All Chapters of Lucifer's Angel: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
319 Chapters
Angela’s POV“Mama, are you crying?” I was surprised when Mary and Hercules suddenly appeared in front of me. I quickly wiped the tears in my eyes and looked at them. “W-Why are you still awake? It’s half past ten in the evening now and you still have classes tomorrow, right?” They both sat on the chairs beside mine. “Mama, is papa going here tomorrow?” Mary suddenly asked. It felt like my chest tightened just by hearing his name. I forced a smile and looked at them. “Papa, won’t go here anymore.” It was obvious that they were both surprised because of what I said.  “He’s not coming back here anymore? But why, mama?” Asked Hercules.“H-He’s now busy with their company so he won’t be going here more often anymore…” Mary suddenly started to cry. “I want to see papa… I want to play with him… I want to still play with his hair…” she kept on sobbing as if she wouldn’t stop so I pulled her close to me and hugged her.
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Angela's POV"What did you say? You're quitting as my apprentice?" Madam Anne asked me when I gave her my resignation letter.I went here at the boutique early in the morning just to tell her about my resignation. "Y-Yes, Ma'am.""Why? Did you find a new job already? You don't want to be a fashion designer anymore? Tell me, Angela."I shook my head. "It's not like that, Ma'am... I will still pursue my dream as a fashion designer when I finally graduated.""You already have the chance to enhance your skills and start building up your dream! Why are you letting go of this chance?"I averted my gaze. I took a very deep breath before I spoke. "I-I want to cut all of my connections with the royal family...""And that includes me? Come on, I'm not a princess, I'm not a part of them!""B-But the princess helped me to meet you...""And so what?" "And so---"Listen, I didn't let you be my apprentice just becau
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Angela's POVMy heart keeps on beating so fast I entered the palace. Butler Ian accompanied me inside the palace until we arrived at the Queen's Office. Someone opened the enormous golden door and I took a very deep breath before I took a step inside.I immediately felt the tension as soon as I get inside the room. The carpated floor seemed very neat and I can't even see any dust on it so I made my steps lighter. The only thing that could be heard inside was my footsteps. There's a long U-shaped white couch at the center of the room with a designer wooden center table. A huge crystal chandelier is grandeusly hanging on the ceiling, giving a very expensive vibe to a truly expensive room. The room was simple but elegant, with all of the golden-touched bookshelves on every corner and paintings of the past royalties on the wall. "Long time no see." My eyes quickly darted towards the person who spoke. She was standing next to an office desk, wearing a black wrappe
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Angela's POV"Y-You broke up, again?" Cloud asked me. We are already here in our apartment after we picked Mary and Hercules from their school. Cloud even bought me new clothes just so I could change since my clothes a while ago were all soaked. I lowered my head, trying not to remember things that would only make me cry. "Yes... But this time, it's real. He no longer wants to see me...""Angela.""Huh?""Are you alright? Now I know why you were crying when I saw you. I'm so sorry I was not there to comfort you." I shook my head and smiled. "There's no need for you to be sorry. And besides, I already cried too much, I have to move on, and have a new life, without Lucifer..." I almost mumbled his name."Angela--"By the way, How are you now? You don't wear your glasses anymore that's why I wasn't able to figure out that it was actually you." I changed the topic just so it wouldn't be awkward for both of us. I guess C
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Angela's POV"So what kind of job are you looking for?" asked the woman wearing pink chiffon dress under a denim jacket. Based on Cloud, she's the HR here in their company. The one who decides who to hire. I didn't ask Cloud to accompany me here anymore because I'm sure that he still has a lot of things to do.I immediately fixed my white blouse that I even ironed this morning just so it would remain presentable-lookiing. "I can do anything, ma'am. I can clean, cook, and I can sew clothes too, ma'am!""We only hire professional fashion designers here and I don't think being a janitress would suit you either. Have you tried being a model before?""I'm sorry, but I'm not really good at modelling ma'am. I don't have any experience and I don't think I can do something like that. But I'm really willing to work as a janitress of your company ma'am!"She rolled her eyes out of annoyance. "Fine, starting today, you'll work as our janitress. Now, go with Pamela
