All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
319 Chapters
Angela’s POV“How was it?” I almost jumped when I suddenly saw Lucifer standing in front of our door as I opened the door after hearing someone knocked. He’s still wearing his formal suit so I’m sure he just got from work. He stepped inside the house and I closed the door behind me. “Did you go here straight from work? Have you eaten already?” I asked him. He just sat on the sofa and closed his eyes as he started massaging his temple. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. “I have good news.” I said, “Hmm?” his eyes are still closed. I smiled. “I’m already Madame Anne’s apprentice. And also Christine, she just got a modelling offer from a well-known modelling agency. We actually celebrated a while ago with the kids.”“Congrats.” Lucifer just said. I sat up promptly and tilted my body towards him. “Thank you!” my smile faded when I saw him still closing his eyes. “Lucifer? Are you alright?” He suddenly ope
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Angela’s POV“I feel so nervous.” I said to Lucifer as soon as we get inside their private plane. Today is finally the day of our trip going to New York because tomorrow is already her birthday.  I have decided to make a hat for her at last, Princess Melody even helped me make it. She told me about the Queen’s taste and what color does she likes. “You’re just going to meet her, what’s with getting nervous?” he just said.I brushed the hair of Mary who’s sleeping next to me while Hercules is sleeping beside Lucifer. The prince and the princess are sleeping on the bedroom. Yes, their private jet has three bedrooms and even an entertainment zone where we can watch films and movies while waiting for the jet to arrive to New York. “I don’t know, I just feel so worried about meeting her. I’m afraid about her reaction.”“Already assume that she’s not going to smile at you. Just don’t mind her.” Lucifer said to calm me down. I heaved a deep sigh and le
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Angela’s POVEveryone was so busy inside the manor, famous fashion stylists came and gowns and dresses are piled on each bed of our room. They are said to be came from different clothing shops and boutiques that are famous here in New York. It’s still three in the afternoon but we are already preparing for the queen’s birthday that will be held at eight in the evening. “This is the very first time that I’ve seen you wearing something that’s not black.” I said, teasing Lucifer as I helped him wear his silver vest. He’s wearing a tuxedo that was made out of a shiny silver poly/viscose material with significant sheen. The coat was set off by a pleated satin notch lapel and popular two button front. Lucifer is usually fond of wearing dark clothes so it’s really surprising to see him wearing a near-to-white tuxedo now. But of course, it’s still looks very good on him. There are lots of stylists inside the manor but Lucifer was still the one who chose his tuxedo, he
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Angela’s POVAs soon as we stepped out of the car, we already heard the sound of an orchestra playing from the inside of the venue. Outside is a garden where different expensive cars and limousines with guards standing on its sides can be seen. The garden was full of bollard lights and flowers that were lighted with artificial lights too. Even the fountains are lighted and appeared very beautiful to stare at too. This is a palace, I guess. It’s bigger than those palaces that Lucifer had brought me to.The entrance is wide enough to accommodate at least a hundred cars. And from where we are walking from, we can already see the palace itself filled with lights which only makes someone assume that there’s a joyful elegant party inside. As we ascended the stairs, little by little I heard the murmurs of people inside. My hands felt cold. This is the very first party that I’ll be attending. It’s not just an ordinary one, it’s the queen’s party, the birthday party of Lucife
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Angela’s POVShould we just leave this party? Because of what Lucy have said earlier, I felt like an outcast. I suddenly felt like I don’t belong here. “Mama, I’m already hungry, can we eat now?” Hercules suddenly asked while holding his tummy.“Hercules, we shouldn’t eat before papa. We should wait for papa first before we eat!” Mary reprimanded him, sounding like an adult. I smiled as I looked at them. I don’t regret that I brought these two with me here, they’re really the best, they never fail to make me happy. I just hope Christine is here with us too, but she can’t go with us because she still has work as a model. I’m so happy for her, she really deserves that. “Would you like some ice cream?” a waiter suddenly approached my siblings, holding two cups of ice cream in his hands. The two looked at me first for approval. I glanced at the waiter. "Can we eat even if the other visitors haven't eaten yet?"He smiled. I just noticed the face of the w
