All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1672 Chapters
Chapter 141 I'm Going to Destroy the Blood Wolf Gang
The cold pistol was pointed at the back of Zhou Tian's head, which shocked him.Based on his intuition, he knew that there must be a gun behind his head. It was real.If he moved a little more, the other party might shoot him. Then he would be dead.The Mandarin of the man behind him was not very standard, and the one with a tough tongue should be a foreigner.Just as Zhou Tian was about to give Di Shuai a good beating, he didn't expect that someone would suddenly appear. Zhou Tian couldn't help but feel depressed.Long Kun and the others all looked behind Zhou Tian. They did not dare to make any more moves, because Zhou Tian had been pointed at the head with a gun. If they made another move, the other party might really kill Zhou Tian in a rage.Di Shuai looked at the people behind Zhou Tian, and a look of complacency appeared on his face.This was the trump card he had prepared for a long time, just in case."Haha, do you think you can deal with me with Long Kun's help?"Di
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Chapter 142 Get Di Qingchou Out!
Soon, they arrived at the headquarters of the Blood Wolf Gang in the suburb.As soon as Zhou Tian got out of the car, he saw the spectacular scene .All of Long Kun's men moved out. Dozens of cars had surrounded the headquarters of the Blood Wolf Gang.There were many people around, but it was not chaotic at all. The people under Long Kun were all well-trained.At that moment, Zhou Tian stood there with his hands clasped behind his back. It was the first time in his life that so many people were under his command.However, Zhou Tian was not in the mood to feel this kind of glory now. Now he only had one thought, which was to catch Di Shuai and that damn Gislason, beat them up, and avenge Long Kun's shot."Mr. Zhou, are you going to rush in now?"Xiao San came over to ask Zhou Tian."Mr. Zhou, as long as you give the order, I will immediately lead my men to kill all the members of the Blood Wolf Gang!"The Brother Cannon touched his bald head and said loudly to Zhou Tian.Zhou
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Chapter 143 Master Zhou Is Ruthless
Di Qingchou's arm is twisted. Standing in front of Zhou Tian, he is very unconvinced.Having lived for so many years, Di Qingchou's power and status in Beichuan City are second only to Long Kun's. He is also a famous figure in the underground world.Di Qingchou was so embarrassed today. He was beaten at the door of his house and his arms were twisted like this. Di Qingchou was really ashamed."Zhou Tian, how dare you treat me like this? Just you wait!"Di Qingchou gnashes his teeth at Zhou Tian and says ferociously."Hehe, I'm waiting for you. What can you do?"Zhou Tian gives a cold smile and asks Di Qingchou."Kill your whole family!"Di Qingchou glared at Zhou Tian viciously and squeezed out these four words from between his teeth.Instantly, a murderous look appeared on Zhou Tian's face.What he couldn't stand the most was to threaten his family."You're really stupid to threaten me."Zhou Tian says indifferently then gives Di Qingchou several tens slaps in the face.C
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Chapter 144 Waste My Time
"Ah! No, don't hit me. Don't hit me, Zhou Tian!"Di Qingchou shouts loudly and shrilly.It was really unexpected that this guy would be so scared before Zhou Tian even took action.Zhou Tian was shocked. Holding his shoes in his hand, he looked at Di Qingchou in front of him.He only sees Di Qingchou struggling and roaring like a pig on the verge of being killed. He is simply scared out of his wits."Don't move! If you move your arm again, I'll break it for you!"Brother Cannon and Xiao San tightly twisted Di Qingchou's arm to prevent him from moving."If you don't want to be hit, you can do it. Tell me, where are your son and that Gislason?"Zhou Tian pats Di Qingchou's face and asks him.Di Qingchou shakes his head like a rattle drum and says vigorously: "I don't know, I really don't know.""You really don't know?"Zhou Tian's tone became cold and he shook the leather shoes in his hand.Now Di Qingchou is most afraid of this thing. Except for the four front teeth, all of
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Chapter 145 Entering the Mountain
They had already driven out of the city area for more than 20 kilometers. In front of them was a large forest of deep mountains.Zhou Tian was still confused as he drove the car.Was Fu Xiaomin's house so remote? Or was Lao Liu just showing him the wrong way?"Lao Liu, are you sure you're going to Fu Xiaomin's house?"As Zhou Tian drove, he asked Lao Liu in the backseat.Lao Liu was being held captive by Xiao San. This guy was very nervous because he knew very well how ruthless Xiao San was.Seeing Zhou Tian's doubt, Lao Liu is so anxious that he is sweating. He is afraid that if Zhou Tian gets angry, he will end up worse than Di Qingchou."Master Zhou, don't worry. Even if you lend me some courage, I won't dare to lead the way."Lao Liu quickly said to Zhou Tian with certainty.Zhou Tian still found it hard to believe that there was someone living in the deep mountains in front of them. Besides, the Young Madam of the Blood Wolf Gang, Fu Xiaomin, should have a good family bac
