All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1672 Chapters
Chapter 151 Zhang Shuyun, You're Sick Again
When Zhou Tian saw Zhang Shuyun's high and mighty appearance, he was unhappy.Now, he really didn't want to spoil Zhang Shuyun at all.However, now that Zhang Shuyun's acquaintances were present, Zhou Tian did not say anything. He still gave Zhang Shuyun face."Oh, I see."Zhou Tian agreed and got ready to get in the car."Haha, Aunt Zhang, who is he? Is he your son? He really listens to you."At this moment, the young man smiled, pointed to Zhou Tian, and asked Zhang Shuyun.Everyone could tell that the young man's tone was full of mockery.Zhang Shuyun could naturally hear it. She glared at Zhou Tian, feeling that he was being teased wherever he went."All right, all right. Go quickly, and we will wait here."Zhang Shuyun waved at Zhou Tian impatiently, indicating for him to leave as soon as possible.In front of outsiders, Zhou Tian did not argue with Zhang Shuyun. He got in the car and went to pick up Li Ruoxue.The young man looked at the BYD car and smiled disdainfull
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Chapter 152 You're Too Good at Death
Realizing this, Zhou Tian was really angry.He also felt a little regretful that he realized it too late. Otherwise, he would not have brought his wife here."Ruoxue, let's go."Zhou Tian walked over in a few steps, took Li Ruoxue's hand, and was about to get in the car.He didn’t care whether Zhang Shuyun will lose face or not. Fuck!"Wait! What are you going to do?"Zhang Shuyun glared at Zhou Tian and grabbed Li Ruoxue's arm to prevent her from leaving."I also want to ask you what you want to do. Zhang Shuyun, are you sick again?"Zhou Tian did not show Zhang Shuyun any courtesy and asked coldly.Zhang Shuyun instantly became angry and pushed Zhou Tian. "Let go of Ruoxue! Zhou Tian, you're too outrageous. How dare you call my name outside? Do you have any manners?""That's right. She's your mother. Why did you call her by your mother's name?"Tang Zong's face darkened. He crossed his arms and stared at Zhou Tian as he snorted coldly."Who do you think you are? Is it you
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Chapter 153 You're Too Bold
When Tang Yunwen said this, he stared at Zhou Tian with his small eyes, looking very provocative.Zhou Tian was really speechless about such an ignorant fool.What was Tang Yunwen's intention? Zhou Tian knew it too well. Now this guy was just showing off."Oh? You're rich, aren't you?"Zhou Tian took out a cigarette and lit it, throwing a smoke ring at Tang Yunwen.Tang Yunwen was so choked that he coughed. He stared at Zhou Tian and said, "Hehe, what do you think? I'm running a Mercedes-Benz business car, and you're driving BYD. Do you think I'm rich compared with you?""If you're really rich, take out 10 billion yuan. Otherwise, don't say that you're rich."Zhou Tian looked at Tang Yunwen with contempt and sneered."Shit!"Tang Yunwen didn't expect Zhou Tian to say that. He was so angry that he wanted to bite Zhou Tian."A ten billion yuan? How dare this guy with the surname Zhou say that?"Tang Yunwen thought in his heart. He pursed his lips and said to Zhou Tian, "You ar
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Chapter 154 Don't Worry, I'm Here
The more Tang Zong thought about it, the more proud he became. He took Zhang Shuyun to the gate of the manor.There was a sentry pavilion at the gate of the manor, where two young men in suits and ties were guarding the gate.When they saw that it was Tang Zong, the two of them stood up and were about to greet him.Tang Zong quickly shot a glance at them, indicating for them to keep quiet."This is my membership card."Tang Zong took out a strange card from his bag and handed it to a young man."Okay, dear guest, please come in!"The young man respectfully returned the card to Tang Zong and opened the door.Tang Zong walked in with Zhang Shuyun.However, Zhang Shuyun was so envious that she realized that this manor was a very high-class place. Moreover, the gatekeeper was so respectful to Tang Zong and called him a distinguished guest, which made Zhang Shuyun even more envious of Tang Zong."Tang Zong, are you a member here?"Zhang Shuyun asked Tang Zong curiously."Haha, y
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Chapter 155 Scared Now?
