All Chapters of The Yoruba Demons: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
300 Chapters
Previously…Ama.I waited for a while. While I was waiting for my ex who my new boyfriend despised, I was also hyperventilating that Femi would eventually come into this room right now. I didn't want Femi to see him here.I called my brother and told him to stand guard at the door for when ever he comes and so that he knows that he can't try anything stupid.A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.Well, here goes nothing.————Ama."Come in..." I said and waited for whoever it was.Chike. He had told me to give him five minutes but apparently he was still around the corner."Hi, I'm surprised you called me to come back" he said smiling sweetly at me.I was lucky I wasn't in love with him anymore. I didn't even have any feelings what so ever. Because if I did I would be feeling weird."You can sit Chike" I said and he sat down.I just now noticed that Chike was holding flowers in his hand when her came in."These are for you." He said."Um thanks." I said and took them. I dr
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Femi.It was hard to even fathom what was happening in my head. I didn’t know what to face. I didn’t know what to believe. I still couldn’t put my finger on the reason why Ama did this to me. There had to be a reason.Then there was Matthew. He was an accomplice because thinking back to the things he did when he saw me today, he most definitely knew about what Ama was doing. He was trying to stall maybe until Chike got out of the room.I was trying to think logically here. But what if, just what if Chike was lying? But then again I vividly saw Ama smiling when he was trying to leave so she must have enjoyed his company? Laying in my hospital bed thinking about this for over an hour gave me a migraine.I was troubled. Deeply so. Tunde opened the door to my room and walked in. I knew he would come. He had been calling and texting but I paid him no mind.“Hey bro.” He said. I noticed he was carrying something in his hand. I wondered what it was.“What’s that?” I asked him out of curiosit
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Ama.I sent Femi off after our little discussion. I was actually very glad that he was being very understanding to the situation. It was never my intention to spite him. I would admit that I was trying to hurry up so that Femi wouldn’t meet Chike in my room. But that worked out great I guessed. I knew that Femi was upset when I woke up and did not see Femi beside me. That was when I started crying. I knew Femi would have been here if everything was fine.I laid alone until someone opened the door. It was Radike.“Hey are you okay?” She asked with a sober look on her face when she came in.“Yeah…” I breathed out.“Where’s your boyfriend?” She asked.“I told him to go see his family. It’s actually necessary that he do that” I said.She nodded “yeah, Kola told me what happened.” She said absent mindedly.“Wait first… Kola? When did you start speaking to him again?” I asked her. This was a surprise no doubt.“Well, it’s a long story.” She said while trying to hide a smile.“Oh bullshit i
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Femi.Ama chased me off and I reluctantly left her room to go and see Tunde who was quite obviously waiting for me to come back so that we could talk about the situation that our family was currently in.It was a hard one but I was ready to face it. The deed had been done and there was nothing we could do about it now. I just had to be by my family.I entered my room and saw Tunde on the phone. I waited until he was done answering."Hey man." He said and shook me before he sat in his usual chair."Yeah what's going on?" I asked gesturing to his phone."Bro, it's just office people trying to give me a headache. There's this deal we are trying to chase. It's worth billions." Tunde said.I got shocked within me. "Wait, why don't I know about this deal because I'm sure it's not one of the deals that we are currently working on. Those ones are not worth billions like you said so why am I not aware and what even is it?" I said with my voice stern and stiff. I couldn't believe that they his
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Ama.I was surprised to see Shawn here. Since Tola sent the flowers from him I hadn’t heard from him after that. I had thought he forgot that I was in the hospital.He came in and greeted Radike. He smiled when he saw me. I remembered when I had a stupid crush on him even if I knew that he was married. Now I loved Femi and all my attention was on him. Even though Shawn was still attractive, I had gone past the little crush I had on him.“Hello Amarachi.” He said walking closer to me, I grinned. I also noticed he was holding a hamper full of stuff. At this point I wouldn’t be buying provisions for months.“Hello sir…” I said and he scoffed and smiled again.“Don’t sir me. I’m not your boss anymore.” He said and stood by the chair.“Okay Mr Shawn. You can sit.” I said. I was a bit nervous because my boss had a really strong presence that was hard to shake off. You had to be on your utmost best around him.“Just Shawn” he said while sitting down. At this point, Radike had gone out again
