All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1672 Chapters
Chapter 171 A Professional Killer
This sharp-tongued man was not good at pretending. Although he did not admit it, his expression had betrayed him deeply.Zhou Tian immediately understood that his guess was correct. This man with a sharp tongue was really sent by Tang Xiong.Tang Xiong, you're so cruel. How dare you hit Xiao San with a car!Thinking of this, Zhou Tian could not suppress his anger.Xiao San was his good brother, and his brother's wife was still lying in the hospital. It was uncertain whether her legs could be saved or not.And the reason why it ended up like this was that Xiao San worked for Zhou Tian, so he ended up like this.If Zhou Tian did not avenge Xiao San, he would not be able to explain himself!"You still don't want to say it, do you?"Zhou Tian lost his patience and grabbed the collar of the man.The sharp-tongued man was no longer so arrogant. When facing Zhou Tian, there was obviously a trace of panic in his eyes."No, I don't know Tang Xiong, let alone what you are talking about
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Chapter 172 I'll Accompany You
"My mother-in-law may really be attending the banquet tomorrow."Zhou Tian said as he looked at Wu Jiu."Haha, this is Young Master's family matter. I shouldn't have asked about it. But you mentioned your mother-in-law. Let me say a few words. Your mother-in-law is really despicable!"Wu Jiu said to Zhou Tian with a chuckle."I have no choice. Who let me have such a mother-in-law? Let's get down to business. Since Tang Xiong is so courting death, of course I have to help him."Zhou Tian said.Wu Jiu smiled and said to Zhou Tian, "Young Master, how are you going to deal with Tang Xiong?""I'll bring more people with me tomorrow and destroy Tang Xiong."Zhou Tian said.Wu Jiu shook his head and said to Zhou Tian, "Young Master, there is something you don't know. Tang Xiong is well prepared this time. And the killers he transferred from Haojiangh will arrive in Beichuan City tonight. They are all well-trained professional killers!""Are they that powerful?"Zhou Tian frowned an
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Chapter 173 Can You Eat People?
"Shut up. I don't want to argue with you about this."Zhou Tian said coldly."..."Zhang Shuyun really shut up. She didn't dare to confront Zhou Tian now.Li Ruoxue shook her head helplessly. She really had a headache. There was no time to rest at home. When did this end?Soon, they arrived at the hotel.There were already many cars parked outside the door. It seemed that there were many people who were attending Tang Zong's birthday party.Zhang Shuyun was so envious that she thought that it was good to have money. She saw Tang Zong's birthday and felt honored to have so many guests.Zhang Shuyun was envious of Tang Zong and wanted to curry favor with this old classmate.Zhou Tian ignored Zhang Shuyun and walked into the hotel with Li Ruoxue.Wu Jiu had been laid out in advance, so Zhou Tian was still at ease. All professional killers were like floating clouds in front of Wu Jiu.Li Ruoxue had heard clearly just now that Zhou Tian said that Tang Xiong had prepared professio
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Chapter 174 Do You Dare?
It was Zhou Tian who slapped Tang Zong. Tang Zong was really not beaten enough. He was tortured so badly by Zhou Tian. Now he had no memory and dared to shout at Zhou Tian.After being slapped, Tang Zong immediately shut up. He was stunned by Zhou Tian's powerful slap."Damn, what's going on? How dare Zhou Tian make a move?"Tang Zong stood there like a fool. He was beginning to doubt his own life.Because the six killers that Tang Xiong had transferred were all present. They were all well-trained professional killers, and all of them were holding guns.In such a situation, Zhou Tian actually dared to hit him. He really couldn't understand."Zhou Tian, are you courting death?"After staring blankly for a few seconds, Tang Zong widened his eyes and roared fiercely at Zhou Tian.Clap clap clap!Zhou Tian did not hold back and slapped Tang Zong's big face again.Plop.Tang Zong was in trouble. He was knocked dizzy by Zhou Tian and fell to the ground.All the guests present wer
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Chapter 175 Too Shameless
This scene was too shocking. These camouflage clothes were like divine weapons falling from the sky, and their momentum was chilling.Tang Xiong was completely dumbfounded. At this moment, he opened his mouth wide. Looking at the dozen people in front of Zhou Tian, he felt a deep fear in his heart.He had thought that the six professional killers transferred from Haojiang were already powerful enough. They each had a pistol. What an invincible existence!However, compared to the ten or so Special Warfare elites in front of Zhou Tian, the six professional killers brought by Tang Xiong were not enough. Compared with these dozen automatic rifles, the pistols they held were simply toy guns.Li Ruoxue was also stunned. She was really excited and shocked at the moment. She even had too many doubts. How could her husband have such treatment? It seemed that more than a dozen special forces guards were protecting him.Zhang Shuyun also opened her mouth wide in shock, unable to say a word.
