All Chapters of The Yoruba Demons: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
300 Chapters
Previously…Ama.I looked at Femi. He carried disappointment in his eyes. I wondered why he was like that. I was only saying that I was tired of them babying me. There was no way Chike would hurt me in here and I also wanted to make peace with him."Hey stop it okay? I'm just trying to say that you could have told me that Chike is here. I even wanted to have a chat with him." I said.Femi looked at me in disbelief. "What did you just say?""Yeah I wanted to..." I couldn't finish before he cut me off."Whatever for?" He whined. He was pissed now. I knew he was but he was not about to dictate my life for me. I wouldn't let that happen."Well, I don't want to fight with anyone anymore. This whole experience has taught me a lot about life and not to keep grudges with anyone anymore. So you could have told me without sending him away." I said with a calm tone so as not to rattle him. However, it didn't work as he stood up."Well if that's the case you can call him to come back. So much for
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Previously…Ama."Whatever for?" He whined. He was pissed now. I knew he was but he was not about to dictate my life for me. I wouldn't let that happen."Well, I don't want to fight with anyone anymore. This whole experience has taught me a lot about life and not to keep grudges with anyone anymore. So you could have told me without sending him away." I said with a calm tone so as not to rattle him. However, it didn't work as he stood up."Well if that's the case you can call him to come back. So much for protecting you." He said and resumed walking off."Femi, Femi,!" I yelled but he slammed the door on his way out but not before whispering "I can't believe you." What did I do?———-Femi.I couldn't believe her right now. How could she say that she wanted to talk to Chike after all he had done to inflict pains on her. She was willing to see him.My chest hurt so much. I couldn't understand it. Was I being a fool for protecting her from obvious danger? Was she perhaps falling for him
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Previously…Femi.I couldn't believe her right now. How could she say that she wanted to talk to Chike after all he had done to inflict pains on her. She was willing to see him.My chest hurt so much. I couldn't understand it. Was I being a fool for protecting her from obvious danger? Was she perhaps falling for him again? These were the painful thoughts going through my head.I opened my room door and went in with a frown and started thinking......To be continued.—————-Femi.Kola entered my room, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hey man." Kola said. I was dumbfounded to actually see him here because I wasn't expecting him. He had traveled to the states for a while now. I hadn't even had the talk with him about Ama.I was going to be very careful not to say anything about it to him because he would start the "I told you so" agenda and I didn't want him to have that satisfaction. This who argument was to remain between me and Ama."What's got you in such a gloomy mood?" He asked m
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Previously…Femi.Kola entered my room, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hey man." Kola said. I was dumbfounded to actually see him here because I wasn't expecting him. He had traveled to the states for a while now. I hadn't even had the talk with him about Ama.I was going to be very careful not to say anything about it to him because he would start the "I told you so" agenda and I didn't want him to have that satisfaction. This who argument was to remain between me and Ama."What's got you in such a gloomy mood?" He asked me.I decided to lie and tell him that it was because of Ife my ex."Ife was here" I said to him."Oh?" He asked with his brows raised.I nodded. "Threw her out though. She does this all the time. She's starting to become a thorn in my side.""Wow you're a better man than me. Would have fucked her there and then. Look you even have a bed...""Shut up!" I cut him off."What? I'm saying what I would do." He replied back.————Femi.Kola kept annoying me for the nex
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Previously…Femi."What's got you in such a gloomy mood?" He asked me.I decided to lie and tell him that it was because of Ife my ex."Ife was here" I said to him."Oh?" He asked with his brows raised.I nodded. "Threw her out though. She does this all the time. She's starting to become a thorn in my side.""Wow you're a better man than me. Would have fucked her there and then. Look you even have a bed...""Shut up!" I cut him off."What? I'm saying what I would do." He replied back.————Femi.Kola kept annoying me for the next thirty minutes using Ife and I was over it now."Okay it's okay you've had your fun" I said and he smiled."You know, I missed this. This whole playful banter with you." Kola said.This was the perfect opportunity to bring up Ama."Well if you weren't fighting Ama every chance you got then we wouldn't be here. We'd still be bros like we used to." I said.He chuckled "Well, as you can see, Ama and I have squashed our beef. Well for the time being." He said."
