All Chapters of The Yoruba Demons: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
300 Chapters
Previously…Ama."I was not even surprised that you didn't come in the shower with me. We'd literally be here all day." He said.I laughed and stood up. "You know I could come into the shower and bathe and if you don't touch me we'd be fine.""There's no way that I won't touch you baby. Do you know how sexy you are?" He asked.I giggled. "You are really sexy too babe." I threw the compliment back.I went into the bathroom before he could start walking over to me.I brushed my teeth and showered, making sure to do my skincare before I left the bathroom as I had set everything up there. On leaving the bathroom, I saw that Femi had left but there was a big black t-shirt laid out on the bed. I immediately knew that he wanted me to wear it.I smiled and did my body care before I wore the t shirt. I literally looked like a short shirt gown on me. I smiled my ut was quite cute. I purposely didn't wear underwear. I wasn't the type that wore underwear at home anyways.Once done, I left the ro
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Previously…Ama.I was already getting pissed but I wasn’t one to be intimidated by anybody. So I was definitely not going to back down.I smiled. I wanted to make her uncomfortable. She wanted to rile me up but I was not going to give her that satisfaction of achieving that even though she was slowly succeeding.“You look really pathetic doing this. What do you stand to achieve from this. I think I know where I saw you now. You’re the girl that was throwing herself at him in his office. The ex. It’s rich of you to come here at all. Don’t you have respect for yourself. It’s like you love embarrassment if not you won’t be here.” I said.“Well… I just came here to tell you to watch the fuck out because he is going to come back to me. So better leave him” She said.“I don’t get it, you, the ex who he despises is telling me, the one with a Cartier ring in her finger to leave him. You better go get yourself a new man. This time, I’m willing to agree that you were just bored. Because this
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Previously...Femi.I opened the Twitter trend table and it was true, I was trending at number one.I opened my trend and saw all manner of tweets. Some were dragging me. Others expressed shock like the President always did.I saw tweets like "So after Femi has finished destroying women's self esteem he has decided to get married to a mulatto. Typical Nigerian men""Jesus!" I exclaimed quietly. Another one said. "Light skin privilege is a thing y'all. Femi dates a light skin girl with Indian hair and all of a sudden wants to get married?" I didn't know that Nigerians could be racist but now had proven other wise to me.I looked at Ama. There were tears in her eyes. I dropped my phone and pulled her close to me."I'm sorry baby... this is all my fault."——-Ama.I didn't know Nigerians could be racist. These people called me a mulatto. A slur that was used in North America to address mixed race people. It was offensive.All this was because Femi ended up with the kind of girl he usual
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Previously...Femi.To other people who were offended by my actions in the past. I am sorry. Truly and wholeheartedly. I would also like to request that my fiancée stop being attacked. It is not a light skin or dark skin thing. And no, she is not stupid for being with me. I cannot begin to say how many times I had to prove myself to her. Lol, I bought her designers and diamonds and she didn't give a rat's ass about those things. She finally said yes to me when I fully proved that I was for her and I wasn't playing some sick game. Please not to much on my baby.To Ama, I love you so much and I will always be by your side, no matter what. Here's to forever my love." I finished and didn't even read it back. I just sent it. I sighed and tossed my phone. The elevator bell rang. "Please whoever it is better dont come and stress me more than I already am." I looked and it was Tunde. "You saw didn't you?" I said.He sat beside me "Yeah I mean I am trending as well. I'm on the bottom but we
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Previously…Femi."No I just want to be alone." She said,She moved to go but I stopped her. "Femi, let her go." Tunde said.I put down my hands and she walked out, putting her hoodie ovAma.I needed to go out to clear my head. I had thought and thought and thought about the whole thing but nothing was making sense to me. I didn't deserve to be called all the slurs under the Sun. People were jealous because I was light skinned and got a favorable experience with Femi who apparently dated a lot of dark skinned girls before me. Maybe that was the problem. Walking down the street I thought maybe, just maybe that was the issue. Him dating and breaking the hearts of dark skinned girls did not help my case. How did the first light skin be dated get a ring?I would ask the same question too. The street was quiet. It was probably because it was Saturday morning. It was normal in an estate like this. As I walked towards the next street, I saw a car drive towards me.“I wonder who that it” I
