All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
284 Chapters
Last Day of the Program
[~Leaping Hyena Killed~] [Gained Saturation Points 0.34]   [~Toxic Sloth Killed~] [Gained Soul Crystals +1 ] [Gained Saturation Points 0.1]   [~Scaled Cobra Killed~] [Gained Saturation Points 0.6]   [~Blood Slug Killed~] [Gained Saturation Points 0.2]   Creed's kill-count was also increasing slowly, but also gradually. For the past two days, he had started to use his own
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Not Cut Out
"Damn! He really won!""Hahaha, this punk really defeated her in close combat!""What an absurd strategy that was?""Did he planned that? Or was that just a coincidence?"Several people in the audience also had a smile on their faces including Jake, Grisha, and Fang. Creed also had a smirk. He knew that this was a bizarre strategy; he didn't hate it either. In the end, the result matters.Aria's mistake was that she did not give herself a chance to analyze the ongoing battle. Her mind was dead set on finishing the opponent by an overwhelming force, which ultimately backfired on herself.She tried to break his bow by repetitive attempts but forgot that her own weapon is not invinci
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Rule of thumb
"Match Ends, Winner - Jia Ning!""Ouch! That's gotta hurt...""What the hell was that?""Fucking hell... She destroyed him!""Didn't she just start training recently… What in god's name happened?""Jia Ning… I didn't know she was this strong!""Does that mean she is now one of the strongest 5 of our batch?""This is just great...she is beautiful, rich and strong ...could god be any more unfair!""Shit...I'm never making any lewd remarks on her…"Unaware of the whispers, Jia's gaze immediately landed on her watch that flashed
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"Match Ends, Winner - Marcus Willis!"The announcement and Marcus' win spooked several cadets in the front row. Nobody understood what happened all of a sudden. Creed and Jake both turn their heads at Fang. His face was dripping with sweat and eyes rolling in the sockets as if he had been caught red-handed.Jake mumbled, "So you taught him a berserk skill?""No, I didn't""Don't lie!""It's not a berserk skill. It's something else!"Jake and Creed both had skeptical glare. Fang sighed and opened its mouth."A look-alike divergent of Limiters. It's called the 'Domain'!"
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Miscellaneous Concept
Creed's eyes shined as he saw Alan fighting against Adam Northwood. Earlier he was dubious about Alan's persistent nagging in the library. He kept bugging him more than necessary. For that reason, Creed always gave him partially vague advice; the kind where he had to do his own research to infer any fruitful conclusion.All those advices wasn't just advice but theory were more of additional homework and practice methods.Creed thought he wasn't doing them at all. However, now he was now sure that Alan was not just bugging him needlessly. He was trying to improve and was making a genuine effort to learn. His fight with Adam was enough proof.Sadly, he also knew that Alan would lose this match. Adam's fighting caliber was way ahead of him. Yet Creed was impressed by
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Introvert's Nightmare
The matches went on, and soon enough another familiar name was announced. It was Ryan Miller's turn. On the other side was a cadet named Carl Fritz.Creed looked at Ryan's face and realized that he couldn't be any more nervous. The amount of sweat dripping from his forehead was enough proof. Nevertheless, if looked from Ryan' perspective, his nervousness was reasonable. After watching his batch mates' energetic battles, he was already demoralized by this point. So far, Ryan has only killed weak and mindless beasts before but he had never hurt an actual person.Also, Creed never did any one-on-one with him while his batch mates had already isolated him for being weak. He never got the chance to engage in battle with a real person before, much less hurt them.&n
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Archers' Worst Nightmare
The trio was also observing the match. All three of them were just sitting expressionless. Jake's face told him that he was uninterested, whereas Fang's expressions were that of pity. "Jeez! What's up with him?" Fang spoke. "He is too stiff…" "Something is holding him back..." Jake replied, "His nervousness is getting to his head!" 'Hmm… he needs to chill out...' Fang added. 'The nervousness will only make him more miserable!' Jake and Fang turned towards Creed at his lack of response. He was closely watching the match, but he said nothing. However, soon something unexpected happened. A vicious grin appeared on Creed's face that made both of them freak out. They both flinched, as if they saw a ghost sitting on his should
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Birth of Prodigies
"Match ends by forfeit: Winner - Ryan Miller"Inside the spectating area, Creed was silently grinning in his seat as he heard the announcement. Jake and Fang were both horrified, not by the match, but by his creepy grin."Jesus Christ!" Jake blurted out loud," That dude went from 0 to 100 real quick!""Brother Creed! what did you do?" Fang asked. "Did you hypnotize him or something?""… this shit escalated way too quickly!"Creed just turned to them and replied, "Nothing, I just gave him a final push!"For others, it might be true, but this match failed to surprise Creed. He had been constantly torturing Ryan, just for this very moment.
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Author's Note
Hey lovely readers, I don't know why, but "Apaurushya" rarely gets the chance to come on the recommended books list or application home pages. Maybe because of its relatively weird/unconventional title, or maybe I just need to work harder with the story even more. Nevertheless, I am hopeful that the book has potential. More so, now there is a voting option available and I won't mind if you give it some gems once in a while XD. Voting increases the ranking of the book. Also shoutout to Baibhav Bansal and Aman Gautam for the votes. Thanks guys. Thanks much and happy reading  
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Assassin Vs Assassin
The focus of the crowd shifted back to the arena when he saw Jia and Ryan facing each other.  "Are you sure you are not nervous now?". "Stop making fun of me!" Ryan barked with an evident annoyance. "I'm not! That was a genuine question! " "I can manage it, somehow..." "That is wonderful! Please don't hold back because this time I'm not going to…" ~BZZZZTTT~ The sharp sound of the buzzer struck like lightning. Two streaks of flash grazed the irises of the onlookers, with bursts of crumbling sparks fluttering the arena like fairy dust. The daggers collided at a pace that jolted
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