All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
319 Chapters
Angela’s POVThe summer break ended and a new semester started. We’re at the last stage of being senior high school students. Few more months from now and we’ll be having to choose the course or path that we would like to take. “Angela!” Summer and Jace ran towards me as soon as Lucifer and I entered the classroom. Summer hugged me while Jace didn’t because Lucifer was looking at him. “I missed you guys so much!” I cooed.“We missed you too! By the way, can we hang out this Saturday? Jace said he’ll treat us!” Summer suddenly asked. “I never said that!” Jace kidded so Summer nudged him. I looked at Lucifer and he just nodded. “Sure!” It’s been also a long time since I last met them, I really missed them. I’m so glad that Lucifer allowed me to go with them on Saturday. I was actually surprised, because the last time that we fought was because o
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Angela’s POVJust after I hanged out with Jace and Snow, I headed to the Honey Bear Coffee Shop where I would wait for Lucifer. He told me to wait for him here so we could go there together, he doesn’t want to go there without me, he said. And that made me smile, he really feels embarrass with his own parents. Well actually, even I don’t want to go there alone because I feel so nervous too and it’s not that I don’t feel comfortable with Lucifer’s parents around, just feel so calm and relieved whenever he’s around. I actually bought a necktie for the prince and a hand-knitted cardigan for the princess. I just wish that they would love it. “Is that for me?” I almost screamed when someone suddenly spoke behind me. “Lucifer—I mean, love.”He sat on the chair beside me. I quickly put the cardigan and necktie inside the paper bag. He tried to peek at the paper bag then looked at me. “To whom are those for?”“H-Huh?”He pointed at the paper bag then
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Angela’s POVThe prince smiled at me so I immediately made a bow. “G-Good Evening, prince Rico…”My heart keeps on beating so fast that it seems like it would finally jump out of my chest. “You can just call me Uncle Rico, or… Dad.” I quickly glanced at him with my eyes widened. “It’s nice to see you again, Angela.” He said then smiled at me. I smiled shyly. “I-it’s nice to meet you too again, y-your highness…”“Shall we take our seats first?” said Princess Melody.The prince and I looked at each other and laughed then we all sat on the chairs. “Rico had just arrived from a business trip at London yesterday. But you know what, Angela? He keeps on asking me about you.”“R-Really?”“Yes, he keeps on asking me about how did you meet our son, he keeps on asking me to make sure that you’ll come tonight here. He’s so excited to see you!”Prince Rico playfully nudged the princess. “Honey come on, don’t say those things to Angela.” T
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Angela’s POV“Have you meet Lucifer’s parents already?” asked Lucy from me. We are here at the cafeteria, Lucifer is absent today because he has so may pile of works waiting for him at his office. He’s a real workaholic, that means I need to work hard too, I’m actually planning to apply as a saleslady in a boutique since that’s somehow related with the course that I would like to take in the future. I will probably have two jobs, and for sure Lucifer will get mad at me if he ever knows, that’s why I won’t let him know.I nodded. “We actually had a dinner with them last week.” “What?!” Lucy looked so surprised. I smiled at her. “Yes.”“And what did they tell you? Do they like you for Lucifer?” she asked. She looks so excited to know, I can see a ghost of worry on her face. “It’s alright, Lucy. They told me they feel so nice to have a daughter. They even invited me to attend the Queen’s upcoming birthday next month.”“W-What? They in
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Angela’s POV“Good Morning, Ma’am. Welcome to Haverly Boutique.” I greeted our customer as she entered the boutique wearing a red summer maxi dress which clung to her figure perfectly and featured a snug-fitting romper shorts with a long, flowy skirt overlay. Her dress has a high slit, an open back with criss-cross straps, and plunging v-neck that shows off her bust. Her hair is dyed with purple but that didn’t made her look weird but cool. She’s also wearing numerous accessories from her neck to her arms, and her bag seems to be a high-class too. She looks young, I think she’s younger than me.She just walked past me and started roaming around the shop. I followed her as she headed towards one of the mannequins wearing a blue spaghetti strap bodycon party dress. “I think that will suit you ma’am, with a slim, snug ft, this bodycon dress accentuates your curves and its low, rounded neckline will show off your bust. It falls to your mid-thighs and features an asymmetr
