All Chapters of Let Me Be Your Knight : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
428 Chapters
Chapter 181- Terrifying Demand
Sorry for the late update from now on, there will be frequent updates without any interruptions and I hope you like the upcoming chapters. Please enjoy the chapter.                              ************** The presentable people were could see a pair of bloodshot black eyes that looked as if they were dyed in blood, exuding an ominous aura of the momentary silence before death.They also wanted to teach them lessons but after hearing his maniac demand, they were shocked but yet too satisfied.Arun Arora shivered by his deathly gaze and most of all, his demand was even more terrifying. He turned and looked at his precious daughter who turned pale after hearing his cold demanding words. He looked at Arjun with begging eyes, but the volcanic man didn't seem as if he turned back his word.Arjun raised his brow "Seems you having difficu
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Chapter 182- Never Ever
After Arjun's instructions, Jenny and Kevin came Out of the principal office and sat on the bench in front of it. Rohit and Sofia also came out with them.Sohu was still quiet and shocked, her head was lowered. Seeing her like this they all worried for her. Rohit took Sohu backpack and took out a mini first aid kit from it.He handed it to Sofia, She took it and started treating Kevin's wounds. He was blushing but he couldn't see her face clearly due to his scratched glasses, his vision was blurry.Jenny was also applying it to Sohu swollen cheek. Sohu was not responding, she didn't seem herself. Emerald eyes' glow seemed lost anywhere, it was not sparkling now as they sparked always. Seeing it Jenny eyes moistened "Arun Arora that bastard, his nonsense words shocked her. We have to take her to the hospital.""But it was not true, isn't it? From the words of you guys, I have known that Arjun cares very much about her and I felt the same inside the
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Chapter 183- Unwanted Guest
Kumar Mansion...The splendid mansion's iron gate opened and four vehicles entered. It stopped in front of the main entrance of the mansion. The butler Lewis came running there after seeing one of those vehicles' an unfamiliar car.First Aadil and RK got down from their car. Seeing them Butler Lewis politely greeted them and asked Aadil who was entering "Do we have guests, Sir?""Just one!" Saying it Aadil went in, his expression was swollen and grim because of this unwanted guest.Then Kunal got down and said to Jenny and Kunal, "Come on out, why are you scaring now?" After hearing they both got down from his car and Sofia and Rohit from another car. As the four people came out from the cars, who were totally looked a mess, and they were giving food stalls smells.Seeing them, Butler Lewis covered his mouth with his hand "Oh my God! What is this?! Come in, I tell the maids to make arrangements for your bath."Jenny, Rohit,
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Chapter184- Killing His Desire
As Arjun came out from the bathroom, butler Lewis was standing there. He politely bowed his head "Hello Mr. D'Souza, as master's order I have prepared a room for you. Come on with me, I escort you there, where you will take a bath there and please tell me the size of your clothes. I will prepare for you."Hearing that the butler called him by his second name he relaxed a lot, which means they agreed to go along with his favor.Thinking about it he pursed his lips then said solemnly "There's no need for the new clothes..." The butler looked at his mess and wet clothes confusedly.  "... My friend has gone to get clothes for me and I think he will be coming now."  After hearing the next phrases he nodded politely and escorted him to the guestroom.-----After a quick shower, as Arjun came out from the bathroom, Jai Kaur was there waiting for him sitting on the bed. He saw him and stood up and handed him a bag "Here are your clothes, as yo
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Chapter185- Request And Trust
It was early evening, the four men were sitting in the study room and having serious discussions. The three pairs of eyes, two were black and one was hazel kept looking at a handsome silhouette who was sitting on the couch.The youthful man was dressed simply, he donned on a maroon t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans which elongated and emphasized his long and slim legs. He looked exceptionally handsome even though he wore a serious appearance as he approached them."...This is my request to you, please don't tell them about my other identity... After a few days, I will tell them myself." Solemnly Arjun requested.RK pursed his lips and made a thin fine line, while Kunal asked directly "We like to help you, Mr. Rana... But can you explain to us about your double identity?""You have been with Sohu for 14 years and 14 years she has been knowing that you are Arjun D'Souza but almost 5 years ago you left her with your hometown, came here, and sudd
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Chapter186- Traitor's Son
