All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
319 Chapters
Angela’s POVPrincess Melody picked me up from our apartment then we went to a mall where I helped her pick a dress that suits here. I think she’s really fond of dresses especially those with flowers embroidered on it. Though everything she wears only makes her appear prettier, no doubt she really is a princess. All of the people that we pass turned their heads at her. “Would you like to watch a movie?” she asked me after we went to the boutique. She bought tons of dresses maybe that’s also the reason why she asked ten butlers to go with us. I nodded and smiled. “I’d love to.”She then clung her hand around my arms which made me somehow flinched. I don’t know why I feel so nervous whenever she does something surprising. Maybe because I’m not used of it.After we bought some snacks, we went inside the cinema to watch her favorite movie as she said. “It’s a really great movie, you know. Rico and I used to watch this together especially whe
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Warning: Too much PDA ahead. Please if you don't like reading flirtatious scenes, just skip this chapter hahahaha! Good Night, Angels!Angela’s POVI was wearing a pink knitted top paired with a dark-washed jeans and snickers when I went to the airport to welcome Lucifer. He just went out of town but it seems like he went outside of the country already. I was just looking around, seeing people reunite with their loved ones after patiently waiting. Some are crying because of happiness, and some are because of sadness. "Angela." I turned around when I heard a familiar voice called me. I was surprised when I saw Carlo, the one I met at Lucifer's company.  He's wearing a corporate attire. "Carlo." I smiled at him. "It's so nice to see you again. What are you doing here?"He smiled back at me. "I was with the Director.""Oh really?" I just remembered, I haven't told Carlo yet that Lucifer is my boyfriend. 
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Angela’s POV“How often does my son says I love you to you in a day?” Princess Melody asked me one afternoon while we’re having a tea in our apartment. It’s the very first time that she went here and I was surprised that she didn’t show any negative reactions when she saw our house that is so small unlike their gigantic houses that one-hundred families could already reside at.I sipped my tea while trying to recall every conversation that Lucifer and I had. I was thinking really hard and I know the princess could already notice it so I just gave up. “Actually, Lucifer is not the kind of guy that utters sweet endearments or says I love you. I’m always the one who says it. B-But that’s alright with me.” I mumbled.Oh really, Angela? Now that I think of it, he never really said I love you to me before. As in, never.“Oh really? Well, my husband always says I love you to me no matter how near t
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Angela’s POV“Who are you texting?” Lucifer suddenly asked. We're here inside a coffee shop. We decided to stop here while waiting for my siblings' dismissal. It's actually quite far from their school but Lucifer likes their coffee here. I immediately hide my phone inside my bag. “I-I just texted Christine…”He furrowed his brows at me. “And do you think I’ll believe you?”“I-I’m saying the truth…”“Give me your phone.” He ordered.“W-Why?”He glared at me. “You’ve been so busy staring at your phone these past few days. I just let it slip last time but you still keep on doing it. Now, give me your phone and let me see what keeps you busy.”“I-I won’t do it again, I promise.” I pleaded.“You’re hiding something from me, aren’t you?”I bit my lower lip.  “I-I just—L-Lucifer!”I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed the phone from my hand. He looked at me before he started scrolling on my phon
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 Angela’s POV“Did he really tell you that?” Princess Melody asked me. I nodded. “I’m so sorry, your highness. I didn’t intend to tell it to him.”“Come on, Angela, It’s not your fault.  I’m so sorry he got mad at you because of me.”“I’ll try to talk to him later.”The princess tilted her head on her side. “Talk about what?”“To talk to you, and give you a chance. To prove yourself to him.”“Oh, Angela. That will never happen. My son hates me, he always asks me to vanish whenever he sees me.”I shook my head. “That’s not true. Maybe he’s mad, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to hate you for the rest of his life.”“But…”I took her hand. “Believe me, your highness. Lucifer loves you, he may not be able to show it but he
