All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
319 Chapters
Angela’s POVI ran going to the Honey Bear’s coffee shop since I just came from Christine’s house to leave the kids to her. It’s her day off too so she volunteered to take care of them. The guard greeted me as he opened the glass door for me and so I greeted him back with a smile. The shop doesn’t have that much customers yet that’s why I was able to easily spot Prince Cleoffe who’s sitting at a table located near the ceiling-to-floor glass windows. He waved at me and smiled as I approached him. “I’m sorry I’m late.” I said. He stood up, pulled my chair out and helped me in. “Thanks.” I said.“I actually just arrived here five minutes ago.” He said as he sat down too. I sat up straight and looked at him. He’s wearing a blue turtle neck and his hair somehow covers his face. And what made me even more surprised is that he’s wearing black glasses which is very unusual of him because I didn’t see him wearing one before and because…that’s how Ca
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Angela’s POV“Isn’t it beautiful here?” Prince Cleoffe suddenly asked me without taking his eyes off the scenic view of the sky as it includes many houses and buildings below it. I nodded as I stared at it with awe. “It looks like a painting…”“Right, it’s so peaceful here, like a paradise. This is actually my secret place.” He said as he turned his head towards me and smiled. I stared at him, why does he resemble Carlo so much? The way he smile, the way he looks at the sky and the way he likes to find his own secret place. Is he …… Is it possible for him to be the Carlo that I have been waiting for all of my life? I shook my head. No, it’s impossible, his name is Cleoffe, not Carlo.“Oh, wait. I brought something so we would be comfortable while studying here.” He suddenly said as he walked towards the trunk of his car and took something. He went back with a blue picnic blanket in his hands. “Can you get the snacks out here too?” he asked me. 
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Angela's POVWe are already packing our things up and getting ready to leave. It's already twelve noon and I'm still planning to go to Lucifer's office and bring him some lunch. We're already done reviewing. And I very certain that Prince Cleoffe would be able to pass the examination now. He's really good at learning things that is why I didn't really find it hard to teach him. 'Is everything okay now? Didn't you forget anything?" Prince Cleoffe asked me when we're finally sitting inside his car. I checked my things before I looked at him again. "I think everything's fine now.""Alright then, shall we go now?""Yes." I smiled. "Here we go!!!" He yelled as he put his car key in the ignition and turned it, but the engine didn't start. He tried to start it again but still, it didn't work. "What the hell is wrong with this car?" He said as he tried and tried to start the engine. "It was still working a while ago, right?"
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Angela's POVAs soon as the rain stopped, Prince Cleoffe and I started looking for a place where we can stay the night since it's getting late too. I tried to check my phone if there's already a connection but still, there's none. I sighed. I'm sure Lucifer is looking for me right now. "Can you see that, Rose?""Huh?"He pointed his finger towards a specific direction and when I shifted my gaze to it, I saw a nearby little house. I looked at Cleoffe and we smiled at each other. We walked towards the house carrying our own bags with us. "Do you think there's some people inside?" He asked."Yes. The lights inside are open though." I replied.We both fixed ourselves before Prince Cleoffe finally knocked on the wooden door. It was a log house made of oak woods. It seems like it has been built here for years already but it still look so homey and peaceful with that installed rough-hewn dogwood tree porch railings, salvaged wood doors, and an industrial-
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Angela's POV"Wow! This tastes so good!" Prince Cleoffe cooed as he tasted the chocolate porridge that Miss Felestine made. "My husband used to tell me before that I make the best chocolate porridge." Miss Felestine said. I looked around the house since there's no wall that divides each part of the house. "Is your husband here?" I asked. Miss Felestine then smiled at me then shook her head. "He already left me two years ago. He died from cancer."Prince Cleoffe and I were both surprised. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked that.""No, it's alright. I've been living here alone for two years now and I have been with different visitors. It's quite sad when they leave but then as long as I see my husband's photo, I no longer feel lonely." The way her eyes smile as she talks about her husband gives me an idea on how they loved each other very much. Miss Felestine suddenly looked at the two of us. "I actually felt really happy when I saw the two
