All Chapters of Let Me Be Your Knight : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
428 Chapters
Chapter 161- Don't Be Picky!!
When Kevin left the living room with his friends, RK saw Kunal's expression "Did something happen to you?"A faint smiled displayed his lips, solemnly answered "Just earlier during the video call, I caught slightly sight of Dr. Maansaa Iyer's mother..." He looked at him "Her expression was full of kind and eyes full motherly love like her." Putting his head on the back of the couch, he closed his tired eyes. "I can't forget her till today."RK and Aadil solemnly looked at him, then looked at each other. In the memory of Aadil about Maansaa Iyer, it was blurred because he met her just once, so he only remembered her features.But RK... He didn't forget her either, he also remembered Maansaa Iyer very well because she left a very deep impression in his heart and mind to sacrifice herself for him and his brothers.Feelings the heavy atmosphere, Raman Rai who was still there asked Kunal "Umm, can you tell me what Kevin's grandfather told you?" He
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Chapter162- Villains Also Cherish Their Family
A car stopped in a villa's garden, it brake too sudden that tires made a long screeching sound. After a man got down from it he closed the car door with a loud bang, with a dark expression, he dashed inside the villa with his anger footsteps.The servants greeted him but he continued walked ignored them. He went upstairs and dashed into a room.Two men were sitting on the couch, holding the wine glasses one of them was looked around thirty and the other seemed in early twenty. The older man saw the man who just entered without knocking on his bedroom door. As he saw him, he smiled."Hey, Rohan come and sit, what brings you to my place at this hour?" Rajeev Randhwa delightedly said he looked at the younger one who was sitting in front of him "What is the matter today, both my younger brothers come to my house to meet me, have you both come after consulting to each other?" He jokingly said.Rohan Randhwa looked at them both and sat in fro
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Chapter 163- We'll Have Fun Late At Night
Kumar Mansion...After blowing her hair Sohu came downstairs with Sofia and Jenny for dinner. As they entered the dining room, they saw that everyone was already there, Kevin and Rohit also came before them. The dining table was quite long and wide and there were chairs for 12 people on its side, each chair was far enough away from the other chair, even if the 12 more chairs were also placed, the gap between the chair would remain a bit.When they were walked to the dining table, RK saw Sohu who was wearing a skirt which length was far more blew her knees and t-shirt, although it seems little fits but its half sleeves were still loose and was looking odd.He raised his eyebrow and thought 'I should have got some clothes ordered for her today. Sophia's clothes are not fitting her at all.'The three girls sat down on the chairs, they pulled the chair near you each other. All the people sitting around the dining table, one maid was standi
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Chapter 164- Got The New Rooms
By the time they were all eating, the room was prepared for all of them, Rohit's room was also changed with them, his room was shifted to the third floorAfter dinner, Raman Rai bid goodnight to them and left for his house. Kunal and RK went to their room while Aadil went to do prying.And the butler Lewis escorted them to their bedrooms.There was not a shortage of rooms in the Kumar Mansion. There was the study room, gym, living room, and main hall were on the main floor along with the kitchen, dining room, and only bedroom for the butler Lewis.The rest of the servants lived in the servant's quarters out of the mansionThere were six bedrooms on the second floor with the hallway and six bedrooms on the third floor. All of them were suite rooms and were incredibly spacious.The five siblings were living on the second floor. However, now three new guests, a boy, and two girls were going to living with them, so there's needed to change
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Chapter 165- Irritating But Attractive
After coming back home, as soon as Aadil went to the second floor, he looked at his sister's room.Seeing the lights still turned on through the door under it, he walked to her room. Standing in front of the door, he knocked at it.It was quite late and he knew that her sister must have slept by now, but due to new people coming into the house, he knocked once again and wanted to know whether she was asleep or not.After knocking two times he twisted the handle and opened the door himself and peeked inside the room.The beautiful and large suite room was brightening due to LED lights and artificial showpieces. The King size bed looked neat and clean, there were no wrinkles on the bedsheet.There was no one inside the room. The room was completely empty. He frowned, he closed the door back and looked up then walked upstairs on the third floor. As soon as he reached the staircase and reached the third floor, he noticed Jenny who was talkin
