All Chapters of Let Me Be Your Knight : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
428 Chapters
Chapter 151- A Cheap Orphan Girl
Seeing Rahul Randhwa's face close to her, Jenny felt disgusted, she frowned so deeply that her brows became so close that it became one black line. As his lips were about to land on her, she relaxed her frowned, and looked straight into his eyes, her brown eyes gleamed mockingly. Seeing it Rahul Randhwa felt something wrong, he halted for a moment then resumed. Although Jenny's both hands were firmly gripped by him, but her both legs were free. She raised her right leg and kicked on his forehead. The kick on his forehead caused his head to jerk backward and also force him to fall on his seat's back. His hands loosened on her. She jerked it and stood up. Rohit, Kevin, Sofia, and Sohu sighed with relief while Jackie Thampan and Kiran Arora were disappointed as well as other students. Rahul Randhwa looked at her with a smile while rubbing his forehead "Not bad, you are faster than him." He gestured toward Rohit. "Do not use this kind of cheap act
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Chapter152- Meeting With Rivals
Kumar Group...Kunal knocked and went to RK's office. He pulled a chair and sat on it. RK saw him, then resumed his work "What happened?""Arjun Rana... Wants to meet you," Kunal told him.The hand stopped hearing it, rising his head query written all over his handsome face "Why?" He uttered only a word.Kunal shrugged his shoulders "Not sure but his assistant told me that he wanted to discuss with you a new project. But he didn't tell me for why?""Is he wish to collaborate with us?" RK said and leaned back on his chair and thought.Rana Group... Why Arjun Rana wanted to collaborate with him?He had never thought of collaborating with the Rana group, but now when the proposal came from their side, he started thinking about it.He did not like this company and his family too, He hates the name Rana because he still remembers it well. That how 14 years ago his Uncle was so disturbing and restless because of this Rana Group and its owner
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Chapter 153- The Water Bottle! (1)
The two people were looking into each other's eyes. A pair of sight were cold and full of suspicious while the other pair of sight was also cold but it showing some respect towards suspicious sights.The man felt its gaze and reluctant appeared and replace the suspicious. RK could not comprehend that why was Arjun Rans looking at him with such a gaze? "Now a very big project has been announced by the government and all the companies are preparing to get it. I'm sure you are also engaged in this preparation." Arjun said solemnly. "Indeed, we are busy nowadays Mr. Rana," Kunal replied "But, you have not come here to remind us this?" He asked with a smile.The young man slightly nodded "Yes, I haven't come here for this," he looked at the man who silently sitting in front of him and secretly observing him."I have come here to say that instead of confronting each other for this project why should we become partners of each oth
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Chapter 154- A Water Bottle!!! (2)
When Kevin and Sohu came back in the classroom with the water bottle, they saw that Jenny Sofia and Rohit were back from the library.Sohu and Kevin saw that Rahul Randhwa was still sitting in their seat and Jenny, Sofia, and Rohit were standing and frowning at seeing him.Jenny and Rohit were looking at him furiously while Rahul Randhwa and his followers looked at them mockingly."Why are you sitting here Randhwa?" Rohit asked with a frown, his brows were so close.The handsome bully man, who was sitting or saying that half laying on the seats smirked and replied while looking at Sohu and Kevin who just came back with a water bottle "I'm waiting to drink water, which your friends are going to fetch for me..." Then he pretended that just now he looked at Sohu and Kevin "Hey look! They have come back!" Saying it he sat straight back.Rohit, Sofia, and Jenny turned their head and looks at their friends who were just come. The water bottle which was i
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Chapter 155- A Water Bottle!! (3)
Everything was happening in slow-motion... As Rohit was slowly raising his hand and taking the water bottle to his lips.Seeing it Kevin and Sohu's eyes went wider and wider.Jenny looked at Rahul Randhwa and his friends, then scoffed "Whatever bottle is half empty or full. The truth is Rohit won and he deserves to drink the water from the bottle which brought by Kevin and Sohu!" She provoked them.Hearing her provocation, Rahul Randhwa clenched his jaws that his sides jawline's veins popped up and started twisting.He looked at Rohit who was about to drink the water.As Rohit was about to pour the water in his mouth, three people pounced on him at the same time.Sohu pounced and grabbed him by his waist and Kevin pounced to threw the bottle far from him. As soon as Kevin raised his hand towards Rohit's mouth and wanted to remove the bottle by hitting it, at the same time Rahul Randhwa snatched the bottle from Rohit's hand and started drinki
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Chapter 156- The Burning House!!