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Angela’s POV“Your Highness!” Both the woman and I looked at the woman who suddenly yelled. A woman wearing an all-black formal dress that almost looks like that of a servant that greeted us at the manor that we first arrived at. She ran towards us and suddenly approached the waiter. “Your Highness, what are you doing here? And those clothes that you’re wearing, aren’t they those of a waiter?” “Y-Your Highness?” the woman who yelled at the man a while ago was so surprised and so did I. The man raised a hand to stop the woman servant from going near him. “I’m alright.” Everyone in the hall were looking at us, specifically at the man. Why did the servant addressed him as ‘Your Highness’? don’t tell me…The man suddenly took of his hat and his dark-grey hair fell perfectly. He looks exactly like… exactly like Prince Rico. Is he the---“It’s the King!”“Oh My God, It’s the King!”Everyone around us suddenly bended down on their k
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Angela’s POV“Tristan, they are my siblings, Mary and Hercules.” I introduced them to one another when we finally arrived at the party hall. Lucifer, Princess Melody and Princess Haley left us here at the table near the stage where only close relatives are sitting on. There’s an auction happening at the moment so I just decided the kids just so they wouldn’t get bored. “Hi Mary, Hi Hercules, I’m Tristan Moden.”Tristan politely introduced himself to my siblings. The two then curtsied. “I’m Mary.” “And I’m Hercules, nice to meet you, Prince Tristan.”“You don’t have to address me as Prince Tristan anymore, you can just call me Tristan if you want.” Said Tristan, sounding like an adult. “But you are a prince, that’s why we need to call you one.” Hercules insisted. “My brother is right, mama said that we should always curtsy whenever a royal comes to talk to us.” Mary added. Tristan shook his head cutely. “It’s okay for me if you won’t. I’m your f
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Angela’s POVAnd the party was finally over. We are now inside the car, going to the Queen’s residence where the whole family will have an intimate dinner. It’s only Lucifer and me together in his car because the kids are with Princess Haley and Prince Bartley. They seem to be getting along so well with each other that they no longer want to be apart from each other. “What are you thinking of?” Lucifer suddenly asked me. “H-Huh?”He didn’t take his eyes off the road. “I said what’s in your mind?” “N-Nothing. I’m just glad that the kids are getting along well with each other.” I looked at him. “By the way, I just realized that you’re really famous among women huh? Looks like every woman in that party waited for your entrance. “Lucifer didn’t react. “You’re one of them too.”I chortled. “Of course not. I was not waiting for you, because I know you’ll gonna come to me even if I don’t.” I kidded. I thought Lucifer didn’t care about wh
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Angela’s POV“Now here’s the noisiest niece of mine!” Prince Rico stood up as soon as three people arrived. My eyes widened when I suddenly saw the man who danced with me at the party. Oh well, he’s a prince too so why am I even surprised. “Noisiest or your most handsome niece?” he said to the prince as they hugged. “Come on, don’t be so full of yourself, we all know that you’re just the second here.” A woman, someone also I saw at the party with the other members of the royal family suddenly appeared with her parents and her sister. I think they’re twins. Each of them walked towards the princes and princesses and hugged them as for welcoming. Then they all sat down at the long refectory table full of delicious foods that are becoming larger in number as the servants continuously serve newly-cooked dishes. “Mama, they all look beautiful, are they princesses too?” Mary suddenly whispered in my ears. I looked at her and nodded with a smile. “Tristan!
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Angela’s POVThe tension inside the dining room intensified as the King and the Queen entered. Everyone was bowing their heads until the heads of the royal family sat down. “You can all be seated now.” The deep voice of the king echoed the room. Everyone took their seats without making any noise. “Where’s Prince Lucifer?” the Queen suddenly asked. “The prince went outside to answer an urgent call from his office, her majesty.” Princess Melody replied politely. Then the room was filled with silence once more. “Prince Cleoffe.” The prince lifted his chin up as soon as the king called his name. “H-His majesty?”The king was sitting so straight at his chair while his hands are resting on the table. His lips didn’t form a smile but his eyes are glimmering with youthful joy. “What a good hair color we have there, huh?” everyone laughed because of what the king have said but then the laughter was put into a halt when the queen tapped the table with her b
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