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Angela's POVI was ready to go back to the restroom to finish my work so I could go up and clean the other ones there when someone suddenly called my name. "Angela?"That voice... I quickly turned around and my eyes automatically widened when I realized who it was. "Prince Cleoffe.""What are you doing here uh..." he looked at me from head to toe. "Why are you wearing the uniform of a janitress?" I averted my gaze. "I just started working here today.""What? you mean, you're working here as a janitress? But I thought you're already working as Madam Anne's apprentice?""I already quitted my  job there so if you please excuse me because I still have some work to do." I said as I walked away from him. The prince that they are saying is Prince Cleoffe. I really thought it was Lucifer. I went back to the restroom where I started cleaning and I then proceed to the other five after that. It's really
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Angela's POVKathleen keeps on nudging me as we continue eating our foods while Prince Cleoffe is comfortably having his lunch with us. I don't really know what he wants from me. "By the way, ladies, I forgot to introduce myself to you, I'm so sorry. I'm Cleoffe Moden by the way.""I-It's really nothing, your highness. I-I'm Kathleen Kensley. And she is..." Kathleen looked at me. "Huh?"She widened her eyes at me and signaled me to introduce myself to Cleoffe too. I sighed before I spoke. "I-I'm Angela Santos.""Such beautiful names you have.""T-Thank you..." Kathleen said. I took the tissue beside my plate and wiped my mouth before I drink water and wiped it again. "Uhm, Kathleen. I think we should go back to our duties now, Miss Pamela might scold us if she knew that we're taking too long to have lunch." "Huh? But we just started eating right? And the end of our break is still 30 minutes away." she complain
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Angela's POV"Good Morning, Angela and Kathleen! It's so nice to see you again!" Prince Cleoffe greeted us as soon as he saw Kathleen and me entered the company cafeteria. I covertly sighed as I followed Kathleen walked enthusiastically towards him. "Good Morning, Your Highness!"I was surprised when his gaze found mine. "Good Morning, Angela.""G-Good Morning."I just want this to end immediately. I feel really awkward around him. "Please have a seat. I already ordered some food for us." Cleoffe said, he even pulled my chair as I sat on it. Kathleen gave me a meaningful look and I just shrugged."How's your job?" Cleoffe asked while we are eating, and it actually looks like he ordered every single food on the menu.  "Well, it's actually kind of hard, you know, it's really hard to clean the toilet and every single room here in a 30 story building. But at the same time, it's rewarding especially whenever people appreciate us like w
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Lucy's POV"Oooh! My daughter looks so gorgeous today!" Mom said as soon as she saw me stepped out of my room. "Hey mom, this is just my usual look." She smiled. "Oh really? Or maybe you're just wearing the same thing every day, your uniform, but the difference is that you're happier now?"I couldn't help but to smile and blush at the same time because of what she said. "Well, I couldn't agree more with that. And guess what, mom?""What?""Lucifer allowed me to sit next to him!!" I screamed. "Isn't that only means that he's already allowing me to be his girlfriend?!""Oh my God, honey I'm so happy for you! All of your plans are going so smoothly!""I know right. Alright, I gotta go now mom, maybe Lucifer is already waiting for me! Bye!""Bye honey, take care!"I stepped inside our limo and a smile formed on my lips again as I remembered how Lucifer never complained or said anything when I sat next to h
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Angela's POV"Good Morning, Angela!" I almost fell on the ground when Prince Cleoffe suddenly appeared in front of me as soon as I closed the door of the janitor's closet. "Want some coffee?" he asked me as he handed me a cup of coffee which he obviously bought from the vending machine near the company's cafeteria. I heaved a sigh. "I'm still full. I'm going to work now so, please don't bother me." I told him as I pushed the cleaning trolley. It's been already a week since I told him to stay away from me but look at him, he's still going here every single day from morning 'till night just to bother me. I don't really know what to do with him anymore. "H-Hey, I bought this coffee for $40! Don't you think you're being mean?!" he suddenly yelled like a kid. But I didn't mind him, I just continue walking while pushing the cleaning trolley when I just saw him running past me and put the coffee on the floor then he walked away like a kid. "H-Hey your coffe
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