All Chapters of Let Me Be Your Knight : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
428 Chapters
Chapter 171-Meet To Another Rival (2)
RK was in his office when he got a phone call from his security head that a Randhwa approached Sohu and her friends. As he heard it he rushed out of his office. Speeded up his car he reached the shopping mall where everyone went for the shopping, but as he got down from his car he saw that everyone there except for Sohu. After asking he came to know that Rohan Randhwa took her with him. After knowing it he became so furious at Jenny and Kevin but due to the rush to Sohu, he didn't say anything and left. He took out his phone and asked his security head to whereabouts her and drove his car there. During this period he felt his heart in his throat. He was so worried for her safety. Each of the moments felt as if it was a decade, anxious to and concern all written on his face.As he reached that restaurant where his security head told him about Sohu. He stopped his car and got down from it and rushed in.Rolling his eyes he se
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Chapter 172- A Knight Escort
"You are so bad! If my seatbelt wouldn't be buckled I would have hit on the dashboard!" Sohu shouted out of her lungs, her both hands were on her chest."I knew that your seatbelt on..." He said and looked at her solemnly "Randhawa can never be friends of anyone, they know to stab in the back of others only in the guise of friendship... So stay away from them." He said.Sohu twisted her mouth, she didn't like his words at all. She turned her head and saw a restaurant, she asked: "Why are you stop the car here?" RK got down from the car "Here to dine." He said to her "Get down and let's go."Sohu frowned and remained seated in her place. She was still angry with him. Seeing her like this, he walked to her side and opened the car door for her "I said get down! Don't you feel hungry?"Sohu pouted and turned her head to another side "I said get down!"Sohu looked at him as shouted, "I'm not going anywhere!" RK frowned "Why what happe
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Chapter 173- Shading Him
Mouth dried up, eyes on the milky fair skin while hands were touching soft smooth skin. It felt smoother than feathers.Navel's perfect round shaped attracted him toward itself. He lowered his head but his eyes and mind didn't listen to him, his lips wanted to taste it, he wanted to smooch it. If he tastes it what would it feel like his mind kept thinking it, his mind started filling with lustful thought. What kind of thought he was thinking, he must have lost his mind he wasn't in his usual self. He should have calm himself."Here take care of your skirt." after calming himself he said to her. She grabbed and clutched her skirt with one hand and sat back on her seat and started eating her tiramisu again with another hand. Seeing it RK's mouth curved upward but his mind kept remained thinking of her beautiful smooth skin and her perfect round navel. As this thought came into his mind his mouth dried up again.Sohu who was unaware
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Chapter 174 - Oldy
After knowing that her favorite color, RK instructed his butler that redecorated her bedroom in pink color.This was happening during her absence when she was in college with her friends.After their house burning incident, when they were going to college, the first encounter happened with Jackie Thampan. As they sat on their seats, he came there and approached Sohu."Suhana darling, two days ago I watched the news and come to know that what happened to you. Sadly, now you have no place to call  home." His voice was loud enough to hear by presented other students in the classroom.Hearing his voice, Kiran Arora also came there "Is it true? I didn't know about it, it's really bad chchch..." She clicked he tongue and made a pitting sound."If you beg me, I will give you a villa to you all so that you can live there. You know I have so much money and I like to do charity." She said and smirked."Thanks for your generosity but there's
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Chapter 175- Who is Obama?
