All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
319 Chapters
Cleoffe's POVAll of us in the audience was slack-jawed as soon as we saw Angela walking on the runaway wearing that fucking hot dress which made her look mature and sexy. All of her perfect curves were shown. She actually nailed it and did better than the rest of the models. It was obvious that she was a little nervous but she was so beautiful that it didn't ruin her perfect moment. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The moment that she went inside, I saw Lucifer followed her, and he seems to be very annoyed. Poor Angela, for sure her overly-possessive boyfriend would scold her again. Back when he found out where Angela and I were staying, he quickly went there and he punched my face as soon as he opened the door. He told me to stay away from his girlfriend and concluded that I planned all of those things so I could take his girlfriend away from him. If only I could really do that.I decided to go the hotel's lobby when the fashion show ended. I go
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Angela’s POVI woke up with my head hurting as if it’s going to break. I yawned and opened my eyes. I saw a stark white ceiling with a pretty paneled hanging light which I don’t usually see in our apartment.  Wait. I sat up on the bed and looked around the room. There are so many posters of women wearing a bikini on the wall and there are also so many unfamiliar things that are for men. Therefore, this is surely not our apartment, then, where am I?My eyes went open as it landed on the person sleeping beside me. I got even more surprised the moment I knew who it was. “P-Prince Cleoffe?!!”He was surprised and got awaken from my scream that he instantly sat up on the bed while rubbing his eyes. “What’s the matter?”I immediately pulled the blanket to cover my body then I moved away from him. “W-What am I doing here? W-Where are we?!” Prince Cleoffe widened his eyes and looked
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Angela’s POVLucifer opened his car door and pulled me out forcefully. That’s when I realized that he brought me to a luxury hotel that his family owns too. “L-Lucifer what are we doing here?” I asked him. He just walked straight inside while dragging me along with him. The staff of the hotel greeted us but he just ignored them too and we ascended the stairs until we reached the fifth floor, I think. Lucifer took big steps while holding my wrist and he walked towards one of the doors and opened it with one hand and he instantly pushed me inside, closing the door behind him.“L-Lucifer, what are we doing here?”Instead of responding to me, he suddenly tossed his coat on the floor and started unbuttoning his shirt while looking at me with his deep ocean blue eyes that turned into a darker one that strangely brought shivers down to my spine. I took a step back while looking at him. “L-Lucifer what are you d
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Angela's POVI walked outside the hotel having no idea where I should go. My eyes are still blurred because tears just won't stop streaming down my face. Some of the hotel staff tried to ask if I'm alright but I'm too weak that I can't even speak. I continue walking and walking until I fell down at my own feet. "Lucifer...." "Angela! Oh my God!" I suddenly heard Christine's voice as she ran towards me and helped me stood up. "What are you doing? W-What happened?" I looked at her although I cannot clearly see her face. "Christine..." I immediately hugged her and began crying again. "Christine...""What happened? Stop crying now..." She patted my back. "Come on, let's go home first." I was crying the whole time we were in the car. Christine tried to console me but I just can't stop crying. I can't even breathe properly anymore because of crying too much. Christine guide me to our room after she had me change my clothes. She h
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Angela’s POV“Are you sure you can go now?”Christine asked me worriedly as she accompanied me to Lucifer’s university.I smiled at her and nodded. “I’m fine, Christine. Don’t worry about me, I still have to talk to Lucifer.”She just nodded. “Just call me if you need my help, okay? You can do it, Angela!”“Thank you so much, Christine.”I just waved goodbye at her before I finally stepped inside the university. I heaved a deep sigh as I walked towards the building where Lucifer’s private room is located at. For sure he’s there since he’s not in the classroom just like what Summer texted me a while ago. Jace then said that he saw him walking towards that building so I immediately knew he’s there.   I know that he’s still mad at me of course, he even told me not to show my face to him ever again but I won’t give up, I want to talk to him again, I want to explain everything to him until he finally believes me. I careful