After discussion, Arjun left the study room. As he left Kunal sneered "Request and trust? Hunh! His request can be accepted but not his trust... We can't trust a traitor's son!""So, Arjun D'Souza and Arjun Rana are the same person and we have been investigating for so many days that who is the one who has kept the high-rank private bodyguard for Suhana Anand and her grandmother after spending millions of rupees?... But now it is known that their biggest enemy has become their protector." Aadil solemnly said.Kunal looked at RK "He isn't trustworthy! He is a tinkling time bomb! He may have been living with Suhana Anand for 14 years but we cannot trust him for her safety as he can betray her anytime. The way his father betrayed Captain Anand!" RK and Aadil both solemnly agreed. Yes, they couldn't trust him... Rakesh Rana and Captain Anand had a very deep relationship but yet he betrayed him and his family without hesitation and even he used and dangered hi
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Chapter 187- Unwanted Line
The youthful and handsome face frowned and showed an unpleasant expression, the young man didn't like it at all when someone stopped him from entering his beloved's room. At the moment why would, he listened to him when she needed him most. He wanted to push him aside and enter but still, he tried to suppress his anger because he didn't want to disrespect this man. After all, he was a guest here in this man's house and he had helped Sohu and her friends a lot in his absence and was still doing it. Thinking about it Arjun sighed and told him "She needs me, so let me in." He solemnly requested to him."If she wakes up and needs something, then the maids will take care of her, I will tell them that they stay in her room at night. You don't need to go there, you will meet her in the morning." RK expressionlessly declined his request "There is no need for a young man to go to a young girl's room."Raising his brows, Arjun wore the same expression a
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Chapter 188- The Nightwatch
Slightly, the sobs stopped and the burial face raised and peeked at them, then she looked at the man who has caged her "I'm hungry."Hearing and seeing her, the solemn expression replaced by a gentle smiled and nodded, then looked at her friends and gave them gratitude node. Rohit exclaimed, "I go and tell uncle Orwin to bring dinner for her." Saying it he dashed out.Facing her friends, her head was still on the firm chest. Jenny smiled at her "How're you feeling now?" She came closer to her.The green emerald eyes, blink and showed a confused hint. Kevin also came closer and pinched her nose "You idiot, you don't even know how worried we are for you... We always felt irritated by your crying, but today we can not even express the relief that we have received from your crying... It's good that you back to normal." saying it his eyes became moist.Jenny put her arm around his should and comforted him "Hey, don't be emotional, she
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Chapter 189- Melting The Icy Wall
It started to dawn and the birds that woke up early were already standing on the branches searching for food. The crisp "chirp" sounds pierced through the windows, the faint sunlight spreading and illuminated the mansion.A man who was on the second floor all night seemed a bit tired with his panda eyes, the dawn felt very pleasant to him because now he did not need to stay there anymore, now he could go to his room and take some rest. Would he go back to his bedroom and took some sleep to recharge himself or he should endure a little bit more till everyone wakes up?The man who had spent his entire night kept his eye on a closed door and he was all on his ears so that he can quickly catch any wrong thing happening behind closed doors. After being awake all night, he had heard the voice coming from behind the door just once and it was not an unpleasant voice that what was he suspected and expected but a very emotional lullaby that Arjun was probably singin
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Chapter 190- RK's Follower
As Jenny came out from her room she halted as she saw Aadil. Hearing the noise of opening the door he turned to look there and as he saw her, he didn't forget to frown his nose and brows.Seeing his knitted brows and cold attitude, she wanted to avoid him, but how could she avoid him while staying in his house and eating his food, it would have been completely against etiquette. So she forced herself to cast a smiled at him and greeted him "Good Morning!" Her teeth were clenched tightly. The hazel eyes narrowed even more after seeing her forced and awkwardly smiled, he also wanted to avoid her but still, he nodded and showed courtesy because he was the one who brought her here. If he would avoid her then it would have completely against etiquette too.At the moment Kunal came out in his gym wear. "Oh! You are awake, Jenny?" Kunal smiled at her."Good morning! Did you sleep well last night?" Jenny happily greeted him and ask
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