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Chapter 176 Get Out and Hit the Target
Tang Yunwen was so scared that he almost peed his pants, because he knew that he was the one who Zhou Tian hated the most.Seeing Zhou Tian's question, Tang Yunwen quickly shook his head. "No, no, no, Mr. Zhou, please don't misunderstand. I didn't mean that...""Then what do you mean?"Zhou Tian asked Tang Yunwen coldly."I don't think of your wife. I don't have the guts."Tang Yunwen said to Zhou Tian in a pleading tone, regardless of his dignity."Really? Two days ago, you asked me how much money I could give my wife to you."Zhou Tian raised his eyebrows and stared at Tang Yunwen.Plop.Tang Yunwen was so scared that he knelt down and shivered in front of Zhou Tian.It wasn't that Tang Yunwen didn't want to lose face, but at this moment, he was really too scared. He really didn't know what kind of methods Zhou Tian would use to treat him.Seeing that Tang Yunwen was so useless, Zhou Tian became even more furious."Tang Yunwen, do you know who I hate most in the world? It
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Chapter 177 Don't Want to Die?
As soon as Zhou Tian said this, even Wu Jiu was shocked. He couldn't help staring at Zhou Tian.Wu Jiu did not expect that the young master had changed so much. Was it still the warm-tempered Zhou Tian when he was young?It was not surprising that Wu Jiu had such an idea, because he knew more about Zhou Tian than when he was small.In fact, he did not know that in the past ten years, Zhou Tian had endured the humiliation and changed his character drastically.When Tang Zong and Tang Xiong heard Zhou Tian's words, they were scared out of their wits!"Oh my god, you want to kill us?"The Tang father and son's minds were filled with this idea, and they were scared out of their wits.Especially Tang Zong, this old guy cherished his life. His son was rich and powerful, and he also established casinos all over the country. He had earned hundreds of millions of yuan.For so many years, Tang Zong had lived a comfortable life. He didn't want to die until he had all the wealth and beauti
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Chapter 178 An Uninvited Guest
Tang Xiong was in so much pain that he was on the verge of breaking down. After hearing Wu Wen's words, he felt as if he had been injected with a shot in his heart. In an instant, he didn't feel much pain."Baby, are you serious? Do you have a way to deal with Zhou Tian?"Tang Xiong questioned Wu Wen.Wu Wen was quite proud. She curled her lips and said to Tang Xiong, "Brother Xiong, have you forgotten what my family does?"Tang Xiong nodded his head vigorously and said to Wu Wen, "Of course I didn't forget it! However, he is so coy and has the special forces to help him. Can your dad do it?"Seeing that Tang Xiong had no confidence in her, Wu Wen rolled her eyes in anger."Humph, you look down on my father? Don't forget, in terms of strength, my father is much stronger than you."Wu Wen snorted.Tang Xiong also admitted this. His future father-in-law Wu Bakui was a powerful figure.In Z Province, Wu Bakui was a legendary figure, mysterious and cold-blooded. Many people would
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Chapter 179 No One I Can't Afford to Mess with
"Well, I have some cooperation with Xinran here."Zhou Tian responded calmly.Cooperation?Hehe, what a joke. Since when did he learn to put on airs? Did he even work with Su Xinran?Fang Yu secretly laughed in his heart. He felt that Zhou Tian was quite funny. He would say anything for the sake of face."Haha, really? What's the cooperation method? It's you who helped Xinran to work, and Xinran pays you a salary."Fang Yu said with a mean smile.Su Xinran stood there without saying a word, but she was annoyed by Fang Yu.Moreover, Fang Yu thought that Zhou Tian was a worker under Su Xinran's command, which made Su Xinran even more amused."What a snob! Fang Yu, do you still view Zhou Tian as a poor man?"Su Xinran thought in her heart, but she was too lazy to explain it to Fang Yu, because Fang Yu had just said some mushy words to her, which were both soft and hard, and very provocative."It's true. Fang Yu has always been thinking about Su Xinran. He has been harassing Su
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Chapter 180 Using the Tiger Skin as a Flag
Zhou Tian really didn't expect that Fang Yu would get involved with Mr. Kefo!When he was in the middle school, Fang Yu was the tyrant in the class, and even in the whole school, he was the most powerful one.At that time, Fang Yu had been living a good life. Unexpectedly, after he entered society, he followed Mr. Kefo.Zhou Tian glanced at Fang Yu in the office. He finally understood why Fang Yu was so confident. He had been making a fuss for a long time because of Mr. Kefo.Thinking of this, Zhou Tian's impression of Mr. Kefo was even worse. Old Ke really accepted everyone under his command. He even accepted a scum like Fang Yu.Zhou Tian felt that there was a long way to go between Master Kefo and Long Kun in this respect. Although Long Kun's men were not good enough, at least Xiao San, Brother Cannon, and their men were not bad."Mr. Zhou, what do you think we should do..."Su Bolai felt that it was difficult to deal with, so he asked Zhou Tian uneasily."Uncle Su, you don'
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