"Jenny! Don't tell him..." Sohu grabbed her arm and whispered while sobbing. She was scared that if the bottle was tested in the laboratory, then everyone would know that she had spit in the bottle and after that, did not know what Rahul Randhwa will do to her?But looking at Kevin and Jenny, it did not seem like they had any concern about it.Jenny didn't look at her, she was still staring at Rahul Randhwa with narrowing her eyes "You heard me Randhwa... Take your bottle and get lost from here. Get this bottle wherever you want to investigate, but remember one thing, without evidence you cannot accuse my friends!" Jenny coldly said to him.Rahul Randhwa's temples throbbed, clearly on the verge of flaring up "I will definitely get the evidence, my dear. Even if take some time." Yet he suppressed his anger in with his devilish smile. Jenny scoffed and took a few steps closer to him "If you so eager to know that, then I can tell you immediately what t
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Chapter 157- Irritating Reporters
Swimming the flood of people, Sohu, Jenny, and Kevin have moved forward and they saw that the entire Tiny House was in flames and its large yard looked like of sea of fire.  The tall trees which were in the field also had flames and their flames were rising as if they were touching the sky. It was early July and without rainfall, it still so hot day and now with this fire, it turned the surrounding area like a desert that was burning in the hot summer.The fire looked so terrible that everyone feared that the fire would spread to the adjacent areas.Two or three fire brigade vehicles were standing there and the firefighters were trying to extinguish the fire with full effort. The media persons were also there and they reporting and shooting the footage.They heard one media person who was reporting near them "... Nobody knows how the fire started, but everyone is assuming that the fire was spread from inside the house. The
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Chapter 158- Kumar Mansion
When they come to know that Aadil was taking them to his house, Kevin and Jenny shook their head and declined him.Jenny looked out, through the car window "There's no need." She said faintly."We don't want to bother you," Kevin said while waving his hands. Sohu didn't say anything and remain quiet."It is evening and soon it is going to be night. Do you guys intend to spend the night on the roadside?" Aadil asked without looking at them.The three of them looked at his back with pursing their lips.After driving half an hour, the car went in the iron gate. Crossing the large garden it stopped in front of a large and magnificent mansion.Three bodyguards got down from their car and came forward and opened the door for them.Aadil got down and went in. And the trio, as they got down from the car they stunned to look at the mansion.They were looking at the mansion with their eyes and mouth opened wide. The bu
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Chapter159 - God's Punishment
After getting a call from Kunal, Raman Rai was there in a short while. He was treating Sohu's minor injury. While Sohu's injury was treated by him, Kunal's phone rang. After seeing the numbers he gestured to RK and Aadil. They replied to him by moving their heads and they left. As they went to another room, Kunal received the call and asked "Yes, Mr. Sondhi..."After listening to him for a short while, Kunal hung up the call. He looked at RK and Aadil and said "The house was set on fire at the behest of Rajeev Randhwa.""As we expected..." Aadil said looked at RK "What do you think, have they come to know about Suhana Anand's real identity?"Kunal shook and answered instead of RK "No, I don't think they know about her real identity... He had ordered to fire, but he did not want any of these three to be in danger. He set the house on fire to scare these three, but why?... There something fishy here." Kunal told them while in deep thinking.
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Chapter 160 - Arjun's Approval?
Sofia and Rohit were taking those three upstairs in their room that Kevin's phone rang. He took his phone and saw that it was a video call from his mom."Mom is calling," he told them and receive it. As he connected the video call, his mother shouted in her Kerala's local language (Malayalam) "Kevin! Dear, are you alright?!" Kevin nodded and saw that Jenny and Sohu's grandmothers were also there. They all looked very tensed and worried."How's Sohu?" An old lady had grey hair and her half head covered with a white cotton saree's palla."I'm fine Dadima (Grandmother)" Sohu faintly answered. Sohu eyes filled with tears again. Her grandmother's eyes also filled with tears "I should not have been sent you to that city. It is really a jinx city." She started sobbing. Kevin's mom came comforted her. Seeing it they all became sad.An oldy lady also asked anxious "Jenny, where's my Jenny?" "I'm here grandma and I'm also
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