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Femi.“So my brother… what do you think about the situation with mom and dad. Because me I don’t like it to be completely honest with you. Where is Kola self?” I asked Tunde. It was important for me to know where his head was at going into the hospital. I wanted to know if I was acting crazy or not.“Well I will tell you this man. I was heartbroken when mom told me what dad did and all. It was mind blowing more so when she said what he had been going through because of it. I know the doctor was in on it that was why he didn’t let us into his office.” Tunde said.“Of course. He’s the family doctor and also happens to be a partner to the heart foundation. It’s all clicking now.” I inputted.Tunde nodded “Yeah, as for Kola, he’s still with mom. You know how he is. Always swallowing his thoughts because he wants to be the favorite. I can’t believe he’s not even pushing back even a little. Just swallowing everything hook, line and fucking sinker. It’s annoying like they’ve been literally l
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Femi.Going into the hospital I felt nervous and paranoid. I was scared not of my family but scared that I would flip again. I calmed myself while going up to the room where my dad was kept.We knocked on the door but before we opened it to go in, Kola opened it, came out and shit the door.“Hey broskis. You’re back” he said.“Of course we are back. We want to see dad.” Tunde said.“What is this” I asked him frowning. I didn’t have a clue what was happening right now.“Hey, calm down. Dad’s awake and you will see him. I’m not restricting that. I just wanted to tell you something first.” He said in hushed tones.“Okay then get on with it.” Tunde said.“Yeah so I wanted to tell you guy that you shouldn’t say anything about them not telling us about this. At least for now. We don’t want to stress dad out do we?” Kola said.“Kola, we aren’t children now. We would have been able to read the situation. We just want to see the man bro.” Tunde said.“It’s fine, can we go in now?” I said.“Yo
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Femi.My mom’s words really didn’t make any sense but made some sense at the same time. I didn’t understand how that was even possible but I had to accept it.She said that she couldn’t leave him because of his condition at the time which was understandable. But how was she sure that what my dad did was out of character for him. Was she just going by what he told her or was she absolutely sure that he wasn’t doing that for a long time and just got caught.I knew it wasn’t my place to form a moral high ground. I was worse and so were my brothers. We could not talk too much knowing out track record. I didn’t want to over flog the issue. We all agreed not to talk about it right now and that included shutting it down immediately it arose.“Mom it’s okay. You’ll be fine. Dad will be fine.” Kola said and and squeezed her shoulder for comfort.The tears I had in my eyes had dried up. I still felt very heavy. Looking at my dad laying there was very hurtful and painful indeed.The door swung o
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Femi.Going back to the hospital after that mess had happened, I was excited to see Ama and hug her. The whole day was already a mess and I was thoroughly tired and exhausted with it. I was angry with all that had happened. I couldn’t just have peace sometimes and most times Ama gave that to me.I felt relieved when she spoke to me about my mom and dad’s situation that was eating me up inside. She also steered me in the right direction because being mad at my mother at this time was not ideal for me at all or my family. I needed to focus on the matter at hand which was my father’s health.I got back in the hospital and went straight to Ama’s room. I opened the door and saw Ama on her bed hugging someone?It was a man but I couldn’t see his face. A huge man whose body physique looked rather familiar.“Babe?” I said as she looked in my direction. It was only then that I looked at the man and saw that it was actually Shawn Ikechi, her former boss. I had heard he sent flowers to her befor
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Previously.."Is that what I think it is." Tunde said with wide eyes. I didn't thinking Tunde believed his eyes which made me chuckle."Yes" I said and opened the box to reveal the perfect ring that I had picked out for Ama."Wow, it's so beautiful. Jeez I didn't think you were serious bro." He said and took the box.I nodded "I was" I said. I had started work on the ring ever since I told Tunde that I intended proposing to Ama. I knew I was kind of rushing but who cared. Why would I wait. There was no reason to wait. I loved her so much and she loved me. She brought out the best in me and me in her. We worked so well. I couldn't even be angry at her for anything. We were almost to perfect of a match."So you're sure about this?" He asked. He was always one to think about logic before anything else."Yes I'm sure. I want this so much. I want her so much. I want her with me for the rest of our lives man. No other woman matters. I wouldn't give my kidney up to just anybody now haba." I
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