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Angela’s POV“Retard, wake up.” I was awakened by Lucifer’s voice tingling my ears. I opened my eyes an yawned and was surprised when I realized that we’re inside our classroom. I sat up and fixed myself as I looked at Lucifer who’s sitting next to me while glancing at me with a skeptical look on his face. “I-I think I fell asleep while waiting for you.”“It’s already lunch break.” He said.My eyes widened. “Y-You mean I’ve been sleeping here for hours already?! Even when the lecturers are still discussing?!”  Lucifer nodded with an emotionless face. “That was so disrespectful of me, I should apologize to them.”“Didn’t you sleep last night again?” he suddenly asked. “I-I did…” Lucifer looked straight in my eyes. “You’ve been like this for the past few weeks, you seem very tired every single day. What were you doing whenever I’m not around?” My heart raced. He finally noticed. I’ve been doing three jobs in a day for a couple of weeks now,
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Angela’s POVI quit all of my jobs and Lucifer found one for me. It’s a boutique that princess Melody’s friend had just built. She said that her friend is looking for an apprentice so she automatically recommended me to her. Lucifer is no longer mad at me too, and I also promised that I will never lie to him again about the jobs that I’ll be doing. “So, your dream is to become a fashion designer?” Madame Anne asked me while scanning the resume that I have given to her. She’s wearing a black suit and a very big hat which almost covered her whole face. But based on how she looks, you can already tell that she’s good at fashion. Everything inside her office is glamorous and fashionable. Even the tiles are colorful yet smooth to walk on. There are racks of dresses on each side and a board pasted on the wall where sketches of dresses are on. I gulped. “Y-Yes, Madame Anne.”“Hmm, then what is fashion for you? Do you even know what fashion is?” she asked while s
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Angela’s POVMadame Anne suddenly put five white papers on my desk. “Look at those dresses and choose one that you think you can sew today.”I nodded as I started browsing the papers one by one. The first sketch shows an a-line pink dress with ribbon attached on its chest while the second is a blue drop waist dress which is very simple, third is red wrap dress, fourth is jumper dress and lastly is the long-sleeve black little dress. All of them are actually quite simple but then I really find the last dress interesting even though I’m not accustomed of wearing such dresses.“I think I’ll choose this one, Madame Anne.” I said as I showed him the sketch of a long-sleeve dress with the length of up to the knees. Madame Anne looked at it and slowly nodded her head. “This one’s a bit complicated when it comes to its edges and details. Do you really want to sew this one?”I nodded. “Yes, madame.”She raised an eyebrow. “Well then, you should start sewing
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Angela’s POV“This is it, Angela. I’m telling, you’ll gonna pass that evaluation and you’ll surely be Madame Anne’s apprentice. And then of course, you’ll have your own clothing line one day and you’ll be the famous fashion designer all over the world!” I smiled as I watch Christine saying words of encouragement while doing some extravagant hand gestures.I leaned on the sofa. “I don’t even have a model yet.”Christine sat beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder. “Come on, Angela. That’s not a problem you know. You can just ask your hot boyfriend to be your model. No doubt, all the fashion designers that would evaluate you will be drooling as soon as they see him there.”“That’s impossible, Christine. Lucifer’s been so busy lately. I can’t ask him because for sure, he’ll leave his work just to do me a favor.”“That’s so sweet! But then, who’s gonna be your model instead?” she asked.I shook my head. “I don’t know…”Christine and I b
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Angela’s POV“Are you nervous?” I asked Christine when she’s finally wearing the dress that I made for her. It’s a plunging metallic dress which I added a tail attached on its flaps to show uniqueness. We’re here at the backstage, together with the other people aiming to be Madame Anne’s apprentice. We are all busy making sure about the look of our models. Some are still putting some make-ups, I’m too lucky that Christine is the one who put some cosmetics on her face since I can do it.She smiled at me. “No, I’m not. Why should I be? I’m wearing the most beautiful and hot dress here.” I just smiled back at her and fixed her flaps. She can really rock every dress, I’m wondering why she didn’t think about applying to be model. Her somewhat curly hair flowed gorgeously on both sides of her chest which made a perfect shape for her dress. She’s not wearing ay accessories but I can really say that she looks stunning. “Don’t be nervous, Angela. I got this.” She
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