All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
284 Chapters
Creed gazed at the morning sky while the breeze surged tranquility inside the pores of his skin. He stood in the middle of training grounds waiting for Jia. They both had agreed to practice early morning on the eastern grounds of the base.He picked the eastern grounds for the practice because this was the most desolate part of the base. Creed remembered the time when him and Jake used to spar with each other on the same grounds.  Soon he saw her coming towards him. She wore a costly tracksuit whereas Creed had his rugged military uniform. Jia had told him she had reached a bottleneck and could not improve any further. She was also having a hard time figuring out the mistakes she was making.Jia made a light bow. Indirectly, Creed was subbing for her cur
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Birds of a feather
Inside the Military cafeteria, a group of five people was sitting at a table. It was a large table that could accommodate over 15 people, but these five had occupied the entire space.They kept laughing while also munching the bacon on their plates. However, more than eating, there was after table-banging, laughing, and spilling.All five of them were chatting with each other. They kept laughing out loud. Apparently, they were all friends.This was the morning time, so there were only a handful of cadets sitting inside the cafeteria. However, they all kept their distance from the rowdy bunch. The other Cadets inside the cafeteria just chewed their food silently, whereas these five were in the world of their own. A
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Damaged Genius
She now came to planet Zerg with high hopes. As she drove her car on the sky channels of planet Zerg, her mind drifted off towards the conversation she had with Creed on the eastern grounds."You haven't reached your bottleneck, but your battle sense is crumbling.""I haven't reached my bottleneck ... oh, thank god!""Didn't you listen to what I said? Your battle sense is crumbling!""What is a battle sense! Is it bad?"Creed sighed at her question. Her lack of knowledge wasn't surprising though. She didn't know because only experienced combatants or people with any previous fighting background knew this terminology."The battle sense is a membrane of consonance and unison that ex
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A Companion
Once again Creed teleported back inside Glitch and proceeded towards his breeding cave. The clone had already told him about the current situation of baby Inca in the morning. Baby Inca was turning into a problem now. From day one, Creed was itching to kill the dumb bird, but something inside him didn't agree. He rushed back and realized that the clone was right. The baby Inca was has now grown to his knees and the dumb bird didn't fit inside the cage anymore. Creed looked at the beast and saw the furless skin over his body is now filled with dark lustrous Black and gray fur giving the beast a majestic demeanor. Earlier it looked like a hideous bird with oversized eyeballs. However, now his head and body have finally overgrown those huge eyeballs.
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Eyes in the Dark
Jia was still practicing at his facility, trying to fix her crumbling batty sense. Creed smiled as he read her ping on his watch. He already knew this would happen. She didn't come for the morning practice for the fifth time this week. He knew that his mother was training her and there was absolutely no way she would have the leftover energy to train with him in the morning as well. In fact, Creed feared his mother's training himself. He knew that her training regimen could easily turn into torture, especially whenever she trains someone with talent.  That's another reason several talented combatants ran away from the facility. Most of them canceled their membership because they couldn't handle her dedicated training regimen. It was already good enough that Jia
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Sting Chimeras
Creed's eyes widened when he saw a disfigured reflection of a figure gazing at him from the darkest corner of the cave.  He immediately recognized that red armor, his pulse elevated, and his eyes turned red. Images of Grisha chasing him like a bloodhound floated in front of his eyes. His feet turned back and blasted in the opposite direction. He was wearing his Phantom disguise, and she was much more terrifying than any beast. "Fuck! Why is she here?" Creed calves muscles strained. Blood rushed to his veins. Each step he took blew up the ground below his feet. Adrenaline pumping inside his nerves like an engine of a speedboat. Creed didn't know how she was able to track him, but this was horrible. If she catches him
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Knowledge Is Power
Inside the military base Library, a cadet flipped through pages of a book picked from an enormous stack that sat next to him on his table.  Just like any other library, most of the people inside were busy running their eyeballs through the white pages inscribed with permutations of commercial ink in the shape of letters and symbols. With a tight grip on a pen, his palm raced through the pages of his notebook as he went along. He also kept taking the notes of essential information. Even if humanity has reached the stars and turned everything accessible with the click of a button, the fundamental knowledge accumulation etiquette with a pen and paper has yet to change. His fingers squirmed uncontrollably while keeping track of what line he was on just a second ago.
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Quick as a Cheetah
Ryan finally got up from his seat and went towards him.  "Hello, My name is Ryan Miller!" "Hey!" "Can I ask you for a…." "Sorry! But I'm in a real hurry!" Creed's reply was quick, this was the time for his archery practice. "I don't… oh, okay… Alright! Sorry for bothering you!"  Creed was rearranging the books on the shelves. However, he also noticed Ryan's slumped shoulders. He didn't know what he wanted yet, his expression bespoke that he was in some kind of pinch.  "Alright! What is it?" Creed decided to listen to him.  The moment Ryan heard him, he turned bac
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Author's Voice (Free Chapter)
Hello Readers, So I just saw some chapter comments when I revisited some of my previous chapters (One by one). Sadly, Goodnovel app doesn't notify me about any chapter comments (That does not mean you should stop putting the comments in-between, I love it when I revisit the previous chapters and find your comments, it lifts my spirit). I try to reply on every review, so please don't be mad if I don't reply on your chapter comments. This is just a minor concern of mine that I want to address. This is a free-chapter and this is also the newest feature that goodnovel added recently, so I might use it to give you some extra knowledge (Glossary, military structure, plot points, character descriptions) in the future. Since there are so many characters running around in the story now, it might get confusing to keep track of all of them just from their names. Let me know if you like this idea. Thanks much and Happy Reading
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Unconventional Prescription
Inside Rudra Arsenal Training Junction, a petite, doll-like figure glided through the green mat like a surfer on the huge tides. Her legs moved so fast they blurred in and out of existence.  She also held a knife in her hand, which she kept switching from one hand to another. Her knife handling skills could easily scare even the professionals. A woman in the black tracksuit stood in front of her. Both of her hands remained inside her pockets, as if she didn't care. The expressions on her face were unfazed.  She was a woman in her 40s, yet Jia has started to believe that she was a demon's reincarnation in the flesh. Jia kept switching the grip on the knife to confuse her vision. There was a limit to how much a person could see. She remembered some of her les
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