All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
284 Chapters
The assessment ended, leaving a never-fading bittersweet taste in Ryan's mouth. He won, but that did not feel like a real win because of Jia's forfeit the match.In the end, he got a Soul Armas from Grisha and hopefully good grades from the instructors.The day came to an end, making a lingering sensation of desolation among several of them. The mentors were required to fill some final paperwork before getting their payments.Creed had already submitted all of them and was now inside an Archery storage shed surrounded by the arrows he loved so much. He was cleaning up the mess he had made with an Archery Kit under Jia's name. This was the last item on his checklist before leaving the bhu-lok military campus.He was sitt
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Creed did not go inside the glitch for an entire week, more like he couldn't.  The day Hannah was discharged, Creed sneaked out to the Glitch the next morning because of the mentorship program. Just as expected, she was furious about it. This time, however, when she found out he was home, she did not let him go. Whether it was fake fever, help in homework, shopping for her imaginary friend Lily, or even death threats, she used every excuse in her arsenal to prevent him from leaving. Furthermore, she even forced him to cook every single meal for the entire week. Creed's cooking skills were pretty good, and now she could now eat homemade meals. She had no intention of letting him go this easy. In fact, Creed had to promise that he would stay for one entire week. H
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Image Training
"I am 17 years old, for fuck's sake…" Dignity was on the line this time. He didn't even sniff too hard, and yet a deep lingering odor of ammonia invaded his nostrils, "this should not be happening! Fucking hate this!" The reason for this failed attempt of control over his own bladder had a very precise reason attached to it.   Out of several ways to train oneself, one of the most advanced and most complex ways was called 'Image Training'.  The soul and heart of 'Image Training' laid within the complex imagination and fabric of induced phantasm. It was a complex method because the training, in all essence, happened inside one's mind. The person goes into an induced focused state of hyperconsciousness and runs scenarios of battle while also reconstructin
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Soon, he changed into some comfortable clothes. However, this time he saw his watch blinking deep blues. A sentence hovered above the watch that said : [Phoenix War Queen has sent you a message]His eyebrows immediately jumped at the sudden mechanical alert. Though he was a bit dizzy right now, the notification filled his stomach with a nest of butterflies.He immediately snapped his fingers to expand the text message. His eyes fidgeted in their sockets as he read her message.[Hello Mr. Damaged, Long time no see. Been so busy that I almost forgot about the remaining rounds. Let me know if you are available today. I might be able to sneak some time out of my schedule.]Creed read it and immediately cheered up. Although
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Let Loose
The jarring intensity of the murderous intent sent shivers down her spine. The elusive madness that oozed out of him made every previous wound on her body throb like a pulse.An aura denser than the incarnation of corruption seeped out of his body and swallowed everything that came under its grip. The moment it touched her, War Queen's sense started tingling supersonic. Chills ran up across her hourglass waist all the way to her neck as she bathed in the aura. This was different from killing intent. It seemed denser, almost like magnified instincts.The  A-rank technique was no joke. Creed understood what the War Queen said was the truth. The time constraints to learn the technique was unrealistic. However, he wasn't going to let this matter settle this way.H
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Cheap Replica
"Check and mate!"Creed jumped up in the air to dodge at the last moment with his saber.A vindictive grin plastered on her face. Altogether, the strike changed direction and bolted straight at his gut. War Queen's heart fluttered into paradise as she could finally see the opening.The blade was just a couple of centimeters away. However, a faint voice bubbled up in her ears. His body was still in the air, but his calm and dull voice invaded her ears like a sharp shriek."Now I understand why your family calls it 'Hollow Strikes'...."The moment she heard his faint voice, the blood in her veins went cold. Her smile sewed shut as she tried to understand what he meant. The beads of sweat grew bigger on her forehead, as if she s
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His breath was uneven and congested. His hair was wet, lips dry and eyes succumbing to tiredness.He opened his eyes with dreadful nausea and a buzzing headache. Mental exhaustion was apparent on his body. His feeble hands and feet were trembling from the backlash, one of the common side effects of excessive, unrestrained killing intent.Killing intent was a double-edged sword. The dominance of psyche he gained with killing intent might make his opponent feel caged. However, the same rhythm would rattle himself as well. That's why he never appreciated people directing their killing intent at him needlessly. His perception was too much of a pain in the ass. The denser the killing intent, the ruthless the repercussions would be.Besides, too much killing intent can a
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Bhu-lok public shelter; Inside a lavish restaurant sat a pale-skinned youth dressed in a formal suit, presentable enough.Although this was a restaurant, by the looks of people sitting, drinking, and chattering in clusters, it seemed more like a lavish tavern. Immaculate tableware, hygienic environment, utility bots serving the customers with their orders, It was far from the image of a traditional chaotic tavern.He noticed that, if not all, most of the customers inside were seniors and adults. Out of all the people present inside, he was the youngest. Although there was no written sign, this restaurant was a gathering place for adult hunters.This was again reaffirmed by the fact when the waiter, who came to ask for his order, lightly frowned at his choice of soft beverage and not the hard one.
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Creed immediately felt his knees were powerless. Maira had asked him to give them some privacy, but he couldn't get up from his seat. A hand was on his shoulder that didn't let him budge even an inch."Stop intimidating him," She shot a glare at the one who stood next to Creed, "Master has already agreed about this."The man with the broadsword interrupted."If he gets intimidated by this, then there is no point… I don't know how you got, master, to agree to this facade, but I don't like this decision! A chain is as strong as its weakest Link.""Yeah! Stop sabotaging the party, Maira!" The second guy, who had held Creed, interrupted. "This is a terrible decision for us as well as for him!""I am not sabotaging the Part
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Poison Woman
Creed couldn't directly peek at her because she was standing behind him. All he could do was take a quick peek at her and pull his gaze away. His perception told him that even if she was not directly looking at him, he was still under her peripheral gaze.Creed immediately hypothesized a simulation where he made a sudden hostile move. He realized that he wouldn't survive even half of those hypothetical scenarios. 'She is good!' Even though she looked petite and thin, he could sense a coldness oozing out of her. For some reason, Creed felt a sense of threat bursting out of her rhythm.He also understood that, although it wasn't at his level, her perception was still decent enough. This fact confused him even
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