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Angela’s POV“Do you think this would work?” the princess asked me as she was being groomed by her personal make up artist. I smiled at her. “I can’t assure you that this would do, but I’m sure it’ll somehow help.”“I’m afraid he’ll get mad at you after this.” She said.“I can always talk to him, your highness. I know he’ll understand, your son is a good man.”The princess reached out and hugged me. “You’re really are the best, Angela.”Lucifer is currently at his office, having his final meeting together with the other board of directors. Next week will be the opening of school again after the summer break. We won’t be having so much time if the school starts so I just decided to do our plan today, the plan of get Lucifer back to his mother. I know how much hatred Lucifer has for his own mother, and I fully understand him, I even got mad at his parents for making his life miserable, but when I got to talk with the princess, I finally un
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Lucifer’s POV“Angela isn’t coming.” She suddenly said.I glanced at her with my furrowed brows. “What?”“Angela isn’t coming because we planned this.  We planned to get you here so that we could talk, alone.”“What the fuck are you saying? You used my girlfriend to plan this bullshit?!”She lowered her head. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to use her. I just…I just want to get close to you!”I spat a breath and glared at her. “Get close to me? Are you kidding me? You always wanted to be far away from me that’s why you were never there!” I tried to walk away but then she suddenly held my arm. “Son, please hear my reasons!”I removed her hands off my arm. “Reasons? Or lies?”“Lucifer, you are my son. You are my one and only son. I know I have been such a useless mom to you, I know how much you wanted for me and your dad to be always there beside you…”“You know? Melody, don’t pretend like you care for me. Because you know wh
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Angela’s POVWe were so quiet inside Lucifer’s car on the way to our apartment. He’s too focused on the road and I don’t know how to speak first either. After what happened a while ago, I don’t know how I’ll be able to approach him. That was the very first time that I’ve seen him cry.  I never thought that he’s been hiding so much burden and pain inside her heart… I feel so guilty… I feel sorry for him… I’m so ashamed of myself. I never listened to him, I’m just always thinking about myself…“I’m starving.” Lucifer suddenly said. I looked at him. But I immediately looked away upon seeing his puffy eyes.  He cried a lot a while ago. It hurts so much to see him crying like that…“Would you like to eat somewhere before we head home?” I asked him, I tried to sound casual.“You have to go home now, I’ll just eat at my house too.” He replied.I badly want to tell him that I still want to be with him but I just nodded. “Ok
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Angela’s POVLucifer’s been gripping so tightly on my hand since we came here at the Tulips palace where the princess and the prince resides at. It’s the very first time that Lucifer would talk to her mother properly, as he promised to me. He asked me to stay here until his mother arrives. “Are you nervous?” I asked him. He looked at me. “No.”I held his hand tightly. “I know you are.  Your hands are cold.” I smiled at him as I run my fingers through his hair. “Everything will be alright.”This is the very first time that I’ve seen him getting nervous. Usually, other people get nervous because of his death glares, even I too, I get very nervous whenever he stares at me especially when I know that he’s mad. We both stood up and when the door suddenly opened. The princess stepped in, wearing a black V neck sheath midi dress. The dress is simple and she didn’t put so much accessories in her but she still looks stunning as ever. Just like Lucifer.
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Lucifer’s POV“How’s your day?” Melody asked me as soon as retard walked outside. She told me she’s not going to leave me here alone but where the hell is she right now? I don’t fucking no why I feel so nervous. I sank down on the couch and crossed my legs. “Quit that nonsense, just tell me what you want to say.” I said, cutting her off.She was surprised but then she just smiled. “I’m so happy to finally have you here in our house. And to know that you agreed to have some coffee with me.”“My girlfriend told me to. Don’t assume that I’m doing this for you.”  I heard her chuckle so I glared at her. “What’s funny?”She shook her head while smiling. “I’m just happy that you finally found a woman that makes you happy. She’s a good woman, I like her.”“I’m not asking for your opinion, even if you don’t like her, I don’t care.” I replied. Fuck, I really get easily pissed whenever I’m talking to this woman. I hate seeing her face because she’s always
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