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Angela’s POVGood Morning, Lucifer!” I greeted as soon as I saw him stepped out of his car. I really planned on waiting for him here that’s why I came here to our school early in the morning.  It’s been a week already after what happened, after Lucifer got mad at me. He never said that we’re over so for me, I’m still his girlfriend even though he already asked me not to show up to him again and even if he always ignores me every single time that I try to talk to him. Lucifer frowned. “Get the hell out of my sight.”“Guess what? I packed some lunch for you to eat during our break later!”“I don’t care, just eat them.” He said as he walked past me. I smiled as I followed him. “I’m so glad that you’re attending our classes again. By the way, do you have something to do after class? How about we go watch some movie? I heard that they released the new season of that movie you’ve been watching to watch.”I was surprised when Lucifer
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Angela’s POV“Just prepare yourself, okay? I’ll ask him to go here and then I’ll lock the door once he steps inside and you will do your work then, okay?” Princess Melody told me. It’s already the day that we planned on finding a way to talk to Lucifer. We’re here, inside Lucifer’s office at his own house. We are planning to ask him to go here so that we could have an alone time together and in that way, I will also be able to talk to him without him going away. I nodded and smiled at the princess.“Okay.”“I know you can do it, you just have to explain and say everything you want to say to clear everything up, for sure he would understand you.”“Thank you for helping me out.”“Just thank me after you and my son gets back together again." She kidded which made both of us laugh. "I'm gonna leave now and call him. Just hide behind the bookshelves until he arrives."I nodded. "Yes."Princess Melody then left
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Angela’s POV“I admit it, I got upset when you scolded me instead of telling me something that would make me feel better, I got upset because you didn’t appreciate my effort although I still understand why you reacted like that.” I took a deep sigh before I spoke again. “And then I ran away, until I arrived at the garden. I cried in there, until someone approached me… P-Prince Cleoffe.”I noticed how Lucifer’s hands formed into a fist as soon as he heard Cleoffe’s name. “H-He asked me to go to a bar and have a drink with him…”“And you fucking agreed right?! I told you not to go with that moron but still, you agreed to go with him!” “At first I was hesitant, I was thinking if it’s alright if I go with him especially that I don’t drink liquors. But then I was so upset with you that I felt like I want to rebel and do things that you ask me not to do. I went to the bar with him.” I took a deep breath again. “There, I cried and cried and got
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Angela’s POVThis is the last day that I’ll be attending our class. Because tomorrow, I won’t be coming back here again. I’ll be enrolling myself to a different university.I will start distancing myself from Lucifer like I promised, not just for me to be able to move on, I don’t think I will ever move on from him. This is also for him not to find it hard to move on, too.I wasn’t able to talk to Princess Melody after what happened yesterday, but I’m still planning to talk to her later after our class. I need to thank her too and I also need to apologize for what happened. “Angela!” I suddenly heard someone called me so I turned around to see who it was and I immediately saw Summer and Jace running towards me with big smiles on their faces.I forced a smiled as they got to stand in front of me. I will definitely miss them when I finally leave Moden University. “Good Morning, Summer and Jace.”“Good Morning!”We walked along
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Angela's POVAfter our classes, I just waved goodbye to Jace and Summer and then I called Princess Melody to ask her to meet me at the Honey Bear's Coffee Shop. No one's talking between the two of us so I just decided to initiate the conversation. "I'm sorry, your highness." She looked at me. "Can I still change your mind?"I looked down. "I hurt Lucifer. He was so mad because of what happened and I don't think we could stay in our relationship even if we're already hurting one another.""But you love each other. Isn't that enough for you to stay with him?" "I don't want to make it hard for him that's why I decided to be the one to end it. I know he loves me, but I also know how hurt he was because of what I did. For sure that would leave a big impact on him and on how he would see me." I replied politely. Princess Melody suddenly reached for my hand and gripped it tightly, causing me to look at her. She was looking at me with pl
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