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Chapter 146 Your Background Is Not Small
Fu Xiaomin was in a panic and fell into the hands of Zhou Tian. She did not know how to deal with her.As for what her husband, Di Shuai, had done, she knew it very well. She also knew that Zhou Tian would definitely not let Di Shuai off this time.As Di Shuai's wife, she was afraid that she would not be able to escape the disaster.Although Fu Xiaomin was very afraid, she was very arrogant at this moment."Humph, Mr. Zhou, what are you trying to do? Don't you know that it's illegal to take a gun with you?"Fu Xiaomin snorted and shouted at Zhou Tian arrogantly."Against the law?"After hearing Fu Xiaomin's words, Zhou Tian felt it was really funny."Haha, when it comes to breaking the law, your husband is the most powerful one, isn't he?"Zhou Tian smiled coldly and said to Fu Xiaomin.Fu Xiaomin bit her lip and was a little speechless.She knew exactly how many illegal things her husband had done."Tell me, what do you want?"Fu Xiaomin decided not to argue with Zhou Tia
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Chapter 147 An Opportunity Can't Be Missing
"Hide?"Hearing Zhou Tian's words, Xiao San and Brother Cannon were both stunned. They felt that it was not necessary for Zhou Tian to be so cautious."Master Zhou, it's not necessary, is it? It's just Di Shuai and Gislason. How can they rebel?"Brother Cannon didn't care and said to Zhou Tian.Xiao San also approached Zhou Tian and said to him, "Master Zhou, I think Brother Cannon is right. We have defeated Di Shuai's father. Why are you afraid of him?""If it's just Di Shuai, it'll be easy for us to deal with him. But now with the famous killers of Gislason's group, we'd better be careful."Zhou Tian said to Xiao San and Brother Cannon in a deep voice."A group of killers?"Xiao San was very surprised and looked at Zhou Tian.Zhou Tian nodded and motioned for Xiao San and Brother Cannon to do as he said.Xiao San and Brother Cannon didn't dare to say anything more. They obeyed the order given by Zhou Tian unconditionally.After taking Fu Jingzhai and Fu Xiaomin out of the
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Chapter 148 Do You Deserve to Be My Friend?
Gislason had wanted to do this a long time ago. At this moment, he and his four accomplices had loaded with bullets, and they were preparing to fire.Fu Jingzhai was so anxious that he shook his head and couldn't speak. The old guy was so anxious that he couldn't even speak.He was Gislason's accomplice. Seeing that he was going to be beaten to death by his accomplice, Fu Jingzhai was really depressed.Seeing that Di Shuai is so crazy, Zhou Tian also knows that tonight is too difficult!Just as he was about to fight to the death, a gunshot rang out!After a series of gunshots, they looked at the five of them, and the guns in their hands all fell to the ground.A miserable screech rang out in the night sky. Every single one of Gislason's wrists had been hit. The caliber of the automatic rifle bullets was extremely large, directly breaking apart the wrists of these five individuals.This sudden scene shocked all the people present. It took them a few seconds to realize what was go
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Chapter 149 Teach Chen Ting a Lesson
Zhou Tian was furious when he saw them. He wished he could give them another beating.Looking at Chen Ting's face, he found that Chen Ting was no longer as fierce as she used to be.In the past, when Chen Ting saw Zhou Tian, her small mouth could be curled to the back of her head, not to mention her arrogance and contempt.However, at this moment, Chen Ting felt extremely guilty. She just wanted to make it through this hurdle.It was the same with Zhang Peng. This guy was much more obedient. He did not dare to be angry with Zhou Tian. He was very nervous."What do you want to say?"Zhou Tian looked at Chen Ting and Zhang Peng coldly and asked them.Zhang Peng didn't dare to snort. He shrugged his head and said nothing.Chen Ting forced a smile and said to Zhou Tian, "Brother-in-law, it's been a night. Sister Ting is tired. Take me home.""Send you home?"Zhou Tian's eyebrows were knitted together. "What is Chen Ting thinking? It's good enough for me not to deal with you, but
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Chapter 150 What Are You Yelling For?
Chen Ting reacted quite quickly. When she saw the bespectacled man hitting her, she quickly lowered her head to avoid it.The bespectacled man didn't hit Chen Ting."You could not hit me, haha!"Chen Ting started provoking the man with glasses.The bespectacled man's anger was aroused. He grabbed Chen Ting's hair and did not let her head move. Then he raised his itchy hand and slapped her hard!Chen Ting couldn't bear the first blow. What happened next hurt her a lot."Ah ah ah ah, don't hit me, don't hit me, don't hit me, my teeth will fall off!"Chen Ting didn't dare to show off anymore. She kept crying and begging for mercy.After all, Chen Ting was a woman and the sister-in-law of Zhou Tian, so the man with glasses didn't hit her so hard. Otherwise, Chen Ting would have been beaten to death like Zhang Peng."Have you figured it out? Apologize to Master Zhou's wife?"The bespectacled man shouted fiercely at Chen Ting.No one could stand it. A weak woman like Chen Ting cou
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