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Previously…Femi.Kola kept annoying me for the next thirty minutes using Ife and I was over it now."Okay it's okay you've had your fun" I said and he smiled."You know, I missed this. This whole playful banter with you." Kola said.This was the perfect opportunity to bring up Ama."Well if you weren't fighting Ama every chance you got then we wouldn't be here. We'd still be bros like we used to." I said.He chuckled "Well, as you can see, Ama and I have squashed our beef. Well for the time being." He said."So this means you'll stop coming for her?" I asked."Yeah I mean... the last time I did that you got hurt and that's not my intention. I definitely don't want that to happen again." He explained."Have you stopped to think about the emotional trauma that you are causing Ama. You've literally been throwing jabs at her even while she's on her sick bed. Bro..." I said.I didn't know what else to say again."This feels like a gang up. Radike literally cornered me the other day. I re
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Previously…Femi.I kept pestering Kola, asking him what was up until he dropped the phone."What is it? Why did your face drop like that?" I asked.Kola sighed and pinched his nose. He looked to be in utter disbelief."It's Dad..." he said.I frowned and leaned in closer."Well, what about Dad?" I asked him. I hated the suspense."He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital." Kola said and stood up.My heart sank. "What?" I exclaimed."Yeah, I have to go now um, I'll let you know...""No im coming with you right now. Don't tell me shit" I said in annoyance. Why was he trying to make me stay and leave me out of it?"I thought you're taking care of Ama and shit." He said."Yeah but this is also important. I need to see his status before I can relax." I said."Okay it's fine. You can come with me then since you're not in critical condition anymore." He said.I thanked him and wore more appropriate clothes before going out with him. I quickly texted Ama, telling her where I was headed.
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Previously…Ama.It had been a few hours that Femi had left. I had gotten a text from him saying he was leaving for a family emergency.I was still holed up in my room thinking about our fight and how to resolve it. I just didn't get it. I wanted to make peace with Chike and hash everything out. I almost died now, I didn't need anybody to hate me. This life was just single and if we die we are gone for good. I needed to mend relationships. This experience had taught me that.So I took out my phone and called Chike to come back. I knew he would.———-Ama.I waited for a while. While I was waiting for my ex who my new boyfriend despised, I was also hyperventilating that Femi would eventually come into this room right now. I didn't want Femi to see him here.I called my brother and told him to stand guard at the door for when ever he comes and so that he knows that he can't try anything stupid.A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.Well, here goes nothing.————Ama."Come in
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Previously…Ama.It had been a few hours that Femi had left. I had gotten a text from him saying he was leaving for a family emergency.I was still holed up in my room thinking about our fight and how to resolve it. I just didn't get it. I wanted to make peace with Chike and hash everything out. I almost died now, I didn't need anybody to hate me. This life was just single and if we die we are gone for good. I needed to mend relationships. This experience had taught me that.So I took out my phone and called Chike to come back. I knew he would.———-Ama.I waited for a while. While I was waiting for my ex who my new boyfriend despised, I was also hyperventilating that Femi would eventually come into this room right now. I didn't want Femi to see him here.I called my brother and told him to stand guard at the door for when ever he comes and so that he knows that he can't try anything stupid.A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.Well, here goes nothing.————Ama."Come in
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Previously…Previously…Ama.It had been a few hours that Femi had left. I had gotten a text from him saying he was leaving for a family emergency.I was still holed up in my room thinking about our fight and how to resolve it. I just didn't get it. I wanted to make peace with Chike and hash everything out. I almost died now, I didn't need anybody to hate me. This life was just single and if we die we are gone for good. I needed to mend relationships. This experience had taught me that.So I took out my phone and called Chike to come back. I knew he would.———-Ama.I waited for a while. While I was waiting for my ex who my new boyfriend despised, I was also hyperventilating that Femi would eventually come into this room right now. I didn't want Femi to see him here.I called my brother and told him to stand guard at the door for when ever he comes and so that he knows that he can't try anything stupid.A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.Well, here goes nothing.————A
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