In the morning at the dining table, they were having breakfast, the five people's heads were together and they were discussing Sohu's redecorated bedroom.They didn't believe that after knowing her favorite color, RK could order butler Lewis to renovate her bedroom. While they were talking and peeking at him. RK was peeking at Sohu from time to time. Didn't know why but from yesterday he wanted to see her more and more.Sohu saw him and their eyes met and she smiled at him. Seeing her smile, his heart skipped a beat.After breakfast, RK left for the office with Kunal and Aadil.The five of them were about to leave for the college that Sofia bumped a maid who was coming from the garden and her uniform was dirty with soil.After bumping her, Sofia's dress also messed up. She went to upstairs her bedroom to change the clean clothes. After a while later, she was coming back down.Sofia was descending the stairs that Kevin saw h
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Chapter 176- Thanking Gift
After knowing that, how he gave Professor Srivastava a wrong answer, and a few students were also agreed with his answer.He wanted to pull his own hair. Even if he answered Professor Srivastava with his absent-mindedness, why did other students follow his answers? And now because of him, everyone got detention. Didn't know what was Sofia thought about him at the time. As the thought came into his mind, he slightly looked at her. Unfortunately, she was also looking at him.As their eyes met, he lowered his head instantly, he felt so embarrassed that he didn't dare to face her. His wheaty skin tone turned red due to embarrassment. While he was in his remorse, Jenny hit him again. He saw her and asked, "Hey, what's now?!" He yelled."Because of you, I got detention!" Jenny shouted. Sohu and Rohit also nodded and as well as a few more students who agreed with his answer.Jackie Thampan and Kiran Arora were so angry at him that they also w
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Chapter 177- Food Fight
Everything was going well in the college along with the Kumar mansion, now nobody used to bother them in the college except their detention.They had to clean toilets and the cafeteria every day. Sofia was not got detention but she went with her friends to help them when there was no class. As usual, all the students who got punishment from Professor Srivastava, today have to clean in the cafeteria. Some were wiping the floor, some were cleaning the furniture and few were cleaning the window and doors except Kiran Arora and a few of her friends.Kiran Arora was wearing a Chanel exclusive designer white dress. Everyone complimented her. They were all chatting instead of cleaning.Sohu saw them and frowned. She said to them "You all are talking instead of cleaning, we are also here, but we are cleaning, how seamless you are?!"Kiran Arora took few steps closer to her and said "How dare you compare yourself with us! You are not worth it!"
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Chapter 178- Stray Dog
RK and Adil were in the restaurant with Arjun. They were discussing the contract.While they were discussing, Arjun's phone rang. Everyone looked at his phone they all saw that the name which was displayed on his phone screen "Rakesh Rana"Seeing the written name, RK and Aadil understood that it was Rana Group's chairman's name and who was Arjun's father too. But he saved this father's number with his name, it was quite strange.Arjun reached his hand and touched the red image and rejected the call. Then he tossed his phone toward Jai Kaur "Don't let me disturb by anyone."Jai Kaur nodded and put his phone in his suit pocket.Arjun looked at RK and said, "Then where we were?" "Thirty percent shares, I don't agree with it. If I sign in with other companies I got 50 % share." RK said coldly."You are right Mr. Kumar but you also know for this you also have to collaborate with other company. Then didn't know if you get this project or not
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Chapter 179- Why Is He Here?
When they were walking out of the parking lot, they saw that Arjun Rana's car came and stopped there. RK halted and asked Kunal "Isn't it Arjun Rana's car? What is he doing here?"Kunal's shrugged his shoulders. He also stopped with Aadil. Arjun Rana got down from his car, Jai Kaur also got down from another side of the car. Arjun walked to them, and said solemnly "Hello to you all."Kunal smiled and shook hand with him "Hello Mr. Rana, I didn't expect that we will meet you here." Arjun solemnly nodded and then walked with them toward the principal office.As they walked to the principal office, someone shouted."Arjun!!" They all halted and turned around. They saw that a beautiful girl was walking toward them. She came and said to Arjun with a blushing face "What a pleasant surprised, what are you doing here?" "Nothing important." Arjun said solemnly, then he looked at RK and said "Pleas
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Chapter 180- Her Fiance!
Arjun lowered his head and bent a bit and gently stroking Sohu's hair, which messed with curry and food chunks."Princess are you all right?" Sohu didn't reply. He became anxious, what happened to her? Why didn't she crying? This was not her character, if anything happened to her, she likes to cry all day but now she was completely messed and standing in the principal's office, and yet she didn't cry, and most of she didn't reply to him.He anxiously reached his hand and pulled her in his embrace. Then went to the principal and asked in a bone-chilling voice..."What is happening here?!" He roared.Hearing it principal started sweating "W-Who are you?" Arjun frowned "You are not qualified to know me, just answered me, why she and her friends like this?!"The principal was a little nervous yet he asked "The only guardian will allow knowing. Why I'm telling you?" Seeing his young age principal didn't take him seriously."Very
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