All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
319 Chapters
Angela’s POVCleoffe suddenly put his arms around me and pulled me close to him. “P-Prince Cleidon—“Ssshh. Just stay still and cry all you want.” He whispered. “B-But—I was trying to push him away but he held me even tighter. “It’s alright, no one could recognize you here.”  “N-No, it’s alright.” I said as I was finally able to move away from him. “T-Thank you for your concern but I think I have to—"What the fuck are you doing here you bastard!” Cleoffe and I were surprised when we heard that voice coming from behind us. “Your High—Everything just went too fast, I just saw Lucifer running towards us and grabbed Prince Cleoffe’s collar as he forced him to stand up and punched him on his face. “Lucifer!” I quickly stood up.“Dude, why did you punch me?!”Cleoffe asked
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Angela’s POV“Mama!!”I heard the voice of my siblings as soon as I dialed the number of The Tulip’s palace household since they are staying there for a while along with the prince and the princess. “Mary, Hercules! How are you guys?”“Mama when will you come home?”I smiled as I leaned on the headboard.“We’ll go home soon. What are you doing there? Are you behaving well? Don’t fuss around the palace okay?”“Yes mama. Princess Melody and I watered the plants and we also baked an apple pie yesterday!”“Oh really? How about Hercules?”“Mama! Prince Rico and I rode a bike yesterday and we also played basketball tomorrow!” Hercules answered. They both sounded so happy that I couldn’t help but smile. “Then can I watch you play when we come home?”“Yes, mama!”“Okay, okay.  
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Angela’s POV“Guess you just broke your own rule?”Lucifer teasingly said to me as we both moved away from the kiss.I quickly took a step away from him. “Y-You’re the one who k-kissed me first!”“But you kissed me back.” He said, raising an eyebrow at me. I averted my gaze to hide my blushing face. He really knows how to shut me out. He chuckled then sat on the sand so I sat next to him. “Where have you been?” I asked.He looked at me and pulled me close to him so I would lean on his shoulder.“Just somewhere.” “Somewhere you can’t tell me where?” He nodded, “Yes.”I moved away from him. “Okay.”I heard him laugh as he pulled me beside him again. “You’re acting like a child.” I pouted and brushed his hands off me. “I’m not. Tch why are you touching me? You haven’t fulfilled your promise yet.”“I didn’t promise anything.”“Then you don’t have the right touch me.” I said. 
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Angela's POVI was just staring at the ring on my finger that Lucifer gave me a while ago. It's ten o'clock in the evening already and I'm already lying on my bed. Lucifer is probably sleeping in his room now too. I couldn't help but smile as I recall what happened at the beach. It feels like he already proposed to me. Well, I guess that's the same with a proposal the only difference is that it would take a few years before we finally exchange our vows. I know we're still too young to plan about marrying each other but I can't really picture myself with some other man other than Lucifer. He's the only one I want to end up with. He's the only one I want to marry someday. But of course, before that I would like us to graduate and have our own individual dreams fulfilled first. I stopped staring at the ring when my phone suddenly rang. Christine is calling me. What a good timing, I badly want to tell it to her already. "Christine?"
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Angela's POV"MY BABIIIEESSS!!!" I already heard Princess Melody's loud scream as Lucifer and I stepped out of his car. We just came back and we both decided to go here first since I'll be bringing my siblings with me later. The princess hugged me tightly as soon as she was able to run towards us. "Ah, I missed you so much!!" "We missed you too, mommy..." I said. She moved away from the hug and smiled at me. "You look even more vibrant now. I wonder what happened during your vacation..."My eyes widened. "H-Huh? N-Nothing happened, mommy...""Oh really?" She playfully raised her eyebrows at me. I averted my gaze to hide the embarrassment that I felt. "Honey, you shouldn't be teasing our daughter-in-law. They just came back so we should let them rest first." Prince Carlo then squinted at me and smiled so I smiled back at him."Alright, alright. Oh by the way, I already asked the chefs to cook some delicious foods for
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Angela’s POV“You’re already engaged?! Congratulations Angela!!” Summer clapped her hands merrily looking like a kid. The three of us are here at the school garden. It’s been a long time since we last had a lunch together and since Lucifer would probably skip the classes again, I decided to ask Summer and Jace to have a lunch with me. “S-Summer, your voice is too loud…” I whispered. Summer just shrugged and smiled at me. “And so what? That’s something for you to be proud of anyway, you are going to be the next queen of this country.” I shook my head. “I don’t think I can be a queen. I just want to marry Lucifer someday, and that doesn’t mean that I’ll agree being the next queen. I don’t think the queen would agree with that anyway.” Summer looked at me skeptically. “And why won’t she agree? She can’t do anything about it anyway, th
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Angela’s POV“Class, I just want to remind you that your examination will be held next week so if I were you, better yet group with your friends already and help each other study so you wouldn’t have a failing grade after the exam.” Our lecturer reminded us before she warded off the classroom. That’s right, our examination will be next week already, I should let Lucifer borrow my notes so he could study for the lessons that he have missed. “Ah, I still don’t get it, how do you get the answer of this again?” I suddenly heard Prince Cleoffe mumbling to himself while staring at his notebook. I peeked at what he’s looking at and saw the equation that our lecturer taught us a while ago. Should I tell him how? I should actually go to the boutique now. I was about to grab my bag and leave but then m conscience stopped me and made me sit back to my chair next to Prince Cleoffe.”U-Uh.. I think you should divide it here then get the square root of this one.”
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Angela's POVThere were only a few people inside the city library when Prince Cleoffe and I arrived there. We immediately sat on the chairs and I also looked for the books that could help us too. "I'm so excited to study with you." He suddenly said. I just smiled and looked at my notes where I wrote the discussions that we had a while ago during our class. "Alright, let's start here. Can you solve this one?"He looked at my notebook and narrowed his eyes. "Hmm.... As far as I can remember, I'll have to add this to the quotient of these two then subtract it to five?" I shook my head. "Nope, you have to subtract it first to five, then divide it to the sum of those two."He nodded his head. "Oh...""Like this one, you should apply the same formula whenever the given numbers are like this...." I began explaining everything to him and he listened to me very attentively. "Now, try to solve this one." I said as I handed him the pen and the paper. 
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Angela’s POV “You’re not going to attend our classes again?” I asked Lucifer who’s currently driving our way to the University.  “I will have seven meetings to attend to, I don’t think I still have time to attend the class.” He replied without taking his eyes off the road. I just nodded. “But the examination would be next week already.”“I know, and do you think something would happen if I failed the exam? That’s my school.” He said. He has a point, Oh I forgot that he’s the owner of that University. “Yes, I know but of course you have to pass that too so it wouldn’t be unfair to other students.”Lucifer then looked at me. “Fine, I’ll be taking the examination next week.” “Really? Is that a promise?” “Tch you’re like a kid.”I pouted. “Just promise
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Angela’s POV“The coffee tastes good, right?” Prince Cleoffe asked me as he sipped his cappuccino coffee. We are already here in the University’s coffee shop. As I have promised, I will teach him the lessons that he didn’t understand during the discussions every lunch breaks. I nodded, “You’re right.”Prince Cleoffe smiled at me. “You know I used to go here whenever I want to have some peace since it’s very peaceful here. And aside from being peaceful, you can also see the trees at the University garden from here, right?” He pointed at the window where you can actually see the acacia trees at the school garden form here.“You see that?” he asked. “You’re right.” I replied. “I didn’t notice that actually. If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t know.”He chuckled. “That was the first thing that I liked here since
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