All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
284 Chapters
Foiled Plan
On the archery training grounds, under a night sky, a youth ran like his life depended on it. The sweat vaporized from each and every pore of his body like a sauna.Every uncovered part of his body was filled with uncountable blue and red blood patches. His chiseled calf muscles were out for display under those black training shorts. Along with black shorts, he also wore a white shirt with several dried bloodstains all over it.Uneven breath, racing heartbeat, wet eyes, and dried lips. Yet, he didn't stop moving; more like he couldn't. Several times he even had to jump, flip or even roll over the ground to avoid the barrage of arrows raining from the sky.The archery ground was undoubtedly huge. Still, his running range was limited to only 70 meters. On the illuminated rectangular area, right in front of the archery
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Paper Trail
"How could you mess up such a simple task?" "I didn't mess up anything!" "I'm sure her battle sense is crumbling," Wolf whispered calmly," In fact, she should be at her lowest right now!" "I don't know much about battle sense, but something is not right… as far as I know, she doesn't seem to have any problem so far!" Wolf rubbed his chin as if he was mulling over something. He mumbled, "... Interesting!" Chuck shot another annoyed glare at him. Wolf kept smiling at his frustration. Apparently, Wolf was still not taking this seriously. "Don't look at me like that dude... I'm on your side!" Wolf's grin stiffened, and he asked, "Di
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Inside the bhu-lok military campus, a cadet ran as fast as his legs allowed him. His somber face hinted as if the world was about to end. His pupils shook under the sockets while searching for someone, desperately.The military base was enormous. Searching for a single person was as good as searching for a needle in the haystack. Yet, he kept running towards each training ground one by one.After racing through several training areas in both northern and southern grounds. He finally reached the western training grounds. Fortunately, he found the person he was looking for.He saw him casually sitting behind the archery grounds and chatting with 3 others. The cadet jumped in front of the group, turned his head at another cadet,  "I have been l-looking for you ev
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Might makes right!
Both Creed and Chuck were standing in the middle of the ring of an indoor gymnasium. Grisha stood in between them as the referee of this 'mano-a-mano'. A mano-a-mano was nothing but the name of a simple but old military custom where two parties in a conflict were allowed to have a supervised public duel. A military higher-up with sufficient authority would oversee the duel. His job was to make sure that the battle doesn't get out of hand since weapons and Soul-Armas were allowed. Except for foul play, the combatants could fight to their heart's content. Any fighting style, weapon, or combat techniques were allowed during the battle. However, apart from that, this military custom also had a catch to it. The winner of the duel may impose a single condition on the loser
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Blind Faith?
Creed knew that the amount of hubris that guy possessed could not be suppressed with words or a simple fight. After being bullied by those four for an entire year, Creed was aware of Chuck's personality like the back of his hand. If he had just defeated him in skills, his bloated ego would not have accepted it. Chuck would have come back to make some more trouble.  He was like a scorpion bound by his habit of stinging others even when it's not in his own interests. In fact, Creed was absolutely sure that beating him and humiliating him might even backfire on Jia. He was still her mentor and could easily ruin her assignment review. The last thing Creed wanted was to waste time dealing with a petty squabble with him.
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Illusory truth
~ 'All right! So you have stopped two strikes, but the third one will rip your arms.' Grisha smirked behind her bloodred helmet, 'Too bad, it will also shatter your beautiful trident into oblivion…' With no hesitation, she raised her sword a third time and landed another deadly strike at her armored opponent. ~CLANK~ She was optimistic in her strength. Yet, her smirk turned upside down when she saw the armored man somehow withstood her third strike as well.  Grisha's mind fell into disarray. This wasn't her imagination but reality. Not only did he manage to block three brutal strikes, but his mastery with the trident helped him lessen the impact of each attack. Armored
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Turned Tables
Over the past few days, Creed has been in a good mood. After some discussion with his mother, he realized that Jia's crumbling battle-sense has become stable for the time being. She has not entirely recovered, but she is out of the red zone. Sadly, fixing a crumbling battle-sense takes time and further results will depend on how strictly she can follow the aid.  People weren't talking behind his back and Chuck had made no trouble either. Yet, the biggest reason for his elevated mood was that he has started to see some practical results from merging singularity with archery. After constantly practicing with Cheetah every night, and banging his head through several books, he was able to make some progress. Although these results were still nowhere comparable to what he had expected, they still gave Creed somet
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Ghost Arrows
She pointed at the bow-stand in the corner. "Alright! Go, pick one!" He tried to decline, "Ma'am I would rather not," Before Creed could say anything more, an arrow dug itself in between his feet. Her eyes shot a freezing glare that sent shivers up his spine. "Don't make me repeat myself, Cadet Gryffon!" He sighed heavily and brought a bow that he felt was good enough for him. Maira looked at his choice and smirked even more.  "Are you sure about that choice? This is your last chance if you wanna pick something else!" "This is just fine!" Even if Creed hadn't attended any of he
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Baggage Inspection?
Inside the military cafeteria, three girls of the same age group were having lunch. More than eating food, there was giggling and chattering.  They were sitting in the corner. Yet, their group was indeed the center of attention for several eyes inside the cafeteria. One of the girls had dark hair, elegant cheekbones, and a pointy nose. She had frizzy hair gently hanging over her shoulder. Despite having average facial features there was something captivating about her, perhaps it's simply her personality. Her name was Remy Adler. The second one has much more refined facial features. Her glittering blue eyes and rose petal lips seemed irresistible and delicate. Yet, her conversation etiquette and unrestrained giggling indicated a mixture of self-confidence and toughness. Her name was Regina Kain, she was Jake
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Peeping Toms
"Cadet Gryffon, do you mind if I borrow some of your time?" Creed swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His pulse elevated as he got up from his seat. "Yes, of course, ma'am!" He took a tone that couldn't be any more respectful. Yet, his armpits were drenched, "How can I help you?" "No! Not here!" She shook her head and moved towards the exit.  Creed had no choice but to follow her outside. His legs were jello and his brain was melting. He cursed himself for showing off too much. While this happened, Jake and Fang peered at each other; utterly clueless. They both slack-jawed, their eyes shook in their sockets as if they both had the same question for each other, 'What is happening?'.
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