All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1672 Chapters
Chapter 161 I'll Take This Move
Zhou Tian was really annoyed. How could there be another Tang Xiong?In Zhou Tian's eyes, he didn't take Tang Xiong seriously at all.If he was provoked, he wouldn't mind beating Tang Xiong up."Are you here tonight to be Tang Xiong's messenger?"Zhou Tian looked at Zhang Shuyun and snorted.Now Zhang Shuyun was satisfied with Zhou Tian. Although Zhou Tian did not treat her well, she was not angry at all."Hehe, son-in-law, I'm not a messenger. Besides, I can't be an outsider! I'm here to remind you and Ruoxue. Be careful of the Tang family. They're not easy to deal with."Zhang Shuyun said warmly to Zhou Tian as if she was trying to please him.Zhou Tian really couldn't stand Zhang Shuyun's behavior. He was used to being challenged by Zhang Shuyun. She became very enthusiastic and Zhou Tian felt goosbumps fall down.Li Ruoxue was also not used to it. She knew Zhang Shuyun too well. She knew that Zhang Shuyun's attitude toward Zhou Tian had changed so much because of this pric
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Chapter 162 So Many Powerful People
This room was very spacious and bright, and the decoration inside was extremely luxurious. It could be regarded as one of the most upscale hotels in Beichuan City.As soon as Zhou Tian entered the room, he saw more than a dozen people in the room.These people were all sitting in their seats, and the banquet was very rich. There were all kinds of famous wines on the table, all of which were very expensive.At that moment, Zhou Tian saw Tang Zong and his son at a glance. The father and son sat there, staring at Zhou Tian.There were two people sitting in the middle. A man with a big back in his thirties looked very generous.Next to the big-headed man sat a charming and delicate woman, who was fashionable and attractive, which would make the man lose his soul at a glance.What surprised Zhou Tian the most was that sitting next to the man with slick hair was actually the big boss of the provincial capital, Mr. Kefo!Master Kefo and Pang Yunzhu were inseparable from each other. At
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Chapter 163 Extremely Arrogant
The whole room was dead silent, and even the sound of everyone's breathing could be heard clearly.Mr. Kefo's expression was extremely ugly. He sat there with his head lowered, not daring to make a sound.Pang Yunzhu looked at Zhou Tian with admiration. She didn't expect that Zhou Tian was so domineering and didn't take Tang Xiong seriously!"Hahaha!"Instead of getting angry, Tang Xiong laughed. After a burst of laughter, he said to Mr. Kefo, "Mr. Kefo, it's not that I don't want to give you face. You heard it. It's this guy surnamed Zhou who challenged me! Since he doesn't know the difference between life and death, I'll take action.""No, no, no, Brother Xiong, don't be angry. I'll persuade Mr. Zhou."With a look of bad luck on his face, he comforted Tang Xiong, got up, and walked to Zhou Tian."Master Zhou, maybe you still don't know what's going on with Brother Xiong. Let me tell you this, Brother Xiong is in Haojiang..."Speaking of this, Master Kefo whispered to, "Beside
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Chapter 164 Don't You Give Me Face?
This sudden scene shocked all the people present!Tang Xiong, the big boss of Haojiang, was famous throughout the mainland.Many people even heard of Tang Xiong, who was rumored to be the most vicious and vicious person!Even someone as powerful as Mr. Kefo didn't dare to offend Tang Xiong.But who would have thought that Zhou Tian would be so fierce as to directly blow Tang Xiong's head with a chair...Looking at Tang Xiong, he sat on the ground and was stunned for a few seconds. Then he covered his bleeding head and cried out in pain.If it hadn't been for the pain, Tang Xiong wouldn't have screamed in public, regardless of his identity."Brother Xiong, how are you?"Wu Wen quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe Tang Xiong's blood."Damn it, I'm going to be smashed to death..."Tang Xiong's voice trembled and he struggled to get up. After shaking a few times, he fell to the ground again.Zhou Tian's ruthless attack almost made Tang Xiong's little head shrink, which direct
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Chapter 165 You're Very Intelligent
When Tang Xiong saw that Zhou Tian was still unwilling to let him go, his heart was bleeding."What the fuck is going on? Is it not over yet? Do you really think that I'm being pinched for no reason?"Tang Xiong was so angry that his eyes turned red and he glared at Zhou Tian.Zhou Tian had not completely cooled down. How could he tolerate Tang Xiong's gaze when he saw that Tang Xiong dared to look at him like that?"What's wrong? Are you mute?"Zhou Tian looked at Tang Xiong coldly and asked.Tang Xiong was so angry that he was about to die. How could such a powerful man be abused in public? How could he stand on the road in the future?If this matter was spread to Haojiang, it would be laughed at by his peers!The more Tang Xiong thought about it, the more depressed he became. He hated Zhou Tian so much, and now his mind was full of thoughts about how to take revenge.Zhou Tian knew what the guy was thinking, and he knew that he was still unconvinced.Since he had already d
