter 4869
Philip was surprised at Denzel’s plight too. Although he always thought that Denzel was not very smart, his words were sincere and reasonable. However, not only was Elmer oblivious, but he also attacked his loyal aid. Philip suddenly felt that the standards of Elmer and Maurice were not worth his time. After Elmer dealt with Denzel, he looked at Philip smugly. “I’m not asking for your consent but informing you that you’ll join the Harrod family from now on. We’ll give you the best practice resources and medicinal materials so that you can make pills for us with peace of mind. “If you have a family, you can bring them over. We’re quite flexible about this,” Elmer said with a smile as if he was bestowing a great honor upon Philip. Fennel’s mouth twitched uncontrollably. He never dreamed that this guy could be such an idiot. How did such an idiot lead his family to this current state? Seeing that his plan had succeeded, Maurice smiled brightly. He knew that this matt
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Chapter 4870
Elmer still felt resentful over Philip's refusal to join him, but he knew that his future was over if he offended Philip today. Philip could make all sorts of pills. If Philip came up with something good but Elmer lost the right to buy it, he would be doomed. Philip's words enlightened Elmer. Although Elmer was a reckless man who did not use his brains, he was quite good at sizing up the situation sometimes. Maurice was hoping to see a conflict between Elmer and Philip, but in the next second, Elmer treated Philip with respect instead. Maurice was puzzled and felt it was unfair. Instead of attacking Philip, Elmer treated Philip like he was a distinguished guest. Even as a leader of a guild with an honorable status, Elmer had never treated him that way. How could Elmer do that to Philip? Was this how a family head should behave? Maurice was very unhappy to see that Elmer had returned to his senses. He scowled as he tried to plan his next move. He was not sincere ab
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Chapter 4871
As Maurice fled with his tail tucked between his legs, Elmer smiled triumphantly. Although he was not the cause of it, Elmer did not lose either. “This is the Harrod family's communication token!” Elmer also handed over his family's green token, which Philip accepted. He hoped that more people would do business with him so that not only could he make more money but control various forces as well. “I think you’re a good person. In that case, I’ll hand an important task to you,” Philip said with a smile. He could not create a name for himself on his own. Since the Harrod family wanted to please him, he could make good use of them. “I want to hold a pill auction and appraisal in two days, and I want to leave everything to you. I want everyone in the reclusive world to know about my pills.” Philip gazed at Elmer searingly. He knew that this was not difficult for Elmer. Elmer raised his eyebrows at Philip's words, surprised to learn his wild ambitions. He actually wanted
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