Zhou Tian’s driving skill was really wonderful. .Even though he was driving a BYD, it felt like he had been driving a super sports car.In less than ten minutes, Zhou Tian arrived at the manor with Li Ruoxue.After getting out of the car, Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue arrived at the door, but were stopped by the two young men in suits."Hello, sir and lady. Please show me your VIP card."A young man looked at Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue warily and said coldly."There's no VIP card. I'm here to find Dirty Rat."Zhou Tian said calmly to the young man in the suit.The young man couldn't help but look at Zhou Tian carefully again and then contacted the people inside through the walkie-talkie."Let them in!"From the walkie-talkie came the sinister voice of Dirty Rat."You can go in now. Master Rat is on the second floor!"The young man shouted.Zhou Tian led Li Ruoxue into the hall on the first floor and went straight to the second floor.At this moment, in the small room on the second
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Chapter 156 The Shameless Battered-Body Trick
Tang Yunwen was kicked hard. He didn't expect that Dirty Rat would be so engrossed in acting and kick him so hard.Tang Yunwen felt as if his intestines were about to break. He cursed in his heart."Bastard, you just need to make a gesture. Why did you kick me to death?"However, Dirty Rat didn't realize this. Just now, Tang Zong had told him that he had to act as if it was a real thing, so that no one could see through it."What's wrong with you, brat? Do you still want to stand up for the beauty? Hahaha!"With his hands on his hips, Dirty Rat pointed at Tang Yunwen and asked.Tang Yunwen stole a glance at Li Ruoxue and found that she was frowning, looking worried about him. He felt so happy.It seemed that the beating was not in vain. Li Ruoxue was moved. What was the big deal if he was beaten a few times?"Even if I'm beaten to death by you, I won't allow you to hurt Ruoxue!"Tang Yunwen was excited again, looking like a tough man.When Li Ruoxue saw Tang Yunwen's reaction
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Chapter 157 This God Can't Be Afford to Offend
Tang Zong was stunned for a moment, and then rushed up to check Tang Yunwen's injury.He thought his son had been slapped to death, so he picked up Tang Yunwen and shouted."Yunwen! Yunwen, wake up! Don't scare me!"Tang Zong shook Tang Yunwen like crazy and kept shouting."Oh my god, I'm going to die..."Tang Yunwen said weakly and slowly opened his eyes.Blood kept flowing from his right ear, and the flesh on his face was also iron green. It was as if Tang Yunwen had turned from hell tothe earth."You're finally awake. Don't worry, Dad will definitely avenge you!"Tang Zong gritted his teeth and said viciously. Then, he turned around to look at Zhou Tian.Zhang Shuyun rushed over and gave Zhou Tian a hard push. She said angrily, "Zhou Tian, aren't you too shameless? You can't save Ruoxue, but Master Tang wants to save her. How can you beat him?"Peng!As soon as Zhang Shuyun finished shouting, she was kicked in the stomach by Zhou Tian."Ah ah ah! It hurts so much! Zhou T
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Chapter 158 I Want to Beat Her Today!
Zhang Shuyun had been scared silly by Zhou Tian's aggressiveness. The trash in her eyes had taught such a social person such as Dirty Rat a lesson that even his mother couldn't recognize him."Oh my god, does Zhou Tian still want to hit me?"Zhang Shuyun's heart was pounding. She stood there shivering, not daring to meet Zhou Tian's eyes.Zhang Shuyun was right. Zhou Tian really wanted to teach her a lesson!This mother-in-law of his was just a slut. How dare she encourage Tang Yunwen to lay his hands on Li Ruoxue!The more Zhou Tian thought about it, the angrier he became. At this time, he walked up to Zhang Shuyun."What are you going to do?"Zhang Shuyun was as nervous as a mouse seeing a cat. She shouted and ran behind Li Ruoxue."Ruoxue, stop him. He wants to hit me..."Zhang Shuyun was really scared. It was funny to hide behind Li Ruoxue.Li Ruoxue was also shocked. Was this still her strong mother in the past?In the past, Zhang Shuyun had always been strong at home.
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Chapter 159 True Love Revealed
Seeing that Zhou Tian just laughed and did not express his opinion, Li Ruoxue could not help but frown.This guy, are you willing to move out and live here?Li Ruoxue had seen through it. She knew that the conflict between Zhang Shuyun and Zhou Tian could not be reconciled. If they lived together again, they could not live in peace every day.After moving out last time, Zhang Shuyun asked Li Ruoxue to move back. Li Ruoxue's heart was soft so she came back, but the result was endless arguments.At this moment, Li Ruoxue made up her mind to move out this time and never come back."What are you laughing at? Hurry up and show off. Are you willing to move out with me?"Li Ruoxue looked at Zhou Tian and asked expectantly.Of course, Zhou Tian was willing to go to the world of two with Li Ruoxue. He gently hugged his beloved wife and said softly, "Of course I am willing. But your mother will definitely ask you to come back again. Can you resist her?"Li Ruoxue felt the warmth of Zhou
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Chapter 160 I Will Make You Understand Tonight!
At this time, Zhou Tian was also very puzzled. Seeing Zhang Shuyun so scared, Zhou Tian knew that it must be a big deal.Zhang Shuyun was panting heavily. Finally, she managed to catch her breath. She said to Li Ruoxue, "Something bad has happened. Zhoui Tian has been in trouble !""Ah?"Li Ruoxue was stunned. Seeing Zhang Shuyun's serious words, Li Ruoxue was really worried about Zhou Tian.Zhou Tian was speechless about Zhang Shuyun. He had never been afraid of anything. What's more, what big trouble would happen? Even if the sky collapsed, what could he do? He still had someone taller to bear it."Zhou Tian, why aren't you running away?"When Zhang Shuyun saw Zhou Tian's indifferent look, she suddenly became anxious and jumped to question him.It made Zhou Tian a little confused. "What the hell is going on?""Why should I run?"Zhou Tian stared at Zhang Shuyun and asked."Okay, okay, you don't want to run away! But I warn you, don't get my daughter involved if you want to
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