All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1672 Chapters
Chapter 131 A Gentle Trap
Zhang Qingtian was so anxious that he almost burst into tears, and his two dry hands were trembling.Chen Ting was his biological granddaughter. Now that something had happened to her, he was naturally worried.When Zhou Tian saw Zhang Qingtian like this, he could no longer ignore Chen Ting. His grandfather was ready to kneel down for him.Even though Chen Ting was not like a person, since Zhang Qingtian had pleaded with him in this way, Zhou Tian had to take care of her in any case."Grandfather, don't worry. I'll save Chen Ting."Zhou Tian quickly comforted Zhang Qingtian.Zhang Qingtian was so anxious that he couldn't catch his breath. "Hurry up, hurry up. Chen Ting was caught by the Blood Wolf Gang. If you are late, it will be terrible!"Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe's faces changed when they heard this. They only had one daughter."Little Ting has just rented a house on Qinghe Street. Let's go quickly!"Zhang Shuxiang shouted and rushed out of the room.Chen Jianghe al
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Chapter 132 The Beauty Trap
Chen Ting shouted in a shrill voice, as if someone was going to do something to her.At this moment, Zhou Tian's mind was buzzing. At this point, he also understood that Chen Ting was playing beauty trap with him!But why did she do that?Zhou Tian was really puzzled and wanted to get up from Chen Ting's body. However, Chen Ting held Zhou Tian's neck tightly and didn’t let him go."Let me go. What are you doing?"Zhou Tian shouted at Chen Ting.How could Chen Ting let go of Zhou Tian? It took her a lot of effort to hold Zhou Tian, so she wouldn't let go."Ah! Zhou Tian, you bastard, what are you doing? Calm down!"Chen Ting cried and pretended to struggle.Zhou Tian couldn't stand her. What kind of plane was she flying? What was the benefit for her to do so?He didn't have time to think about it. He pushed Chen Ting away and finally broke free.Looking at Chen Ting, who was tidying up her hair and clothes, she smiled proudly."Haha, brother-in-law, I think my figure is much
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Chapter 133 I Won't Give You Any Money
The more Chen Ting cried, the sadder she became. In the end, she choked with sobs and could not speak.Zhou Tian frowned. He didn't expect Chen Ting to be so mean to him!"What a shameless bitch with no bottom line!"Zhang Shuxiang and the others were all stunned. "Zhou Tian bullied Chen Ting? They didn’t think so. Zhou Tian was a wimp. How could he be so lecherous?"Besides, Chen Ting was very powerful. It was more or less appropriate for her to bully Zhou Tian."Xiaoting, make it clear. Why did Zhou Tian bully you?"Chen Jianghe said urgently.Chen Ting was really good at acting. At this time, she kept crying sadly.Zhang Peng came over at this time. The boy looked indignant and said to Chen Jianghe, "Uncle-in-law, I heard that the people of the Blood Wolf Gang came to harass Sister Ting, so I came to help her! I just kept away the people of the Blood Wolf Gang, and Zhou Tian came. He knocked me out when he entered the house, and then he bullied Sister Ting!"Speaking of thi
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Chapter 134 Beat Brother-in-law Up
"Yes sir!"More than a dozen members of the Blood Wolf Gang agreed in unison. They came over and twisted Chen Ting's arm, about to take her to the car.Chen Ting didn't want to do that. If she was caught by Di Shuai, what would happen next?"Help! Help me!"Chen Ting struggled desperately and shouted for help.People of the Blood Wolf Gang would not spoil her, so they lifted her up and walked to the Mercedes.Seeing that Chen Ting was about to be taken away, Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe couldn't hold on anymore.Although Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe were very afraid of the Blood Wolf Gang, in order to save their daughter, they couldn't care too much and rushed up to grab Chen Ting.As a result, more than a dozen members of the Blood Wolf Gang beat Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe!They had beaten Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Jianghe badly. How could both of them stand the beating of these people from the Blood Wolf Gang? In less than ten seconds, they were all beaten to the gr
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Chapter 135 an Upstart
Seeing that the members of the Blood Wolf Gang had left, Zhang Shuxiang and Chen Ting breathed a sigh of relief.They looked at each other and sighed because they were beaten too badly."The Blood Wolf Gang is so fucking ruthless!"Zhang Tao spat out a mouthful of blood, shook his head, and said angrily.Chen Jianghe was also very angry. He and Zhang Tao were almost beaten to a pulp.He was so embarrassed to be beaten up like this at such an age.Zhang Shuxiang's hair was in a mess, which was even more ridiculous than Chen Ting's. She was really scared now.Looking at Zhou Tian, Zhang Shuxiang knew that it was all thanks to Zhou Tian today. Otherwise, she might have been beaten up.Even so, Zhang Shuxiang didn't appreciate Zhou Tian. She just looked at Zhou Tian coldly and didn't say anything.Zhou Tian didn't expect this group of people to thank him. He had seen through these so-called relatives completely."Let's go home, Ruoxue."Zhou Tian pulled Li Ruoxue's hand and got