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Chapter 166- An Atheist
It was early in the morning the sun started illuminating the sky in golden orange.All the people in the Kumar mansion were awake and engaged in morning exercise and the servants were engaged in household chores, but there were three people, who were still sleeping.After exercising, Rohit and Sofia went for a bath while 3 people sat talking in the gym.After talking for a while, one of them who had tanned skin asked "What do you think, How did she know that she and her friend's lives are in danger?"The three of them were thinking solemnly. This matter was not easy and they all knew about it. If they knew that their life was in danger, then there could be only two reasons, firstly that they knew what a grudge Randhwa had in their hearts for Suhana Anand, and secondly that Randhawa was behind them for some other reason. But what?While they were in deep thinking, Kunal adjusted his glasses and said "I think it all happened because of Jenny's land b
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Chapter 167- The Stalker
After having breakfast, RK, Kunal, and Aadil went to the company and all the teenagers went shopping. Sohu wore the same clothes from yesterday because she had nothing there to wear. She only combed her hair and went shopping with them. When they got out of the house, they did not know that there was a Porsche Cayenne parked at some distance from the house. A young man was sitting in the car and he seemed a little tired as he hadn't slept well last night.Even in his messy hair and tiredness, the man looked handsome, he had wheaty skin with a sculptured face, chiseled chin, thin lips, and black eyes with thick eyebrows. A red ruby bead gold M-shaped earing in his left ear. The man came here last night and seating in his driving seat, he blankly looked at toward the Kumar mansion. When he fell asleep while looking at the house, he did not know anything. In the morning when the Kumar Mansion's gate opened and a car came out from there, he woke up from
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Chapter 168- Let Me Explain
Rohan Randhwa and the four of them turned their heads toward there where the voice came from. They saw that Jenny was standing there behind her friends and looked at Rohan Randhwa with her bloodshot eyes.Seeing her attitude like this Rohan Randhwa understood that she knew something about her burning house incident. He looked at Sohu and his heart shook with fear that if he would lose her at any moment.The bodyguards who were returned to their position, also heard her disdain exclaimed toward him. As they heard Randhwa's name, they all alerted. Although they were not working under Mr. Sondhi and who were not know about the enmity of their masters and Randhawa but they all knew that their master didn't like Randhwa at all.One of them took out his phone and call their head and told him about the current situation here. Jenny took a few steps and went closed to him, she slammed her hand on his table "I have never seen a shameless man like you
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Chapter 169- The Explosive News
It was July but the atmosphere seemed quite chilly, two people who were sitting in front of each other and looking into each other's eyes. Eyes of both sides giving cold stare if would freeze the world.People around them also felt the chill. The four people who were sitting a little far away from them talked in themselves."Is she going to beat him?" Sohu asked Kevin.He shook his head slightly and answered her "Don't worry! I don't think she will do.""Do you also think that Mr. Randhwa..." Rohit was about asked cometh, but Kevin gave home a light kick under the table and gestured him to keep quiet.Rohit understood and nodded, Sofia also understood. Sohu sighed "While we are sitting here waiting, why not ask for something to eat?""I don't think the conversation will last much longer, so sit quietly," Kevin told her.Sohu puffed her cheeks and looked at two people, who were still staring at each other."Speak!" a cold wo
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Chapter 170 - Meet To Another Rival (1)
The flowers which were kept in the flower vase didn't give their sweet smell, not it looked pleasure to his eyes. Surrounding people who were chatting even their noise didn't reach his ears. The skin was also didn't felt cold and hot. Was his tongue also turned numb? Would be able to taste anything if he eats something?After hearing from Jenny's unwanting words, his sense of organs didn't work, only his mind blankly thinking about that girl, whom he wished for very much.Ever since he met the girl for the first time fourteen years ago, he could not get her out of his mind, she was wandering around in his mind and slowly got into his heart.Without looking at her in those long periods he started loving her so much that he started to imagine his life and future with her, his love for her was so pure that he never even looked at other girls. After fourteen years, when he saw her again he couldn't express that what at the time he was feeling? Then suddenly
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