All Chapters of Apaurushya: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
284 Chapters
They were moving smoothly until Creed's eyes landed on a random tree.The size of this tree was similar to any other tree, and there was absolutely nothing spectacular about it. Yet Creed immediately halted. Agenor and others were about to pass it, but he held Colt's shoulder to stop him as well. Agenor and Nakiya too gazed at him with suspicion, none of them said a word.Colt turned his head and saw Creed's lips kissing his index finger. His breath was erratic, and his eyes were wide open. This time, others looked at him with a deep frown as well. Creed's expressions were enough to suggest that he found something.He extended his arm and pointed towards a specific part of the tree trunk. He stepped forward and touched the surface. Soon his hand caressed the surface to confirm his own suspicion.
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Signs of heatstroke were visible from her vegetative and unresponsive behavior. Surprisingly, Creed saw a sudden change in Chakra control, hinting that her chakra reserves were filling up. This made her extremely curious about the contents of the mysterious bottle. "Is she going to be okay?" Creed, after seeing her state, asked, "What is that, Big sister?!" "A stimulant… it won't heal her, but will temporarily revitalize her body!" A few seconds later, the coughing stopped, and they were finally able to get a good look on her exhausted face.  They saw her eyes sunken deep inside their sockets. Blood-stained face, and hair falling off from the scalp.  Both her lips cracked and bloody and the insides of her mouth have been sucked dry of every bit of moisture.
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"Both of you get moving now!" Said Agenor lifelessly. "Alright!" Colt nodded and replied with no hesitation, "I go for the legs and you can go for the arm...the kid can aim for the eyes!" "No… I am not telling you to fight.... I'm saying you and the kid also need to escape!" Colt frowned as he locked eyes with Agenor. He had trouble understanding what Agenor said. Colt thought he heard it wrong, but his dreary tone suggested the opposite. "Cut the crap, Agenor! No way I'm going with this plan… " "All four of you need to get out of here… that is the best course of action right now!" "You can't be serious!" Colt revolted at his decision for the first time. "That's a triggered
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However, just when they were about to cross another tree. Creed saw something that almost made him piss his pants.  The same beast they thought had left behind has now magically appeared 100 meters ahead of them. However, this time, the creature was standing behind a tree, peeking directly at them from a distance with eyes wide open. "... Fuck… there is another one!" Creed's stomach rumbled with anxiety as he saw the creature peek at the entire group with the lunatic's smile. Nakiya and others stopped as they saw the pupils under sockets glaring straight at them.  The beast appeared in front of them like a subtle nightmare. Nakiya trembled like a leaf when she realized that the beast had appeared right in front of her second, in the blink of an eye. The nex
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A thread of light bounced from his iris, creating a rumination of the glistening flicker. Colt saw the reflection from his eyes that made him turn his head in the opposite direction. A shock wave surged through his bones when he saw three more elongated shadows standing at a distance of 100 meters.  All three of these tall shadows looked at them from a distance with a smile so creepy that it made them all want to run as far away as possible.  They were staring at them like those grinning clowns from the other side of the metallic bars, except for this time, there were neither clowns nor metallic bars. Colt felt his soul seeping out of his body. His blood froze when he looked at them. "R...RUN… split up!"
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Who did?
Another attack came at his back. This one seemed deadly since it was about to claw out his spine.  However, another shadow manifested in the air just above her head in a flash.She thought it was another Malaka until a voice invaded her ears."Got your echo, kid… heads up!""Go for the eyes..." Creed mumbled without turning back. Creed ducked, but did not stop running. On the other, Artemis caught a glimpse of a shadow of a man with a frightening speed. She realized that she hadn't seen before. He clutched two daggers in both of his palms and glided towards the one of the chasing Malaka.Just before Malaka's claws could reach Creed's back, she saw that this man lopped the beast's arm from elbow to arm in jus
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"I had already lost all hope by then… I never expected for help to arrive… the tree wasn't a hideout, but a grave that I prepared for myself. Trust me, I never wrote '20 Southwest'...." A silence enveloped the area except for their footsteps of the beast. Creed felt his brain ripped apart in a million pieces. Although Malaka was still chasing after him, the mental shock from her words made him stumble on the ground. His throat dried up, and his eyes turned bloodshot.  He mumbled, "Then who did?" Creed felt someone had ripped his brain apart just from the speaking few words. Artemis' description rattled the deepest corner of his mind. His nightmares seemed to be merging with reality.  All of a sudden, the chasing Malaka became the least of his concern right
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1 vs 6
Artemis' grip over his shoulder loosened just from the shock. Malaka's head flew 40 meters away, just like her self-confidence.  A High-tier beast from which she had been running away from for several hours was killed in a single strike.    [~Cursed-Malaka Killed~] [Gained Saturation Points +7] [Gained Soul Crystal+3] [Gained Fire-based Affinity]   'One down… five left...'  Creed didn't even have the time to process the gains right now. He rushed straight, while the two closest Malakas jumped at him from both sides. Creed ran like hell Howeve
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Anaerobic Backlash
The Malaka halted, flabbergasted. He could not find them anywhere. Just when the beast was about to turn around, he felt a domineering impact of blunt force at the back of his head. The beast didn't even get the time to react to the warm numbness until his head exploded into a million pieces and hit the tree trunk. Creed, with Artemis on his back, landed on his feet, clutching his Mayhem saber, drenched with blood and gore. A smug grin appeared on his fact, he mumbled, "Stupid fucker thought only he could get under people's bind spots..." Artemis' consciousness dissolved into insanity when she gazed at 6 dead Malakas. Every pore on her skin widened from the shock and confusion precipitation on her forehead. The speed and efficiency with which Creed killed them was almost supersonic. 
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Creed sighed heavily and pulled out a dark rubber ball from one pocket of his cargo pants and tossed it on the ground. "Please do not activate your chakra… I will be back in 15 minutes… "She saw the rubber ball and grabbed it. "Thank you!""That will be $1500..." Creed replied without hesitation and vanished from her sight.Artemis couldn't say anything in return and just nodded. Nobody had to remind her that hunters don't do charity. Besides, Creed wasn't asking too much, but the fair price of the portable gummy suits.There were several situations where hunters' clothes got torn or damaged during the battle. This was an extremely practical occurrence.&
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