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Chapter 136 The Villa You Talk About Is Mine
"Woof woof woof!"The large dog bared its teeth and shouted. It had been trained and understood its master's thoughts very well.The fat woman loosened the dog's leash, and the big dog ran to Zhou Ling!"Ah!"Zhou Ling was so scared that her face turned pale. Seeing that the big dog was about to bite her, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.When Zhou Tian saw that his sister was about to be bitten, he was really angry. He kicked the dog's head!"Ow!"The dog was kicked to the ground by Zhou Tian. It was breathing rapidly and could not get up.Zhou Tian still liked dogs very much, so this kick did not kill the dog. He was just to subdue it.Otherwise, the dog's head would have been kicked to pieces."Ah! Son, son!"Seeing this, the fat woman shouted crazily, rushed to the big dog, squatted on the ground, and looked at it."Her son?"Zhou Tian was speechless. "This fat woman raised a dog as her son?""Wait and see! If anything happens to my son, I will make you pay w
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Chapter 137 Your Wife Was Taken Away
His words sentenced Liu Shan to death.Liu Shan regretted it. He never dreamed that Zhou Tian would be the owner of this villa. It was not only the owner, but also the owner of the most expensive villa!If he knew that he couldn't say those crazy words even if he was beaten to death. What the fuck!Liu Shan's face was red and his neck was thick. He regretted it so much that he wanted to hit himself to death."What's wrong? Are you really talking nonsense?"Zhou Tian's face darkened and he asked Liu Shan coldly.Liu Shan was still unwilling to do so. After all, it was too shameful."Mr. Zhou, we still have a lot of things to deal with in the future. You'd better save me some face."Liu Shan said to Zhou Tian with a livid face."Do you have any face? Are you talking to me with this attitude just now?"Zhou Tian asked in a deep voice.Seeing Zhou Tian's imposing manner, Liu Shan was completely desperate.Would the person who could buy a villa with nearly 20 million yuan be an
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Chapter 138 Such Sister
"My wife left with a man?"Zhou Tian was shocked when he heard Long Kun's words on the phone.He had already sent Li Ruoxue home. Why did she go to Star Love Restaurant again? Did she go with a man?This was just too strange. It left Zhou Tian in disbelief."Who did my wife leave with?"Zhou Tian quickly asked Long Kun."My two men are driving after her. I'm rushing over now! Mr. Zhou, you'd better go to my restaurant and figure out who took your wife away."Long Kun on the other end of the phone said."Okay."Zhou Tian hung up the phone immediately. The situation was not good. He knew Li Ruoxue too well. Usually, she didn't have any male friends. It was impossible for her to eat with another man casually, let alone go with him.As for who took Li Ruoxue away and why Li Ruoxue left with this man, only when he arrived at Star Love Restaurant couldhe figure it out.With Long Kun and his men chasing after her, Zhou Tian was relieved. It was too late for him to go after them now
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Chapter 139 All I Want to Do is to Skin Him Alive
This time, Zhou Tian was really going crazy.The only hope was that Long Kun could catch up with Di Shuai and save Li Ruoxue with his two subordinates.But now Long Kun's cell phone was turned off. Was there an accident?Otherwise, Long Kun's cell phone would not be turned off at this time!The more Zhou Tian thought about it, the more anxious he became. He thought about it and called Xiao San."Master Zhou!"After receiving the call from Zhou Tian, Xiao San seemed very excited.He was most willing to work for Zhou Tian. He knew that Zhou Tian must have something to do with him."Gather all the brothers you can contact and search for Di Shuai all over the city! Also, your boss, Long Kun, I can't get in touch with him. Find him, too."Zhou Tian said on the phone."Master Zhou, what happened?"Xiao San asked curiously."My wife has been taken away by Di Shuai. You must find her as soon as possible, understand?"Zhou Tian said loudly."Yes! I understand, Master Zhou. Don't w
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Chapter 140 Rising Rage
Di Shuai had been found?Zhou Tian was extremely excited. He really didn't expect that Long Kun's subordinates were so powerful that they could locate Di Shuai in such a short time."Let's go!"Zhou Tian waved his hand and walked out of the restaurant.Now he only wants to see Di Shuai immediately and tear this bastard into pieces.Long Kun suddenly stood up and followed Zhou Tian out.When Zhou Tian saw that Long Kun was going to follow him, Zhou Tian persuaded him, "Mr. Long, you can stay at home and recover. I'll take some people with me.""No, I want to cripple Di Shuai with my own hands!"Long Kun said firmly.Seeing that Long Kun was so determined, Zhou Tian had to stop persuading him.Given Long Kun's explosive temper, if he didn't cripple Di Shuai with his own hands, he wouldn't be able to get out of his anger.Xiao San drove at the front with his men, followed by several cars.Zhou Tian drove at the back and followed Xiao San out of the urban area and to the suburb
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