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Femi POV.I was absolutely devastated that I was physically trembling when Ama left. I watched her walk out the door with utter anguish.I went back slowly to sit with Tunde. “Bro it’s okay.” He pacified me.“Man I don’t know” I sighed “she’s really hurt and I just want to be there for her bro.” I said.“Well bro I think you should just let her be for now. If I were her I would be feeling resentful towards you because it is basically your fault that she’s like this. They’ve called her all the slurs under the sun because they are bitter, why? You have blatantly dated and broken the hearts of dark skinned women without remorse and then you get a light skinned one and you give her a ring. You caused this but I guess that’s past. You just need to try and get over it bro. Just try. Be strong for her. The funny thing is that she is the one receiving the backlash and not you so just try to be there for her when she comes back.” Tunde said. Tunde was being very slick here. He first off told
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Previously…Femi"Man I don't know" I sighed "she's really hurt and I just want to be there for her bro." I said."Well bro I think you should just let her be for now. If I were her I would be feeling resentful towards you because it is basically your fault that she's like this. They've called her all the slurs under the sun because they are bitter, why? You have blatantly dated and broken the hearts of dark skinned women without remorse and then you get a light skinned one and you give her a ring. You caused this but I guess that's past. You just need to try and get over it bro. Just try. Be strong for her. The funny thing is that she is the one receiving the backlash and not you so just try to be there for her when she comes back." Tunde said. Tunde was being very slick here. He first off told me what I did that caused this whole thing before ever telling me what to do which was not much either."Okay... I wanted to ask about Wura haven't heard about her in a while." I said."Yeah
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Previously…Femi.“Shut up man.” I said back and he chuckled, that was how he always like to tease. It was true that I refused to change my iPhone from 11 but I wondered what the reason was so I didn’t do it, that was until I got AMA’s new gadgets then decided to change mine. Why was Tunde now trying to make a big spectacle of it?I dialed AMA’s number, completely ignoring my brother’s foolishness. It rang but she did not respond. I tried again and again but no response.“Wait, do you hear that?” Tunde said.I stopped and listened while I still tried to call Ama. It seemed like ringer. It was in fact, AMA’s ringer.I stood up and rushed into the bedroom to see that AMA’s new phone lay on the bed. She must have left it in order to rid herself of the urge to go online and see the nasty things said about her.“Oh fuck me.” I said.“What to do now?” Tunde said.“Well we have to go and find her and now. Quickly.” I said and took my car keys. We were off.———Femi.Tunde and I rushed down t
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Previously...Femi.We waited for a few seconds before Radike opened the door looking exhausted and disheveled."What?" She asked angrily."You're not even going to invite us in?" Tunde said and smirked.She rolled her eyes and sighed "come in"We went into the living room to absolutely nothing. The place was squeaky clean like she was just waking up."Is any one here?" I asked her."No. I literally just woke up. What is this interrogation ehn tori Olorun. And why did you not bring Ama?" She asked.I looked at her eyes and she kept staring into mine. It just meant one thing. Ama wasn't here."She's not here?" I asked."No. I thought she was with you. I called y'all to tell you about what was on Twitter and went back to bed." Radike said.I rubbed my eyes "Jesus Jesus Jesus" I muttered."Calm down Femi." Tunde said."What is going on? Is Ama missing?" Radike asked."Yes. We can't find her." Tunde said."Fuck!" I exclaimed.The worst had happened.————Tunde POV.Tragic circumstances ju
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Previously...Tunde."CCTV. There should be some in the estate right?" Matthew said."I was just thinking that" Femi said."Yeah we can get the plate number of the car and track it right?" Radike asked."Exactly. That's a good plan." I affirmed. It was good to see that everyone was thinking on their feet.My phone rang and it was Kola again. I just hoped he had good news for me."What you got for me man?" I asked."So the POSSAP guy said that they would check the CCTV footage. He just needs to know the street where this happened?" Kola said."Um talk to Femi. I don't know that estate we'll." I said and gave Femi the phone."Hi.." Femi said. He was in no mood to talk."Yeah yea it's fine.... Twenty two crescent just by the junction. Yes... we found her bracelet there and tire tracks so they definitely must have taken her from there." He said."Okay.. okay thank you so much man I owe you one." He said and gave me back the phone."Now we wait." I said and looked at everyone. The worry et
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