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Chapter 166 A Striking Bow Bird
Go?Zhou Tian found it funny. Could they come and go whenever they wanted."Wake up your man. I'll ask him."Zhou Tian pointed at Tang Xiong, who had fainted, and said to Wu Wen.Wu Wen was dumbfounded by Tang Xiong's words and thought, "Do Zhou Tian have to deal with Tang Xiong? If Zhou Tian continue to deal with him like this, he will really kill him."But she didn't dare to disobey him, so she had to go over and wake Tang Xiong up."It hurts so much..."When Tang Xiong opened his eyes, his first sentence was to cry out in pain.How could it not hurt? They were beaten so hard by Zhou Tian that they looked like nothing!Tang Xiong's face was blue and swollen, and his eyes were squeezed into a line. He could barely open them.Looking at Zhou Tian, Tang Xiong was completely terrified."Do you have anything to say?"Zhou Tian asked Tang Xiong gently.The more he behaved like this, the more flustered Tang Xiong became. At this moment, he felt that Zhou Tian was a devil!"I'l
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Chapter 167 I've Seen Wrongly
Seeing that Zhang Shuyun was here, Zhou Tian couldn't help feeling worried.The saying that if you really didn't want to see anyone, anyone who jumped in front of him was also convinced."Hey! Look, your brother-in-law and your sister are back!"Zhang Shuyun's eyes were still very good. She pointed in the direction where Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue came from and said to Li Ruoshi excitedly.The reason why she was so excited was that Seaview Villa was too attractive to Zhang Shuyun.Zhang Shuyun dreamed of staying in the villa, and now she was very curious about what the inside of the villa was like.Therefore, she couldn't wait to bring Li Ruoshi here. She came here early to wait for Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue.Li Ruoshi was also very curious. She also wanted to see what kind of villa it was. She also dreamed of living in such a luxurious place to enjoy for a while."My son-in-law, Ruoxue, you're finally back. Hehe, hehe."Zhang Shuyun forced a smile, but her smile was stiff.Lookin
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Chapter 168 Follow
Tang Zong was still in Beichuan City, which was beyond Zhou Tian's expectation.He had already dealt with the Tang family's father and son so badly, yet they still dared to stay in Beichuan City? The Tang family was really a cockroach that could not be killed.Zhou Tian was also puzzled. When he heard that Zhang Shuyun had walked out of the door, his face darkened and he strode out of the room."Where are you going?"Li Ruoxue also felt that something was wrong. At this time, she chased after him and asked him about the situation.Of course, she was afraid that there would be any more conflicts between Zhou Tian and Zhang Shuyun. Moreover, she also knew that Zhang Shuyun was the best at making trouble. Maybe she would get into trouble again if she went out this time."Did you hear her call just now?"Zhou Tian asked Li Ruoxue.Li Ruoxue could feel Zhou Tian's dislike for Zhang Shuyun. She sighed and said, "I heard something. Mom called her old classmate, Tang Zong.""Tang Zong
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Chapter 169 Don't Cry And Beg Me
Tang Zong was also very surprised. He wanted to take Li Ruoxue out with Zhang Shuyun. At his birthday party, he could play with Li Ruoxue at will. As long as he added something in the wine, he could make Tang Yunwen and Li Ruoxue have a good meal.The reason why Tang Xiong chose the day after tomorrow was that the killers he transferred from Haojiang to deal with Zhou Tian would arrive in Beichuan City the day after tomorrow.According to Tang Zong's expectations, he would let his son completely take down Li Ruoxue the day after tomorrow and then use both methods to cripple Zhou Tian. That was the only way to avenge and vent his anger.It had to be said that the Tang father and son were taught a lesson by Zhou Tian.But now, it was as if Zhou Tian had descended from the sky. This caused Tang Zong to be too surprised.Fortunately, he hadn't acted yet, so Tang Zong wasn't afraid."Master... Master Zhou, why are you here?"Tang Zong was stunned for a moment, and he forced a smile.
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Chapter 170 The Revenge Is So fast
Seeing that Zhou Tian's car had gone far away, Zhang Shuyun stamped her feet in anger and scolded, "Old Tang, you're right. Zhou Tian is a mad dog! Wait for me to go back and deal with him!"Tang Zong also knew that Zhang Shuyun was bragging. He thought to himself, "Zhang Shuyun, how can you clean up Zhou Tian? If you dare to do that, you can clean Zhou Tian up just now.""Haha, yes, yes. I know how powerful you are."Tang Zong chuckled.Zhang Shuyun rolled her eyes and said to Tang Zong, "All right, Old Tang. Let's call each other the day after tomorrow.""Okay, I'll call you the day after tomorrow."Tang Zong said with a smile.Zhang Shuyun was a little depressed. She stopped a taxi and left.After Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue returned home, Zhou Tian did not think about these things anymore. He knew that Li Ruoxue would definitely listen to him and would not attend any banquet with Zhang Shuyun.However, Li Ruoxue was very worried. She knew Zhang Shuyun's character very well. Sh
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