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Angela's POVI was awakened by some weird noises coming from the outside of our room. I quickly sat up and tied my hair. I get off the bed quietly, careful not to cause any excessive noise that could wake Prince Cleoffe up. Just when I was able to stand up, I suddenly realized that there's no one sleeping on the floor anymore. The futon and the blanket that he used last night are already properly piled together on one corner.It's only five in the morning, how come he woke up this early? How shameful of me to wake up later than them. I made my bed then I took my things. I'd like to take a bath first. I walked towards the door, I was about to open it but then it went open just before I could lay my hand onto the knob.I thought it was Miss Felestine, but then I was shocked when I saw who it really was. "Good Mor---L-Lucifer? How did you--"Where the hell have you been?!" He yelled at my face and then he suddenly grabbed me by the hand and lock
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Angela’s POVI took a deep breath before I held the doorknob of Lucifer’s office. “You can do it, Milady!” Mayang whispered to me which made those men outside Lucifer’s office look at us. I smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Mayang.”She left me there and so I had no choice but to enter Lucifer’s Office while my hands are shaking so badly. Those guards outside closed the door behind me. I walked inside and saw Lucifer sitting on a black swivel chair while typing something on his laptop. He didn’t throw me a look even when he spoke. “Sit down.”“O-Okay…” I said as I take my seat on the chair beside his desk. I gulped. I just lowered my head while playing with my own fingers, waiting for him to speak. The only thing that can be heard inside the room was the sound of his fingers as it touches the keyboard. I’m getting more nervous. He still hasn’t spoken so I
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Angela’s POV“What do you think should I do to make him forgive me?” I asked Christine who is currently lying on our bed. I called her early this morning just to help me prepare something for Lucifer. “Hmm, what if you take him to a beach with so many lights and then you’ll camp there overnight? Don’t you think that’s sweet?!”“I think I did that kind of thing for him before.” I said.“Oh really? Then how about you prepare a dinner date for the two of you? Wait, I think that has been used by so many couples already.” She thought for a while again. “Or maybe you record a song for him?”I pouted. “But I can’t sing…”“Oh, then that’s a problem.” Christine laughed. “Ah, I can’t think of any kind of surprise anymore. I think this is one of the main problems of being single, you lack of romantic ideas
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Angela's POV"Are you alright, Angela?" Christine asked me worriedly. We're here at the backstage of a runaway show where different models just like Christine are going to wear different types of dresses that Moden's fashion designers made themselves. Many well-known businessmen would watch this fashion show because it will serve as a presentation of the dresses that their company would make for the next two months. Lucifer would watch it because, after this, he would also decide which types of clothes he would like to put to specific branches and what clothes he would like to remove. I got actually surprised and nervous at the same time when Princess Melody told me about this plan of hers.Christine also decided to be one of the models just for me not to feel so much fright. And now, they made me wear a very sexy dress which is the last one to be presented in the show. It's a sexy plunging V neckline with spaghetti straps and thigh-high slit black dress p
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Angela's POVThe man wiped the tears in my eyes using his fingers. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't cry."I narrowed my eyes to see his face clearly. "Lucifer?"I heard him laughed. "Try guessing some more." I stood up and faced him, that's when I figured out who he really is. "Prince Cleoffe.""That's right. I'm more handsome than my cousin, right?""What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, just watching the fashion show. You know, just to spot some chic. But I didn't spot one, because none of them were beautiful, except the last woman who nailed her dress."I averted my gaze. I just realized what I have been wearing. I covered his jacket on me. "C-Can I borrow this for a while?""Of course, you can even take it if you want," he said. I shook my head. "I will return it to you on Monday, I promise." "Alright, if that's what you want. By the way, wanna grab some drink? I know a place where you can express your fru
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